Painting The Reality Of God Onto The Walls Of Your Home

People often ask me why I emphasize beauty—art, candles, music, cups of tea, cinnamon rolls, great stories and books—as though these things are unnecessary and frivolous. I prioritize them because I want to bring the whole reality of God and His life into my home.

Home is the stage where the play of your life is delivered. As you clarify your vision, you are laying the foundations that will build influence and legacy. Own your home life right where you are. Your quiet and consistent labor will result in a story spoken with gratitude long after it has been given in the service of the One who is creating an eternal home for us in heaven.

Living out our ideals at home is not about reaching perfection, but about providing peace, hope, life, vision, and love to our families. Today, in the midst of all the messes, go ahead and smile, laugh, sing, and dance to the rhythms of God’s song.

Read more about this in Own Your Life.