Tea Time Tuesday: Celebrate, Receive Joy With All Your Heart

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Come, Thou long expected Jesus
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in Thee.
Israel's strength and consolation,
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear desire of every nation,

 Joy of every loving heart. 

There are many differing opinions about how we should celebrate Advent or the Coming of Christ’s birth. Some say we must be somber, some say simple and not worldly. But I see Christmas as a time to reenact all that is beautiful and true. We focus on the light in the darkness, that Jesus invaded a fallen world to restore it, to bring hope, to become the light of our every need.

When I arrived home, I entered into the thrill of making my home sparkle with lights, wreaths, our Christmas tree, and knick nicks and treasures every where that speak of the hopefulness of our precious Lord come to earth.

Stockings hung by the fire with care, 3 fresh pine wreaths with berries and I strategically placed birds nesting between pinecones, lit by a soft scented candle, fairy lights aglow in every corner of the room, flowers and poinsettias reminding of friends gracing our home with gifts. We hang the stockings of those who will be with us this year—and place the other ones of our loved ones out on an antique couch to remember our precious ones who cannot be with us. All of this and our favorite Christmas cookies will meet my adult children who are returning from the UK and New York this year. These are some of the familiar scenes that have graced our home for many years and will speak familiarity, comfort: "our place" when all walk in the front door. 

Creating traditions over the year with your family will cultivate a family culture unique to your own heritage. Each of us has agency to decide what is a priority to our own family with consideration of our unique values, personalities and preferences. Yet, when a celebration is practiced year after year, together, pathways of security are roughed out in hearts and minds to remember these practices as moments that speak of love, home and intimacy shared to build life-long community.

We will prepare our beloved a simple candlelit Shepherd's meal for Christmas Eve; place favorite Christmas themed books on every table, have my Christmas luncheon that I have held for 30 years of a gathering of women to share legacies of stories with cold raspberry soup, scones and jam; a yearly brunch at a dear friends’ home and silliness shared, carol sings and potlucks, and more.

It is not so important what we choose to do as it is that we seek to be intentional and cultivate an atmosphere of reverence for the profound entrance of Christ as a baby, vulnerable yet announcing and establishing a kingdom where we are welcome citizens, whose history we get to be a part of for eternity.

Your home is a laboratory of the life of Christ, where He can be seen through the incarnation of himself through our music, our love, our feasts, our faith, and lights that reflect His very presence in our lives. The peace and the comfort we receive from belonging to Him, hidden impressions of faith are laid strategically over years of celebrating Christmas together on the foundations of our children's hearts that will speak to them of His hope in their lives long after they have left home. This year, practice those that build the beauty, mystery and hope that baby Jesus came to give.