Waiting With Great Hope

“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” Psalm 27:14

Over 5 years ago, I decided I wanted a budding tree in my garden that had pink blossoms. We live at 7250 feet high in altitude. Many plants just do not grow here—most roses, many flowers and plants that I love. I have tried many bulbs—the dear eat them all. But I wanted to try to have a blooming tree.

And so I bought this lovely little tree. I followed all the directions on how to make it grow, how to nurture the soil. Nothing happened. No blooms, some limbs grew through the years, though always bare. One year I had one branch that bloomed. I kept hoping for an abundance, but nothing happened.

However, this year, as if overnight, I came out into my yard and a miracle had happened—there were these luscious blooms covering my little tree.

I just needed to wait long enough, water it, fertilize it. In its own time, it burst forth in beauty.

The Lord spoke to me through this tree. There have been many things I have prayed for that took seemingly forever to get an answer. Yet, God was working all along.

The word “wait”in reference to God is written and repeated over 130 times in scripture—it must be important for us to heed.

Often, when I was raising and educating my children, I couldn’t see obvious growth or blossoming.

Many times there were dreams in my heart that kept blooming inside but had no evidence of anything happening on the outer circumstances of my life.

And yet, now my children have bloomed all over the place. Many of my dreams have been being lived out in real life.

But in all of these instances, God was faithful but moved ever so slowly. There must be some great value in us being strong and taking courage and waiting in faith upon God.

Perhaps there is something in your life that you have been hoping would come to fruition but just haven’t see the “blossoming” come to pass.

Wait patiently and take courage my friend. God is at work in our lives behind the scene accomplishing many things that we cannot see. He has indeed made the “blossoming” of my life more beautiful than I knew possible. I hope and am praying for you today that as you wait on Him, you, too, will see the miracle of blooms appearing in your life.

Wait, be strong, and let your heart take courage. Have hope, your labor is not in vain-may you see a miracle as I did.