BYOT: Bring Your Own Teacup

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Yesterday, on my way to friends from Wild + Free to have a fun breakfast together, I came into the lobby with my trusty tea cup in hand, as per usual, because I was in the middle of a hot morning cup, when my friends all giggled.

“You travel with your own china cup for drinking your tea?”

“Of course, doesn’t everyone?”

A habit begun many years ago with a heavy traveling life — just a few rhythms of grace in my life make it a little bit more pleasant, even when traveling. Predictable, comforting, and after all, who wants to have tea or coffee out of a styrofoam cup when you can have it out of a china cup? I buy them at second hand stores and then don’t mind if it gets chipped or broken — just a fun assortment. I place a cup, brown sugar packets, a spoon and tea bags in a tin of tea and it protects my cup from breaking.

Today, I am in Kentucky with one of my dearest in all the world friends, Gwennie, as many of you know her in my books. (And a story of delight about us many years ago in London in my new book, Well Lived!)

We are hanging around in our comfy clothes, chatting and chatting over many cups of caffeine, watching a great movie, eating grand meals and being friends. She is showing me new exercises with bands. We are eating fresh peach pie, and eating fresh raspberry pie! Laughing, crying, ordering a coat online just like hers! Twins again. I’m sipping from a beautiful mug of my friend that says, “Season of Mellow Fruitfulness,” which describes me.

What else do friends do?

So my Tea Time Tuesday podcast is a little short today to make as much time with my sweet friend as possible, but just wanted to be sure to say hi.

I had such fun and deep soul happiness to see so many kindred spirits at Wild + Free. Love you all so much. It filled my cup to the brim to be with you. And looking so forward to the other conferences coming up: Wellness Collective and Hutchmoot — and meeting more of you precious ones. Meanwhile, happy week!