Feeling pretty much like a princess this morning......

Yesterday was a taxing day. I drove an hour to the airport at 6 in the morning, stood in line for an hour, wasn't able to check in my suitcase, so at security they took some of my liquids (hair spray--a definitely needed item for this straight-haired girl going to the maritime in Canada to speak!).

I finally got checked in after two attempts through security, ran like a crazy girl to my gate, hoping they would still let me on--of course it was the very last gate on a long concourse.....

They had not even boarded yet because it was running late.

Sweating profusely from my long distant run with two suitcases in hand,

I bought a bottle of water and finally boarded.

Landed in Toronto, where I had a 3 hour lay over, dragging about my computer bag and clothes bag,

and then boarded a plane once again for another

2 1/2  hour flight.

Picked up in Halifax.

Visited with my sweet friends who were hosting me, lovely Kristen H. who had saved me a hot dinner for my 9:30 p.m. appetite

Went to bed exhausted and finally awakened, walked upstairs to find the house empty, as children had swimming lessons,

this lovely tray.

"Good morning, Sally" says

the little note on the kitchen tray.

Lovely music wafting through the room.

Tea in a china cup.

Fruit and the most delicious scone.

Her preparation and care for me gave me a whole different view of my day.

Today, I feel cared for, thought about, nurtured and it has made the whole difference of how I will go into my weekend.

Now, I feel more like a care-for princess than a dried up, worn out woman.

Now I will go into my 5 hours of speaking with love and grace in my heart--

because a friend took the time to take care of my needs in a lovely and life-giving way.

Today, when you nurture, love and meet the needs of your beloveds with beauty, it will make a difference in how they face their whole day.

Praying blessing and grace for all of you who may be having days of life like mine was yesterday.