Mother's Day with all the kids preparing for me--
Today, my family is bustling around putting graces all around my home--flowers, fresh baked cookies, home made bread, candles, personal cards of welcome, ways that we hope will make my sweet friend, Sarah Mae, feel welcome. I am so very excited she is coming, as I love her and cherish her friendship.
When I would return home from college, where I was attending out of state, I would return home to hand written signs on my front door, "We love Sally. We are happy she is home." There would also be little post its with "I love you," and "So glad you are home, I missed you."
Candles always lit on the table every night, even if it was toast and cereal. My mom made coming home the best place to be and made me feel the most loved I ever felt. Home should bring life to all who enter. I miss being spoiled by her and I wish I could be with her every day as she moves more toward heaven daily.
And it is the way my sweet children have grown up--putting things in place whenever we have someone here--finding ways to say, "You are valued in this home."
And so, my mother's voice is in my ear and heart today. I miss her ways in my life. And now my voice and ways are in the heart of my children because we have practiced life and cultivating life in our home for so many years, it has become a part of their ways.
Now, I won't finish straightening all the piles or get everything cleaned and picked up before I have to pick Sarah Mae up at the airport in Denver--but I do hope she will know how very happy we are to have her with us to share some days of life and to make some lasting memories. I am blessed to have sweet friends.
Last year, Sarah Mae and me at Relevant--now we will take new pics and talk too much and stay up too late and share all we think, and eat and drink coffee or tea as often as possible and it will all pass too quickly and then it will all seem like a dream.