The Secret To Influencing Your Children

Being loved specifically and intentionally adds to our physical well-being, our spiritual equilibrium, our emotional health, and our mental strength. It is not something we can healthily survive without.

Mothers have a unique opportunity to give this kind of life-giving love to their children, to be a safe person they will always come back to with confidence that they will be loved well and intentionally.

As we evaluate how to love our children well, we ask ourselves, "Do they believe and feel I have their best interest in mind, or do they think I have my own agenda for them? Do they understand that even though they struggle, I am here to help them succeed? Is their heart open to my instruction, or is there a wedge and resistance that I need to figure out and address?

Know that today, I am praying for all of you sweet mamas as you continue to grow and love intentionally. It is not always easy, but every little choice you make to love well matters.

Read more about this in Awaking Wonder.