I get to see my wonderful son,Joel, composer, and such a cherished friend, and studies in Boston! Can't wait to squeeze his neck and plaster him with a mama kiss.
I do think this is the busiest time of my whole life--and I have said that many times. But, it really seems to be a new kind of busy---many wonderful ministry opportunities, finishing Joy's last year well, and spending hours on the phone with my three oldest--still training, loving, advising, praying and keeping up, and searching for time with Clay alone, and my sweet groups of moms here and writing--and of course eating and drinking tea every day--and I just can't seem to get on top of it all. I especially feel badly that I am not writing some of you wonderful friends back--my email boxes are full. Please forgive me if I do not write back--it is not because I don't care about you, but I am just trying to ride the waves of this season and keep centered on the Lord and my family and somehow my correspondence seems to keep building and building. But I do read my comments and emails and you all keep me going-and I pray for most everyone who writes to me. So please forgive me, pray for me and know that I so appreciate every letter and comment I get!
History Trip
Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy! Going on a fun history trip with my sweet friends and Joy--less than 24 hours to pack and get my ducks in a row! It is a tradition with all of my kids to go on adventures to see the places of people we have studied. Last year we went to Sweden (really Kansas!) and this year to Boston, Philly and New York--Broadway play, statue of liberty, Louisa May Alcott's Home, Freedom trail, tea at the Boston Library with my dear Joel, Minute Man museum, Liberty Bell and Ben Franklin's house and such, Valley Forge, museums, and lots of fun and playing and of course seeing all of you who have written where we will be speaking for one night in Philly, Boston and New York City. Please pray we all stay well and healthy.
A sweet friend, Barb Somervaille, in Australia, wants Joy and me to come to do a Mom's conference and a Mom Heart Leadership Training in Australia in June. We are praying about this and hoping something works out. What she wants to know is if there are other moms interested in this who would help her get the word out, come to the conference and or want to be trained in how to start a group. You can email her to tell her of your interest.
Relevant Conference
I am so excited to attend the Relevant Blogging conference in a couple of weeks. I love Sarah Mae and have so much to learn from the wonderful women who will attend. If you are a regular follower of my blog and you are attending, I would love to hear from you! Be sure to stop me when we are there!
I feel so very blessed to walk with God during these days. May His grace and love be real to you today! Please keep the letters coming--they keep me writing. You are all so very dear to me and make me feel like I have kindred spirits all around.