The Lovingkindness of God

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In the past few months, I have had the opportunity to have personal discipleship times with a number of people that I work with here in Oxford and in the States. Many carry a legacy of anger, passivity, scars, and loneliness from their childhood. It breaks my heart to hear their stories, as they are precious women and I would have loved to have given them the deliberate love, compassion, and sympathy of God that they could have as their memory.  

God wants us to learn what He is like, and what are the attitudes of His heart for us. On the Mondays ahead, I will be podcasting about scripture that teaches us about His amazing attributes that we can ponder, understand, and then model to those around us so that they might better understand and know God from the ways we exhibit His reality through our lives. I hope this will encourage you. 

Today, we talk of the lovingkindness of God—the term comes from Chesed, the Hebrew term which meant to give oneself fully, generously, with love and compassion. Imagine if we lived out the lovingkindness of God through our lives every day, how encouraged those around us would be. I like to imagine how wonderful it would be for me if those around me initiated God's true kind love and compassion to me every day. I think it would fill my soul. Let me know what you think. 


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