Tea Time Tuesday: Allowing Pleasure to Influence Your Days

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In almost everything that touches our everyday life on earth, God is pleased when we're pleased. He wills that we be as free as birds to soar and sing our maker's praise without anxiety.

- A. W. Tozer

As it happens, I hide birds all over my home for my sweet grandchildren to discover. And of course, to make tea time more fun, I might just place one on my tea table to create and tell a “bird adventure story.” This is my bird, Daniel, who had so much to say.

I love this quote by Tozer. To know and believe that God “wills us to be as free as birds,” and cares that we we are pleased is oxygen to our hearts that long to know His love. Just a little thought to ponder this week as we seek to show our children His gracious, generous love toward us.

I have been over the top busy this week, so decided to share some short interviews I had with a couple of dear friends. Jennifer Pepito is a dear friend, seasoned mother through many stages of life. Her book gives such scope and life to building home. I know she will be of great encouragement to you.

And Lyndsey Mimnagh, another sweet friend, had so much to say about creating life, beauty, wonder in a home education environment. Both are cherished friends. Enjoy!

Join me for today’s Tea Time Tuesday podcast for more ideas around delight.