My sweet wonderful friends, The past few days haVe been quite a whirlwind and quite taxing. We have now closed the final chapter on my precious mom's life. I am learning so much and it has helped me make some new commitments on how I want to live and finish my own life, by God's grace. More on that soon, if life would ever settle down for just a day!
I flew to Oklahoma with Joel for my mom' s memorial and was so very happy to reconnect with some precious relatives whose lives were immensely encouraging to me--godly, wonderful hearts for God, and we never had the opportunity to really connect on that level until the funeral. Hopefully we can know each other better apart from this in the future.
Sarah and Joy drove 11 hours to be there and then drove back the 11 hours because they both had to be home for commitments. They were such a comfort to me.
Then 3 days in Texas clearing out my mom's home--oh, my-- so very interesting. Sweet angel friends brought food and treats and helped us make it through. So thankful for them. Off to finish. Thanks for all your prayers. Running to finish it all. So very thankful for all of you who have written sweet notes and helped. You are God's love to me!