The nature of a great life

The Sistine Chapel Ceiling--painted by Michelangelo

Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance. Samuel Johnson

For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.

Hebrews 10:36

Life is a long story for most of us. The sum of what we have accomplished when we go to see Jesus face to face is not measure by one deed, or one act of faith. It is measured by years of love growing, compassion stretching, faithfulness practiced over and over. When we add up a life of faithfulness in serving God, accumulating maturity, grace, knowledge, wisdom, failure, forgiveness, compassion--it is thousands of moments of choosing to practice greatness, one moment at a time.

The history of the Sistine Chapel

A great example of enduring greatness in a work of art is the ceiling paintings of Michelangelo. He painted over 5000 square feet of ceiling, one stroke at a time. Hundreds of scenes from the Bible, meticulously painted. Set backs, mold problems, scaffolding problems, financial issues, criticism, and more. Over four years, it took him to complete this work. Yet, now, thousands if not millions of people have admired his great work.

For him, it was grueling, sweating work that took a master artist perseverance and endurance of great magnitude to finish this distinguished work. You can read about it here: Michelangelo Sisteen Chapel

And so it is with our lives. God has given us this opportunity, today, to invest our lives for His glory. But greatness requires endurance, perseverance. Am I one who keeps going, keeps seeking, keeps trusting, keeps moving ahead by faith? What does it require us to accomplish God's work? A steadfast heart, mind and work ethic.

Today, as you contemplate Him, and His work, may you decide to keep fervent and patient and strong in His call to use you in your life time to bring His kingdom work to bear on a world that is desperate for His touch and redemption.