Storyformed Podcast Episode #14 - Back To School: Cultivating Rhythms Of Reading


In this episode, Holly Packiam and Jaime Showmaker, discuss the struggle they feel as they seek to find new reading rhythms in their homes at the start of a new school year. If you're struggling to find consistent windows of time to read with your kids, listen and you'll hear some new ideas to make time for what matters most. 

Topics include:

  • The importance of reading regularly
  • Barriers to creating rhythms of reading
  • How a daily practice of reading gives opportunity for discipleship around the table with our kids
  • Practical ideas for creating space to read daily

Click HERE to listen to this new Stoyformed podcast and to view the Storyformed podcast SHOW NOTES. 

Help me Launch my new book! The Lifegiving Table & A Giveaway!

If you loved The LIfegiving Homeyou will want The LIfegiving Table to complete your set and to be even more specifically inspired in reaching your family and friends with the love and life of Christ. (For all the details of the launch, a fun party, and  to read about prizes, a free trip to see me and the books, go HERE to the launch page.) 

Can't wait for you to read my new book and be inspired to leave a legacy through your family table.l

Can't wait for you to read my new book and be inspired to leave a legacy through your family table.l

I am deeply happy and overwhelmed at my life these days. We launched our Cultivating Life with Sally course, (read about it HERE), and all of my adult kids are home for just 5 days together.  We had family day today and have every day so busy and full! (Thanks for all the emails and messages I have already received from those of you who are so excited about our new course!)

And here I am, in the midst of it all,  launching a new book. A lot on my plate. But the more time I spend with my family this week, the more I am convinced that our table, our picnics, our tea times, our breakfasts where we share life over thousands of meals has been one of the most faith formative things I have ever done. Will you please help me get this book into as many homes as I can? I would love to come along side and help others gain or be inspired in their vision of how to disciple their children through the thousands of meals they will share together over the years. My home is noisy, loud, messy and yet full of good life. My children are not always easy, but they all have a secure place to belong and a people to be a part of. Here is just a little of the kind of stories you will find in these pages. 

Days before converging on our home for a family gathering this summer, both of our sons called me.
“Mama, I can hardly wait to get there.”
“What is your favorite expectation about coming home?” I asked each of them.
Both boys answered with almost the same words, even though they were now separated by two thousand miles: “It is the feasting every night around the table with delicious home-cooked food, being each other’s best friends, talking about every possible subject and sharing in each other’s lives . . . that is my favorite part. I need my people. I want a place to belong.”

It’s no accident that they feel this way.

Creating a lifegiving table in our home was a priority for me from the very beginning, and I put effort and intention into making it happen.

In The Lifegiving Table, join me as I share the lessons my family and I cultivated carefully through years of sitting down together; cooking, baking, and preparing meals; and practicing the disciplines of teaching manners and fostering conversation.

You’ll discover the legacy of creating a lifegiving table in your own home, as you knit your hearts together to form tight bonds that will not easily be broken.

Because so many people are excited about this book, many people have provided fun gifts that we will be giving away on our launch night Facebook Live party--details below. We will be giving away books and all sorts of goodies for you to use in your home at your table.

I will also be with my own friends talking about how to inspire your table. I hope you will use the invitation below (or the one in your timezone found on the launch page) and have a fun party with all of us. 

Two women will be chosen to fly to my hometown at our cost and stay in a hotel near me to spend a day at my own home for mentoring and friendship. (And you may invite a friend to come with you if you win is she is willing to pay her own airfare.) We shall have fun. Two winners, one from comments left here of how you shared and one from the instagram contest where you will share a photo of your own table. Read all about it on my launch page. (

And look at our instagram party contest while you are there. Below is the invitation I am sending to my friends who are joining me in Nashville where I will be. But you can join us anywhere if you use the invitation below. (and my overseas friends can decide if they want to stay up or not) 

Mark October 3 on your calendars and invite your friends. You can find the invitations like this for your own time zone on the launch page HERE.

Mark October 3 on your calendars and invite your friends. You can find the invitations like this for your own time zone on the launch page HERE.


Because we want to support our small groups, and we love building friendships over book clubs, if you purchase five or more copies of Lifegiving Table for you and your friends, you will receive a special downloadable BEAUTIFULPDF designed with questions to stimulate Table talk with your children, and a lovely PDF for tea time discipleship to refer to when you have your special times with friends. (we have all sorts of beautiful posters and a recipe for you to print out for your friends who attend your party as a favor, too.)






We will be doing an exciting giveaway during our Facebook Live Launch Event! Many have donated amazing items as gifts that we are able to offer here, There are two ways to win:

1. Share something about The Lifegiving Table book on any social media medium you regularly use between September 5th and October 3rd, AND leave a comment on any blog post during that period that you have posted on social media, and we will enter you in for all of the prizes. You may post multiple times on social media for more entries, just make sure to comment on blog posts on every time that you do! That is the only way we can enter you in to the context.


2. Enter our Instagram contest with a photo of your own lifegiving table and have your friends leave comments. The ten who have the most comments will be entered to win one prize of a trip to visit me. (Go here for more information or


To be eligible to win any gift or the grand prize, you must become a subscriber of, as we want our winners to come from our community here. 

- The contest winners are picked randomly, using a number generator. All submissions have an equal opportunity to win any of the prizes. 

- For the two grand prizes one winner will be selected from each contest (one from the social media contest, one from the Instagram picture contest).

- There are no exceptions to these rules, except at the discretion of the contest administrators.

Again, here is the Grand Prize:

Two airplane tickets to Denver, transportation to a hotel near me with a night stay, and a day with me at my home and table for mentoring and fun! We will discuss the rhythms and traditions in the book and I will answer your personal questions about creating a truly lifegiving table in your home. I will also provide home-cooked meals from the book for you to enjoy! If applicable, the two winners may select a third guest to join, excluding travel expenses. 

Go HERE to see the rest of the giveaways. We will announce the winners during the launch party. 

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Food and meals have great significance in the stories of the Bible. Jesus ushered in His ministry by providing new wine—the best of wine—at a wedding feast. The final evening before Jesus was going to be crucified, He strategically set the stage for His most profound messages to be shared with His inner circle during a meal. Following Scripture’s example, Sally Clarkson believes that meals lovingly served at home can be a significant tool in the lives of our family and friends, opening hearts and providing a setting for connection, counsel, and affection.

You will love reading this study as a personal devotional, with your children or as a Bible study with your friends. Be inspired by the stories found in scripture around eating and feasting. 

Thousands have already enjoyed the study guide for the first book, The Lifegiving Home Experience. These are especially designed to be used across a wide variety of settings, from small groups to individual daily use. 

 Join Sally and her children, Joel and Joy, in this guided experience to discover how food, faith, and Scripture come together in your everyday life—becoming the means of passing on God’s love and truth to each person who breaks bread with us.

See more here.

What a fun month I hope you will enjoy with me as I share some stories, podcasts about how to build your own atmosphere of disicipleship, fun and influence, and some of my own recipes. You can find many in the book. 

If you share this post or about my book, enter to win one of 5 hardback books. Contest closes Sunday at midnight. I am so happy that my book will be in hardback for those of you who want to underline, keep the recipes and refer back to it for years.  

You can pre-purchase it at Barnes and Noble, HERE

or at Amazon,  

(Save your pre-order receipts and be eligible for winning some of the downloads and recipes in the days ahead. More details to come in the next few days.)  

Thanks to my many friends who have helped me celebrate my new books through so many launches in the past few years. You are my heroes!

The Art of Loving Well At Your Table: With Sarah and Joy Clarkson

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How fun to have my lovely daughters home with me this week. Over a coffee time today, I realized once again how profoundly strong they are at communication, thus the degree from Oxford and the PHD candidate who is aspiring to more new ideals. We did not have a perfect home, but there are some seeds that you plant that will indeed take root and so I realized today, it might be fun if you heard from them. So I hope you will enjoy our podcast today with the three of us. 

We may or may not be working on a book together. Some of you saw my fun photo earlier today. Coffee and talking is so soul fulfilling. I took notes.

We may or may not be working on a book together. Some of you saw my fun photo earlier today. Coffee and talking is so soul fulfilling. I took notes.


And we had quite an experience today that has a story around these two photos--houses right next to each other with different signs. One house felt welcoming, the other gave us a fear to even walk on the sidewalk. What kind of atmosphere do you build in your home. Listen to the podcast and hear the rest of the story!



Your table can be the most influential place in our home for nurturing faith, building convictions, inspiring dreams, and crafting a foundation for morality.

But interestingly, the people at your table will not be able to hear or understand your messages if you are not skillful at communicating love, acceptance and an openness to receive them with grace through your basic communication skills.

We can have all the knowledge, the best intentions and even the perfect plan for how to welcome our family to the table, into our hearts and into discussions, but we can ruin it all if we don't know how to create an atmosphere that expresses love and belonging.

In this episode, Sally and Kristen give you skills to communicate effectively with your children, friends and husband by sharing the principles of Interpersonal communication, that will help you to develop the Art of Loving Well At Your Table. If you have the desire to communicate with love but never learned about friendship in your own home as a child, or perhaps feel caught in a swirl of chaos in your own family relationships, this podcast will encourage you, equip you and help you to establish patterns that will change your mealtimes and the lives of you and your children.


-The Four Principles of Interpersonal Communication

-Why what we don't say is sometimes more important than the words we speak

-Learning how to listen to the cues and non verbal communication of your children

-How to set boundaries on our speech and a guard upon our lips

-What it means to have our conversations seasoned with Salt

-The danger of guilt statements

-How to grow in maturity and become a leader of conversation

-The way love initiates and reaches out to others

-How to pursue peace 

-The necessity of understanding motives vs. behavior in our children at all ages

-How to consistently move in the direction of your ideals but not be burdened by perfection


1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."


This book was written as a way to help families teach their children about 24 ways of walking through life together and with God. It is a great place to begin to understand how to live, serve, speak and love one another. We are giving away a copy of this for your leaving a comment of how you shared this post.

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Order your books now so that you can join Kristen and me for a 6 week study on discipleship principles found in each chapter of the book.

So many wonderful friends of our blog and podcast have entered into the spirit of celebration with me in launching my new book, The Lifegiving Table. This week, 

Kara Helton with Fourteen18 Designs, an artist from North Carolina, has created us some special gifts that were made just for your table and for our book launch. Today, if you share this podcast/blog post anywhere or if you share about my book, leave us a comment and you will be entered in to win either a set of magnets for your fridge, or a chalk board to use at your own table to write a verse to read and review each week. We will be having fun giveaways each week before October 3 when we will have our online party with lots of fun gifts. Hope you win! You can find her website and more charming gifts Thanks so much, Kara, for your generosity!

Fun Magnets for your fridge! 

Fun Magnets for your fridge!


A charming chalkboard to write verses each week to discuss at your table!Enter to win by sharing this post. Tell us anywhere that you shared. Or just leave a comment and tell us what you thought of the podcast.  

A charming chalkboard to write verses each week to discuss at your table!

Enter to win by sharing this post. Tell us anywhere that you shared. Or just leave a comment and tell us what you thought of the podcast. 


Inspiration for our Children that Begins Right at our Table

Most all children have dreams in their hearts of what they might become when they grow up, or the prat they might play in the story of life. Yet, often we forget that we are to be the ones who fan the flames of their imagination, to give them confidence to learn to have faith in how God will use them in this world. We are dream-coaches to provide a foundation from which they might launch well into their adult worlds. And it all begins when they are young and innocent and can dream big without fears or doubts.

Yet, as mothers and fathers, it is so easy to get distracted by the details of our lives. We have so much to do! We must feed our children well and take care of their health. We must oversee their education and their training to make sure they will be able to take care of themselves and live in a civilized society. We train them in righteousness so they may understand how God wants them to live. We try to relate to them in mature ways and help them learn to have healthy relationships.

Yet often, I think, we get lost in these multitudinous tasks that rule our lives, and we lose sight of the underlying purpose behind all these tasks, which is to prepare our children to go into the world and bring light, love and beauty to a fallen world. Each of us is to play a part in God's kingdom work. Right in our homes we have the potential to raise future leaders who are moral, filled with faith and ready to take hold of their arenas for Christ.

What each child longs for is to be loved and cherished, to be understood, to be listened to, to feel like they belong. to feel that they have something of importance to live for and something unique to give to the world. All children and adults long to know that their lives have meaning.

One of the most important ways our children felt these values deeply and the way we passed on this kind of security as well as ability to take risks to live by faith, was at our family table because we were together there hundreds, thousands of times over their lifetimes. Our children have all become authors of published books, we have a composer, a movie maker, a future professor doing a phd and a scholar writing to influence theological thinking. Yet, all of these dreams were formed over many times of discussing, building convictions and dreams, talking about the needs of the world, praying together over issues.

I knew that everyone's adrenalin was down at night, Clay would be tired from a day at the office, and I would be worn down from giving so much of myself. 

Yet, when I learned to see our time together at dinner as a time when we could all breathe in grace, comfort, inspiration and a place where everyone could find welcome and love, I purposed to design such a space. I came to understand that I was the conductor of such dreams, soul treasures, and it gave me direction in how I planned to be intentional each night to pass on the encouragement their hearts needed in these areas. 

When children hear the words verbalized night after night, "Thank you, Lord, so much for the sweet children you have given us. We are so grateful that you always love us and want us to be with you. We are thankful for this meal and all the ways we see your faithfulness in our lives today. Be with us as we spend time together tonight. Help us to know how we might serve you and others through all the days of our lives."

When they feel you have prepared for them by buying or making something tasty. When the table is a place where everyone can share their feelings and be accepted and tell the details of their day, when no dreams are considered too big to verbalize, these rhythms will begin to touch deep places in their heart that they long to have filled.

To have a place to belong and be cherished every day is a gift that few people feel in their lifetimes.

Each of our children has been given a specific personality and a particular set of circumstances that will give shape to God's purpose for his or her life. Even our "different" children and all of our children who are a challenge for us to raise, have a place in their lives to serve the purposes of God. It is our privilege and responsibility as parents to help our children understand their particular fit in God's plan.

Sometimes, often,  this inspiration starts at the family table. This means pointing out special skills and talents. It also means giving them encouraging messages that helps children realize that God has a story of beauty and light to tell through them in their lifetime. I means they can be the tool thorough which others will feel His love, His encouragement, His truth. In other words, we are to help them see themselves and their potential and then to inspire them for God's purposes by hearing these personal messages repeated often in our times together:

"Joel, you are so musical. I loved hearing you play today. Maybe you will write great music that will encourage others to worship God and to want to know him!"

"Nathan, you are so friendly and outgoing, and such a great story teller. I know God will use your personality and skills to reach out to many and to make a bridge for them to understand the truth."

"Sarah, what an excellent writer you are. I loved your story today. You are also so artistic. I'm eager to see how God can use your work to encourage others to understand him better or to appreciate the beauty and design of his creation!"

"Joy, you are so compassionate. I love the sweet cards you make! I can see the Lord using you to comfort and encourage many lonely or hurting people. You have such a heart for people."

As mothers, we have the hearts and the trust of our children from the earliest moments of their lives, and they need us for so many reasons. They naturally look to us for physical sustenance, protection, affection.

Deep in their hearts, however, they also long for a special place to belong, a place to feel their worth, and they need us to help them find it. They also look to us as those who believe in their potential. Our family table is the natural place to share these profound messages over and over again. These words and the pleasure of eating together will be what builds the foundations of their confidence and sense of calling as they hear them repeated through years of the rhythms of sharing meals together in an atmosphere of acceptance.

These precious children were designed to fulfill a purpose for God by bringing his glory to bear through their lives. They were designed to be his hands, his voice, his heart and mind through the various kinds of work they undertake in his world. And you will be the one who draws this out of them and gives them an imagination of how they will move forward into their own story they will someday live with their lives.

This kind of legacy takes place over years, through ups and downs, great conversations and arguments. It is not about serving gourmet food or even a home cooked meal. It is about the life that takes place in relationships and in conversation and time spent personally together over meals that builds the legacy. Yet, the life of a family who talks about life as a habit while sharing time regularly together builds a heritage that will fuel lives with faith.

You will find many more stories and lots of inspiration in my new book, The LIfegiving Table. For more about this book, go HERE

Enjoy your family table this weekend and slowly build a place where the life of love, encouragement and acceptance becomes the air everyone breathes when you are together. Sometimes this takes a while to build, but little by little, the rhythm of practicing gathering to feel the sweet life of growing together will build a community that will not easily be broken.

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Cheaper by the Dozen - A Book Review


“Dad himself used to tell a story about one time when Mother went off to fill a lecture engagement and left him in charge at home. When Mother returned, she asked him if everything had run smoothly. ‘Didn't have any trouble except with that one over there,' he replied. 'But a spanking brought him into line.'  Mother could handle any crisis without losing her composure. ‘That's not one of ours, dear,' she said. 'He belongs next door.’” 

I grew up in an average sized family. I had a sister who was three years my junior and then, when I was fourteen, I gained an even younger stepsister. Although we had our share of sibling spats, our house of three girls was generally quiet, orderly, and…well, average. I didn’t know anyone with a particularly large family and had no experience with the nuances of large family dynamics.  As a result, when I picked up the book Cheaper By The Dozen by Frank Gilbreth, Jr and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey, I was particularly eager to take a peek at their account of large family life. What I did not expect, however, was to find a hilarious and beautiful tribute to a unique father and husband, and a nostalgic picture of typical turn-of-the-century life for an atypical American family.

Frank Gilbreth and his wife Lillie were world-famous efficiency experts in pre-WWI America--who also happened to have a dozen children.  They were an unusual family, not just because of their size, but because of the career and vibrant personality of their patriarch. In this delightful memoir, two of the twelve children recount in various tales the ways in which their father worked out his theories and practices regarding motion study and education in their bustling home. A fascinating and fun read, Cheaper By The Dozen paints a picture of what it was like to grow up with Frank Gilbreth as a father.

Click HERE to read more.


So Excited to Introduce Cultivating Life with Sally + Podcast!

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Today I am so deeply grateful to be able to introduce a project that has been dear to my heart for years. I actually feel like I am having twins. Launching a book and a course all at once is a lot to bear and birth. Thanks for following me in this journey.

Many years ago, I dreamed of having a place where I could encourage women in a beautiful way in the many aspects of life that cultivate all the potential she was created to access. For just about 6 weeks, I had a sort of magazine that Clay and I published that had articles about education, leadership, ministry, home, parenting, and all that we thought made for a rich life. But, it grew so quickly, I had to give it up because we could not meet all the demands of the growth while raising our children.

I have always thought women should be able be strong and capable in many areas and I wanted them to know that their lives mattered.  Ultimately, I  wanted to be a voice that helped them live into their potential. Now, a team of women have come together who have similar vision to help develop a place where many of these areas will begin shaping up. I wanted to share with you some of what you can expect in the months ahead as we build the resources for this course. Let me explain some of the areas you can expect to find in the membership site.

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Have you wished for a mentor?  Have you gone so far as to search within your church, your neighborhood, even your friends’ mothers to find one and still been unsuccessful?  Cultivating Life with Sally has been created with you in mind.  I have always loved mentoring women through all stages of life and faith and now I can walk alongside you, too.  Each month in my new membership site, there will be audio and/or video presentations to encourage you in specific ways.  I will provide reflection questions to challenge you to grow in your faith and to take steps forward into maturity.  For our very first month of September 2017, I am launching a brand new Bible study from the book of Hebrews called Cultivating Faith and Faithfulness Even When You Don’t Feel Like it.  Does that resonate with you?  I want to give you inspiration as well as practical tools to live this life of faith well. 

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Are you lonely in your mothering?  We have all felt that way at different seasons of life and parenting.  We all want to do a good job at this treasured and precious role that God has gifted us with, but most of us have never had anyone teach us how.  I had to learn almost all that I know by myself. At my new membership site, you will have the opportunity to learn directly from me some of the the whys and hows to do motherhood well.  Coming later in 2017, I will be sharing an audio presentation entitled “Cultivating Hope in the Story You’ll Live.”  I will share HOPE to continue in this marathon of motherhood and remind us why ideals are so important even in the daily hardships. 

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Do you want your home to be more than just a place to sleep? A place that breathes life and faith to all who enter?  I will inspire you to cultivate hospitality, faith and discipleship in and through your home.  I will have special presentations that will add to my newest book, The Lifegiving Table. It will be in addition to the inspiration you read in my new book. Coming in October will be a video that goes along with The Lifegiving Table, to help bring you inspiration in your meal and family time around the table.  You can expect conversation starters and other practical home helps in this category over the coming year.  What about inspiration for your kitchen?  My friends and I have recipes to share with you!  In the Recipe section, there will be a new recipe each and every month that you can serve your family. 

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The education of our children is such an important part of mothering.  Whether you choose public, private, or home school, we all want to be involved in our children’s educational experience and to enrich the basics along the way.  September’s session on Strengthening Your Child’s Heart to Learn for God will help you enliven your children’s education. This inspiring talk has helped literally thousands of women all over the world to sharpen their focus and refine their vision of how to give their children a love for learning and the means of developing strong intellectual thought processes as a foundation for the rest of their lives. 

What if you could have experts in music and art in your home to teach your children in an inspirational way?  In Cultivating Life with Sally, I have invited experts to assist you in these areas!  The first series in Education will be about the great composers.  Why were they great?  What about their families?  What is noble and worth imitating about their character?  These audio presentations were recorded with you in mind.  Gather your family, snuggle on the couch, and learn a bit about a composer.  Then hit the library with the book suggestions and continue that learning in a fun and engaging way.  We will have other experts to help you teach your children over the months and years ahead. 

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Have you ever been afraid of being a leader?  Do leadership skills seem way too far outside your natural personality?  Would you like to help your children know what it looks like to become a leader in their generation, learning to stand strong for biblical convictions like Daniel did in Babylon? You are capable of growing in leadership whether or not that comes easily to you.  When God gave you children, He made you a leader!  I am so excited to share my leadership experience and expertise with us.  The leadership training and inspiration that I have been giving to women at the Intensives inside my home will now be available to you at Cultivating Life with Sally.  These sessions will give you confidence to lead inside and outside your home. 

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Do you ever wonder what you should be reading to your children?  Are you at a loss as to what to hand them to read?  Then this section is for you.  As part of your membership, you will receive bonus content from the lovely ladies of Storyformed each and every month.  Whether a podcast or a carefully curated book list, you will love these extras that will help you discover the best children’s books, celebrate the soul-forming power of imagination and story, and help you and your children live a story worth telling.

There will be more that we hope to add to the membership site as we go. We hope to develop a community of women who can interact with one another over the next few months. We are still working on this. I also plan on hosting an evening several times a year where you can have a cup of tea or coffee and interact with me in your own home over a live internet mini-chat just for our members. We even hope to host a live tea just for members when I speak in different areas of the country and world. Look for information about a possible gathering of members at Wild and Free in Nashville. More to come with each month.

We have an introductory price of just $9.99 a month--the price of one lunch out with friends! Or you can pay $99 up front and save. For less than the cost of attending a conference, you can have mentoring in many areas for an entire year. Don't wait to enroll as the price will be going up in the months ahead. Looking so forward to connecting with you. 

Registration for Cultivating Life with Sally opens on September 5. When you register, you will immediately receive an email with the direct links to all our September content as well as access to the full membership site. You can register on September 5. Looking forward to sharing this with you and we hope you will be very encouraged. 

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Today, we have a surprise as a preview to the course. It is an Extra Podcast to give you an idea of some of what is ahead: Prelude to Composers Series with Sally and Terri

What we talk about:

-Why it is important to expose children to classical music.

-How music impacts our brains and hearts.

-Ideas to listen to classical music in your home.

-Details about our upcoming Composers series within Cultivating Life with Sally.

We have also created a printable for you to remind your family of the importance of music in your homes.  

Suggested Reading for Young Children

A Caldecott Honor Book which would be fun for the young child. This counting book introduces all the instruments of the orchestra with fun rhymes and playful illustrations. It might end up being a family favorite. 


An educational introduction to the world of classical music - from composers and music history, to the instruments of the orchestra. 


Suggested Reading for Older Children & Adults

Good introduction to classical music, including composers and the times in which they lived, with a lot of interesting information.

The author has devoted one chapter to each of the composers, giving a thoughtful analysis of how his faith and worldview influenced the music he wrote. Each chapter includes recommended music to listen to which will enhance your study. 


This book, with a foreword by Francis Schaeffer, was written by women who shared many talks about great music while they lived at L’Abri. Their great insight will teach you even more about the music you are exploring. 



The Secrets of Bringing Your Table to Life! A New Book, A new podcast!



The LORD of hosts will prepare a lavish banquet for all peoples on this mountain; A banquet of aged wine, choice pieces with marrow, And refined, aged wine.

Isaiah 25:6

I am bubbling over with excitement to share with you the release of my newest book, The Lifegiving Table, coming out October 3. For the next month, I will be sharing with you about table discipleship, building an atmosphere where relationships can flourish and convictions are shaped and heart strings are tied together through the thousands of meals that will take place in your home. In a world where people experience deep lonliness and isolation, we all feel a longing to connect, to have a place where we belong, to find solace from the demands of every day life. 

It is my hope that many of you will feel deeply encouraged and inspired as you read the journey of our family as we shared table together over these thirty-six years. I believe that more than anything else, our table is where faith, moral strength and convictions were shaped in the lives of our children. It was the place we shared our lives and won people to our faith, not through arguing with them, but by sharing in the pleasure of being together around delicious, comforting food and a beautiful atmosphere.

Food, feasting, gathering around celebrations is one of the most Biblical and life-giving ways to share in the goodness and reality of God. If you can invite someone to your table, in an atmosphere of love and welcome, you can influence them for life. 

In one week, the last of my children will fly home from London to join our family in one more time of celebrating who we are, this crazy Clarkson clan, what we stand for, what messages we want to leave as legacy. And all of this will be celebrated through feasts shared together, tea times, strong coffee on our front porch while watching the sun set and just being together in our cool Colorado mountain air.

This reminiscent of other times. but it all happens around feasting, celebrating life together and entering into the close fellowship that has built over years of gathering together over meals. 

Today, I hope you will share this blog post with your friends. If you share it in any place and on social media and I will choose two winners to receive a signed hardback copy of my book.

Also, be sure to look at my Lifegiving Table launch page where you will find out about many wonderful gifts I will be giving away on October 3 at our fun facebook live launch party, including two people winning a trip to my home, a hotel stay and a day with me in my home and at my table, for mentoring and fun. The details are listed HERE.

It will be such a fun month sharing about my stories and recipes. I hope you will enjoy my podcast this week, too, where I share about the why your table is so very important for influencing and shaping the next generation right in your home through simple meal times.