Bear With One Another

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“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

-Col. 1: 13

While visiting overseas, I cherished time with a friend from my missionary years. Tears streaming down her face, my friend said, “I can't seem to let go of the things my ‘supposed’ friend did to hurt me. She told lies about me, manipulated me. I was so gullible because she quoted Bible verses, acted like she was a strong Christian. I have tried to forgive her, but my bitterness against her takes up so much brain space. I just can't seem to get over all the ways she hurt me. I rehearse it over and over again in my mind.”

People disappointing people is common in this day and time. So often, I find more people in my life who have been emotionally injured by those who call themselves “Christians” but do not live by biblical principles. A woman whose husband is addicted to pornography or has had an affair; a parent or relative who has been abusive or harsh; a friend who has rejected; kids who have rejected or harmed our children, a pastor or leader who has fallen to immorality and the list goes on and on. This a picture of our broken world and the fallenness of people.

All of us will be offended by many people in our lifetime. And, all of us make mistakes and act in immature ways. We lose our temper. We are selfish and want the best or biggest piece of cake. We become angry over petty issues. We break someone else's toy, so to speak.

No matter how hard any of us try, we will always always be flawed and eventually fall short of someone's expectations and disappoint those who love us. Or we will be sorely disappointed by many people.

Unless we learn to give these wounds into the file drawer of heaven, to allow Christ to take these burdens of heart for us, we will be overwhelmed by a shadow of bitterness, anger or disappointment.

That is why forgiveness is so very essential to the message of Christ. Join me on my podcast today: At Home With Sally