Building An Immovable Foundation

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"The word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

Hebrews 4:12

When Sarah was giving a talk several years ago, she remembered waking up early in the mornings to find me sitting in my favorite chair in the living room reading my Bible.

"I knew her diligence and devotion shaped her life. I learned I could learn and hear from God in my own life, I saw personal integrity in reality.”

The habit of coming to God every day, seeking Him, to listen and ponder His ways and engage in His truth is the most profound action that will shape your life.

I hardly need to say I was not perfect. Stressful, crisis seasons kept me from this habit at times. Reading God's word and praying was essential to my ability to continue taking one more step in the direction of my own ideals—the fuel for my strength when life was exhausting.

If I am serious about God, I must be serious about investing in Him. Others need the truth He teaches me.

More voices and messages invade the sound waves of our brains today than ever. Living in a melting pot of cultures, where all religions, values, and morals drift together and are said to be equal; where all varieties of moral behavior are validated and find acceptance; where television, film, and the internet smudge the clear borders of truth every day, means the call to teach children has never been more profoundly necessary.

They must know the voice of the true, loving, living God; not just platitudes of moral rules. Only real wisdom and scripture will do.

We build the true foundational belief system, understanding of truth God's nature and ways, in our children's minds, one day at a time, one brick at a time. For our children to have a strong standard of truth speaking to their invisible thoughts, their minds must be filled with thousands of teachings of scripture so their brains will have a "go-to" place when they are making decisions about their lives. Essential strong foundations. In Oxford, reminded me that ancient buildings on great foundations last for generations. Without a foundation, our lives will crumble.


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