A couple of weeks ago, Sarah spoke at a tea in our home about beauty. Beauty is one of the attributes that we see in creation. There is something in God's very nature that must express itself in beauty. We have noticed over the years, that often, when a culture adopts a godless philosophy, like communism and socialism, the beauty begins to disappear from the culture of the people. Buildings and furniture and art become either more utilitarian or abstract. However, beauty is one of those attributes of God's world that hushes us in quiet admiration. Just the other day, when we went out walking, there was the largest, double rainbow in the sky than I had ever seen. We had to stop and marvel and call Clay on the phone to be sure he had a chance to see it.
We have had 45-55 degree weather here in Colorado lately and rain most days. Consequently we know why this state was named Colorado--the dark blues of the sky and the greens of the trees and grass and a proliferation of wild flowers are evident of a very colorful artist who designed this colorful state.
Back to the tea--We had mother's and daughters and had lots of fun together. Each person had to bring something that they thought was beautiful and tell a story about it. (One of the great stories was a beautiful stitchery that had been framed that one of the mom's husbands had made for her when they were in high school. Then they each had a quotation about beauty under their luncheon plate that Sarah had cut out.
Finally, she read a beautiful passage from The Secret Garden. When Colin, the crippled boy from birth, is wheeled into the Secret garden that his two friends have been working on, he marvels, breathlessly at the beauty of the garden, the roses, the robin, all the vibrant colors--and he says, "I know that now I can get well because of what I have beheld." She then talked to the girls and moms about the intrinsic beauty that God had placed in their souls--to reflect Him in their lives, the way they live, the way they serve, the way they dress--and a reminder that when we subdue and create an atmosphere of beauty and creativity in our homes, we were giving one more testimony of His reality in our lives. The end was even better than the first, because she had made a lemon cake with raspberry filling. She also gave each daughter present a real pearl necklace on a ribbon. Jesus, the author of beauty, was considered the pearl of great price--the only one worth giving up everything for, in order to have it! Joy was the trusty servant!
And so a great memory was made by gathering people and celebrating life.
What fun I had speaking in Denver this week and being with so many new and old friends. Especially grateful I am to two friends, Deb and Jerrine, who went with me, prayed with me, whisked me away to tea for a quick lunch--which included scones and yorkshire gold tea! and were just the pals I needed.
Now I look forward to Father's day, cinnamon roll breakfast, church, salmon lunch with basil potatoes and homemade rolls and then off to the airport. California here I come. Looking so forward to it! I would appreciate your prayers as I attempt, with a generous talented friend, to make a new Bible study video set for each chapter of Seasons and for Mission, also will see lots of great California friends, speak 5 times and need health and strength and just the right words--and of course I can't wait to be with a couple of bosom friends who I will share girl time with and tell secrets and have fun. There is nothing like an old friend who knows you and still loves you and gets you as you are. Cheerio.