How Moms Reach Hearts

I am determined that those I love will find solace, welcome, comfort, acceptance, truth, and ease. And so, following Jesus’ model of service and hospitality, I choose to prepare for and serve those who share my home and those who enter my doors.

When body needs and emotional needs are met and minds are filled with nobility and inspiration, then souls are predisposed to want to follow the God who is revered in all of these rituals. It is not the indoctrination of theology forced down daily that crafts a soul who believes; it is the serving and loving and giving that surround the messages where souls are reached.

A truth told without love and grace is a truth that is rejected. Would Jesus’ message have had the same impact without His feeding thousands and taking children into His arms and washing the feet of His friends? It is in service that God incarnate is recognized. And service begins with serving those who are closest to us, making home the very best place to be.

Read more about this in The Lifegiving Home.