Tea Time Tuesday: A Legacy of Love

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"Tea, though ridiculed by those who are naturally coarse in their nervous sensibilities, will always be the favorite beverage of the intellectual." - Thomas De Quincey

This made me giggle. Yet, intellectuals love to discuss ideas and issues. Tea time is a perfect place to cultivate great discussions about interesting thoughts.

A while ago, a friend surprised me and invited me to a wonderful tea time, as you can see.

Often, you we don’t know we need someone to notice us. Yet, on this occasion, I deeply felt the love of my thoughtful friend. Shared memory and the time we talked as friends filled up places I didn’t know were empty. On my podcast today, I share a bit about the classic tea sandwiches I was served at many a tea while I lived in the United Kingdom, as well as traditional food in a proper English tea.

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Each of us encounters friction in every relationship. All of us are selfish and self-centered at heart. We will fuss and be petty. God’s word became to me a guide for how to find peace in relationships, how to invest in them with God’s word as my guide. I still have conflict along my pathway, but I have been straining forward in learning how to avoid as much of unnecessary conflict as possible—and how to love better.

1. A great lover of people is mature in keeping their approach to others Biblically thoughtful. “In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12) The golden rule is my starting point in parenting, marriage and friendship. How do I want to be treated? With compassion, sympathy, generous love, kindness. I strain to grow in this way towards others.

2. When Peter asked Jesus how many times we should forgive, Jesus replied “Seventy times seven,” (Matthew 18:21-22). We must forgive endlessly, always. Holding bitterness, unforgiveness in our hearts poisons and hurts our hearts.

3. “Love is patient.” So much to unpack here.

For the rest of these principles, listen to my podcast, At Home with Sally. I will also be sharing about coronation chicken, why attachment is essential for parents with babies, favorite music, a homeschooling planner, and much more more. Join me, and share with a friend.