Tea Time Tuesday: Preparation for Fun and Adventure

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Tea Time Tuesday: Adventures of Sally and Family

Preparation: the action or process of making something ready for use or service or of getting ready for some occasion, test, or duty.

One of the legacy traditions of us Clarksons for many years is hiking on the tall mountain top at Mueller State Park in view of Pike’s Peak. Of course we wanted to share the tradition with my 3 grandchildren. What an adventure to find their own size of walking stick and to collect pine cones and to look for evidence of bears!

A stop at a favorite coffee shop just before entering the mountainous climb is accompanied by Rich Mullins songs and cappuccinos. What fun it was to find walking sticks, to build a lean-to fort, to snack heartily at picnic tables, and to breathe in mountain air and glorious vistas, looking for wild animals along the way.

Occasionally people ask me how I do so much. Honestly, I am not the most efficient person in the world, but I have copied wise people and learned how to plan. But the key to most of my ideals is preparing practically to know how to carry out ideals in real time, real life—and that requires a life of preparation.

Preparing amusement and engagement for guests, planning for food, and preparing my own heart to be flexible for all of the life interruptions, lack of sleep, and the reality of many different personalities and preferences under my roof. So many sweet moments and lessons every time we all gather.

Knowing that my wonderful children and grandchildren were coming to visit me for almost 3 weeks meant that I needed to prepare my home to be a haven where they could play, eat, be engaged in interests on their own level, plan for rhythms of meals, rest times and lots of fun.

Today on my podcast I share many of the ways Clay and I prepared for our home to be child friendly, a place to rest and be at peace, and a welcome to their parents. But the more I can plan ahead, and put my plans in place, the easier it will be for all of us to be happily together. What a joy to be able to share this time with my own adult children and their children.

Of course with real human beings, we need to plan for our plans to sometimes be interrupted—like 5 visits to the Urgent Care over a week, including several different guests in my house! Some sleepless nights for those who are having jet lag, but lots of fun, playing, and making sweet memories in between.

Any great celebration or task requires forethought, preparation, and consideration.

How do you prepare for the crowds that come your way?

Join me today on the At Home with Sally podcast and hear of our adventures.