Blog Radio

Dear Sweet Moms, I had such a great time in Florida last weekend meeting so many kindred spirits! So fun to hear of lots of you finding our books as long as 10-12 years ago! Today is Joy’s 13th birthday, so we are all on the go! I promise to write a longer article for the blog later. Looking so forward to joining all of moms in Sacramento next weekend! Directions for joining us live on blogradio:

I will be discussing the philosophy and principles that Clay and I have written about in their book, “Educating The Wholehearted Child” and in the new updated “Seasons of A Mother’s Heart.”

You don’t want to miss this BlogTalk Radio broadcast of Beginning With The End In Mind so be sure to join us live on Tuesday, May 27th at 3 p.m. EST , 2 p.m.CST; 1 p.m. MST and 12 West Coast, by visiting the  website and clicking on the sidebar link for BlogTalk Radio OR you can go directly to and just click on the date of the broadcast.

If you are unable to join us live, you can still hear the broadcast by following the same directions and then clicking on the archived program of your choice.

Many blessings to all of you!
