The Season of Harvest

There is a summer season of life in which the lives and hearts of children are open to the sowing of seed. It is a season in which we need to be ready to respond to their open hearts and to make the most of each moment. God requires that we cultivate, sow into, and water the gardens of our children's hearts in this season of growing.

The season of planting does not last forever; it is a gift of time granted for a single fleeting season. But what precious time! What is planted in their lives in this time will determine the future harvest in the lives of children — great stories of heroic believers, living words of biblical wisdom and encouragement, pictures of godly character, memories of daily love and affection.

The outcome of their souls depends in large part upon how well we till their hearts and plant the seeds of love and righteousness. In many ways the heart of the mother's soul is reflected in the soul harvest of her children — what we sow we will indeed also reap, and this season will come sooner and more quickly than we expect.

The season of harvest will be a season of plentiful celebration if we have planted well. If we have lived daily in touch with our heavenly Father, and we have responded to our children as they have passed through their own seasons, then we can be confident that God will work in our children's hearts and lives.

Read more about this in Seasons of a Mother’s Heart.