Tea Time Tuesday: No One Sees Me — I Feel Lost!

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Precious is the innocent moment when a tiny child, confidently proclaims, “I’ll bet you can’t find me,” while his feet or body are conspicuously sticking out in a very openly exposed place. But, we pretend, for the sake of the child's innocent heart, that we cannot see him and we say, “Where could Johnny be? I can't find him anywhere?” We allow him to play at being real, and honor his developing ability to interact with life. Snickers and giggles abound as we look high and low while so very near to the beloved child.

And so, in comparison to God’s transcendence, He allows us, as mere toddlers, to play at life and seek to grow and explore and exercise our limited human authority to bring about our goals and purposes in life and to expound on our own prowess.

Yet, truly, as our divine parent, who knows all things, sees all spiritual warfare, He is still with us even when we cannot "feel" His companionship. We cry, are truly sad in this broken world. We do not understand. We feel lost in this broken place, where He knows we will never be fulfilled or complete. Yet, He patiently leads, guides and attends to us as we slowly mature and gain perspective. But God is never lost and we are never lost to him. He always sees us wherever we think we are hiding or in the dark.

"Where can I go from thy spirit or where can I flee from thy presence? Even the darkness is not dark to thee and the night is as bright as the day." -Psalm 139

"I feel so lost. I can't find my old self anymore. I don't know how to come back to the light."

“You feel lost,” I said, “but God is not lost and He has not lost you. Just wait and be still and in time the light will come gently pouring into your heart,” my voice whispered with as much love as I could pour into her darkness.

He shares our grief, frustrations and grieves with us in our broken hearts. We falsely suppose our happiness should come in this world. We seek to control our lives. We pour out tears of sorrow at our heartbreak and barriers. We may feel lost. He is never lost or has lost control over us.

"I am with you always, even unto the end of the earth."

Until we close our eyes here and awaken into His lovely presence.