There is a reason that I am a serious and committed walker--it is to get away, be where there is quiet, leave the crowds, have time to reflect.

When I was a young mom, I was somewhat of a pioneer in most of my ideals. When the culture was moving towards feminism, God was whispering to me of the Biblical design of motherhood, and discipling my children, and cultivating a Biblical legacy. But, it required that my eyes were on Him, pursuing, pondering scripture, seeking the secrets of the life and influence of Christ--and trying to discover just what the power and influence of a family and home was created by God to be.

I love turning away from cultue and listening to His voice. He brings life, freedom, joy, grace.

But what I see in the lives of so many today is legalism, boxes, rules, pressure, living up to the Joneses, and not very much original thought. There are so many more experts, opinions and voices crowding the horizon today than when I was capturing my ideals. It must be confusing. But trying to follow all of these voices choke out freedom to be who you are, to live as the family that God has created you to be. These things will kill a soul.

What is needed most, is quiet, perspective, time to think and find ones center for your very own puzzle.

I was so convicted by a blog post yesterday by my daughter, Joy, that you will love--in light of thoughts of getting away to Him.

You can find it here

May you find some getaway moments today, to be in silence, so you may hear His voice.


PS I have been so very encouraged by all of your comments yesterday and am so excited to write on some of these subjects--after the conferences, after I finish my book with Sarah Mae and after I attend two more speech tourneys! But, I will get to this! Looking forward to seeing many of you in California and Texas--where I will speak to some of these very issues!