Intentionality of a Holy Life

Holiness means, at its core, to be set aside-dedicated to a different or righteous purpose for God's glory. I have been pondering, these quiet days away from normal life, what it is God has for me in the next season of my life. One of the first verses I read when I opened my Bible on my trip was,

"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. II Corinthians 5: 10

As I have been away, I have been contemplating what Jesus wants me to do with the rest of my life--when I see Him face to face, what will I have to say to Him about how I invested my time for His love and for His glory.

I know that my time here has me convinced that I want to be spending more time listening to His voice--studying His word, leaving the voices of the world behind in order to see Him, love Him and hear Him. But I am trying to figure out just what that means for me.

I meet lots of wonderful people but so very few who seem intentional about seeking Him, who have been so much in His presence that He spills over from their heart to mine.

So my question today is this, "What does it mean to you to hear His voice and to be able to obey His voice? What are His values that He would show us are His priorities in contrast to those of the world or even of Christian churches? What work does He want us to be about so that when we meet Him face to face, we can present a stewardship of having listened to and followed His voice? "

Any thoughts? I have 2 more days and then I will be home with my wonderful family all returning from adventures and I hope I will have some answers and direction to follow Him into..........Blessings of His peace to you this fine weekend!