Discipleship Takes Hard Work & Heart Work

I often felt these teatimes were our way of reaching toward the ideals that most drove us—the dreams of study, artistry, travel, or ministry that filled our hearts. Together, we marveled at the scope of God’s goodness over a steaming cup of tea and a delectable treat. In those sweet pauses of sipping tea and listening to one another, we also discovered a deepening sense of purpose and a clearer picture of our stories within God’s greater story.

I would sprinkle in questions: What is on your heart today? What do you hope for? What are your dreams? What do you think God is calling you to become?

Companionship of soul and mind requires planning, purpose, and choice. Those treasured shared spaces in so many of our homes and shared moments and the community of family and friends that grew from them didn’t happen on their own. They were crafted, sought, chosen, and claimed times, times when we said no to other commitments or work.

I chose to intentionally spend time beyond the lure of my writing deadlines, work, or sleep, often sacrificing my personal time. When we are together, our conversations continue to be shaped by thoughtful questions purposefully asked, by our intent to know and be known. This is one of the threads that connects our hearts, convictions, values, and faith because these priorities were shaped over many years of intentionality.

Read more about this in Teatime Discipleship For Mothers & Daughters.