Take Courage, Dear Heart! Awaking Faith for Eternity & Awaking Wonder


And I don't know a soul who's not been battered, I don't have a friend who feels at ease.
I don't know a dream that's not been shattered
or driven to its knees.
But it's all right, it's all right
We've lived so well so long
Still, when I think of the road
we're traveling on.
I wonder what went wrong.
I can't help it, I wonder what went wrong.

Simon and Garfunkel, American Tune

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Air conditioning blasting, barreling down the road at 75 miles an hour, Joy and I are knit together by the thread of singing at the top of our voices as we travel toward a favorite coffee shop each Saturday morning. We have been doing it for years. She is the dj and I am the driver or vise versa, depending on the day. it is how I taught her to drive. For those 55 hours of required practice driving, I played James Taylor, Jim Croce, Rich Mullins, Ed Sheehan, Regina Specter and so many more. Music is a balm to us.

But yesterday, as we were driving, some lyrics seemed to be totally appropriate to us now, even though they were written in the 70’s. Attending a concert of Simon and Garfunkel amongst tens of thousands of people, standing, swaying and cheering them on was a favorite memory of mine when I just graduated from high school. I remembered their lyrics from American Tune. The words seem to be describing us today: “I don’t know a soul who’s not been battered, don’t know a soul who is at ease.”

This lyric was written when I was a young college student, in another time of real crisis—but is still true today.

Our souls have been battered, our souls are not at ease.

This week, though, I have continually had so many of you on my heart and I have been praying for you as I remembered these words that describe all of us. We have been troubled by the storms, by Covid, loss of jobs, violence and hatred recorded on the news, political chaos, loss of crops, threats of closing down schools, loss of control of most of our circumstances of life. It is indeed a challenging time.

As I face my launch this week, the focus of my heart has not been as much on Awaking Wonder as it is on praying for so many of you who I have come to know through your messages, emails, comments. I know that if you are on my heart, you are indeed on the heart of God. You are not alone or forgotten. Yet, this is a time when we have the choice to try to see with the eyes of our heart to notice Him and His valiant presence in this world. Our God is a redeemer. He is a lover, He will not leave us alone.

I was on a hike with my son, Joel, this week. We were talking of the mountains of discouraging issues. He said,
”You know, I think that when people go through great crisis, they either become more humble, dependent on the Lord and compassionate for others or they become bitter, cynical and victims of their circumstances.”

I think he is right. How we face our difficulties will determine the pathways of our lives. As I age, I see more and more that my compassion for most all people has grown. My sympathy for struggles, seeing people withtout a shepherd gives me compassion to want them to know the mercy and comfort of Christ.

We must choose to remember: In the darkness of the times, our God is still working, fighting behind the scenes, bringing others to Himself, spreading love and redemption. He has trusted us with these times.

We see the struggles through music as I mentioned the Simon and Garfunkel song. But we also see these thoughts communicated through out art of every form. We see this heart issue also in literature, in the Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. Frodo, insignificant hobbit, living a mundane life was the chosen hero for Tolkien’s epic story. When he was journey weary, small, exhausted, just like we feel now, he said, “I wish it , (these battles) need not have happened in my time.”

Gandalf wisely answered him, “So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”

Isn’t that the same with us, to decide what God wants us to do with the time given to us. We have agency, the power to decide that we will seek to please him, to seek Him, to decide to trust Him.

I have been reading verses that have held me fast through many years of challenges..

Psalm 46:1-3 “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.”

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (one of my favorites)

Psalm 9:9-10 The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.

Isaiah 26: 3-4 Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock.

As I have learned to lean into these verses, I have written them on the impulses of my heart. The older I get, the more I know deep in my heart. We are not in heaven yet. There is a place where all. will be peace, light, beauty, love. Yet, even in this world, when I stay close to Him, I can see His light, His presence, His control over all things. I have lived through enough dark places, and seen Him hold my hand at every step.

One of the main reasons that I wrote Awaking Wonder is that as I look back, so many parents I know focussed on the wrong issues, the wrong goals. It is easy to focus on results that we can measure, test results, grades, activities, material possessions.

Yet, there is a focus I see that matters: To give our children a living faith, to believe in the constant love and presence of God and his truth and ways, while living in His unconditional love and beauty as they shape their lives on His reality.

This is actually what my new book, Awaking Wonder, is about. To live in front of our children in such a way that they will see us responding to God by faith so that they will know what it is like to do the same when they encounter troubles. How important that we do not measure our lives by the things we have, the activities we are busy in, the test scores we achieve, but the way we learn to walk with and please God every day—and to pass that kind of living faith on to our children.

Awaking Wonder to faith, to beauty, to love, to light in a dark world, to God who is with us, to God who answers prayer.

As I have kept in my heart many times, “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose His soul.”

What to do in the times we have been given? Loving our children with our time, our hearts, our words, our touch, our testimony, so that they can still hope in God’s love in dark times.

Living a life of servant leadership, washing their feet, so to speak, by seeking to listen to their conversations even when we are tired, to get up one more time in the middle of the night to soothe a fretful soul, to be patient with one more mess, to be steadfast and persevering during the tedious, challenging times.

Great hearts and souls are shaped during a day after day of faithfulness, patience, affection, house work done in all the moments of life. Building a legacy of faith and love is not about what school, what curriculum, but about us bringing the kingdom of God to bear in our children’s lives on a daily basis.

This is why I wrote Awaking Wonder, because I wanted to help parents understand that our lives are about serving and pleasing Him and then consequently serving our children because it means so much to Him.

Children, Jesus said, are about the kingdom of God.

In the Chronicles of Narnia, Lucy, the youngest child, was faced with imminent fear, Aslan said, “Courage, Dear Heart.”

Today, as you face these circumstances, may you find purpose and live into your capacity to keep going to keep spreading light, to be patient, to invest your love in young hearts.

He trusted us with these times, that in His strength, we would be able to endure with grace and live in the realty of His light.

Aslan the picture of our precious Jesus, still says to us, “Courage, Dear Heart.”

May God grant you courage today, dear one.

To register for the Awaking Wonder Conference, go HERE


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Grace in Friendships ... Both Inside Our Family & Outside in the World


“When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen.When they're finished, I climb out.” Erma Bombeck

“Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet service to see who they really are.”  Will Farrell   

When facing life as a mom, as a wife, you have to keep some humor floating through every day. And also, it helps to to know that you are not alone in the midst of your life messes. And now, during cover, it is especially a draining, messy time. We have lost our support systems, our schedule, our time alone. All of these are vitally important to our overall emotional health.

I do rely heavily on a candle, cup of tea, and my Bible get me started off right. I've learned to lay my burdens at Jesus' feet. I've read His words and they have ministered to my heart. I've worshiped Him. I have asked Him to change me, to help me grow, to bless my family and lead them. I'm sure it's going to be a wonderful day, and all is well with the world.

And then I get out of the chair.

And sometimes, it feels as if all is downhill from there! I am a human being with needs—that are pretty much going unmet. I am pouring out every day to my others who are deeply in need right now, but it leaves me with a little bit less at every moment.

Wouldn't motherhood, wifehood, even Christianity be much easier ... if there weren't any other people involved? But I suppose then we have the problem alluded to in that scene from It's a Wonderful Life, when the family's help says, "That (the noise happening upstairs) is why all children should be girls!" and then the elder Mrs. Bailey says, "But if they were all girls--oh, never mind!"

God loves relationships. He, Himself, exists as a relationship--Father, Son and Spirit, three in One--a mystery we can't wrap our minds around. We bear His image, and part of that is this need we have for relationships; to know and be known, to love well, to draw strength and learn from one another. Yet relationships are not easy.

Sinful people, living together in a broken world, sometimes hurt one another.

We misunderstand and are misunderstood.

We struggle with pride and envy, greed and deceit. So do those around us--and our children are no exception.

Awaking Wonder, for our family, meant to talk through the reality of our hearts, our limitations, and why we need grace from a humble, compassionate heavenly Father every day, every minute. And why we need to become people of grace giving.

We need God's grace, both within the walls of our homes and when we venture out the door.

And while we’re trying to offer grace to all the people around us, we also ought to consider offering some to ourselves! How will you offer grace to everyone in your circle this week?

Part of our educational foundation in awaking wonder was offering grace to our children! Read more about it, here …

Awaking Wonder At Home Together: Register THURSDAY, AUGUST 13


Awaking Wonder Together At Home Registration

Opens Today!

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WOOHOO! I am so excited to be able to tell you about the conference series that we have planned to bring to you. After having to cancel hotel conferences scheduled all over the United States, we finally decided that we wanted to provide this conference as a gift from us, (our family) to you. Be sure to go to the registration page and sign up and you will receive a code to use on August 20 that will give you access to the 12 conference sessions. I had so much fun planning different rooms in my home where I tell stories, interview my 4 adult children and or Clay. I pray that it will be a personal encouragement and bring some inspiration your way whether you are a teacher, a youth pastor, a parent or someone who has a heart for these areas.

I also hope that those who will be home educating their children because of being home for the first time, moms who work, new homeschoolers or those who just need some new entouragement will find an oasis of rest and restoration in the messages.

This online event is based on my new book, Awaking Wonder. Please be sure to pre-order your copy of Awaking Wonder so you can enjoy the full benefit of the video visits. It would mean so much if you would do this to help support our message as it goes into the world.

Here is a summary you can share with your friends:

In a series of twelve short video visits in different rooms of her home, I will share how she awakened wonder as a mother. Awaking Wonder at Home Together videos will let you walk with Sally, along with Clay and their grown children—Sarah, Joel, Nathan, and Joy—as she recalls the blessings and beauty of awaking wonder at home in the Clarkson family.

These professionally filmed and edited clips are being offered at no cost, but only for a limited time. They are Sally’s gift to you to celebrate the release of her 22nd book. All she asks is that you register to receive them. And when you register (and, by the way, only if you register) you’ll also be entered into a wonder-full 12 Days of Wonder Giveaway.

As a special celebration, we have decided to do a giveaway every day that we offer the conferences free. If you register, you will be entered into a random.com drawing, one each day for the following gifts from us to you:

  1. Thu, Aug 20 - Awaking Wonder set—signed book and guide, 3x selected books from Sally’s library

  2. Fri, Aug 21 - The Lifegiving Family trilogy—The Lifegiving Home/Table/Parent +study guides

  3. Sat, Aug 22 - Our 24 Family Ways package—O24FW devotional, 3x Kids Color-In Book

  4. Sun, Aug 23 - Mentoring Time with Sally—Thirty minutes with Sally on phone, FaceTime, or Zoom

  5. Mon, Aug 24 - Storyformed package—Just DavidThe Gold ThreadJourneys of Faithfulness

  6. Tue, Aug 25 - Awaking Wonder set—signed book and guide, 3x selected books from Sally’s library

  7. Wed, Aug 26 - The Lifegiving Family trilogy—The Lifegiving Home/Table/Parent +study guides

  8. Thu, Aug 27 - Our 24 Family Ways package—O24FW devotional, 3x Kids Color-In Book

  9. Fri, Aug 28 - Mentoring Time with Sally—Thirty minutes with Sally on phone, FaceTime, or Zoom

  10. Sat, Aug 29 - Home Education set—Educating the WH ChildRead for the HeartSeasons of a Mother’s Heart

  11. Sun, Aug 30 - Wonder-full music by Joel Clarkson—6x CDs of original piano instrumentals

  12. Mon, Aug 31 - “The Gate”— 8x10 framed painting by Awaking Wonder cover illustrator, Jamin Still

We hope you can come. Sometime in the morning of Thursday, August 13, you can register at this page:awakingwonderathome.com

Hope you can come to the celebration of Awaking Wonder with us!



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Awaking Wonder: Catching Up with My Friend Sarah Mackenzie

A memory of our time together at a Wild and Free Conference

A memory of our time together at a Wild and Free Conference

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Grace and Peace, Grace and Peace…….a song from Fernando Ortega wafted through my home on many occasions. How we need to be around people who offer us a breath, a kiss on our cheek, an angel friend who brings grace to us in spite of our challenges, imperfections or just thoughts that must be shared with a kindred spirit.

Such is sweet Sarah Mackenzie. We had so much fun talking that we are doing 2 podcasts, one on hers and one on mine—and an instagram live. As a seasoned mama of many, she has had to learn to pace herself. Listen to her wise words:

“It doesn't really matter if we have the most beautiful, carefully thought-out plan if there aren't enough hours in the day to get to it. Look, if God expected you to get 36 hours worth of work done in a day, he would have given you 36 hours to do it. If you have more to do than time to do it in, the simple fact is this: some of what you are doing isn't on His agenda for you.” 

“You are made in the image and likeness of God, and you have exactly what you need to be the mother that He wants you to be. Figure out what drives you and then let your kids shine within the atmosphere you create. Trying to be something you're not, trying hard to provide your kids with the education that the blogger-next-door is giving hers will burn you out make you want to quit the whole project entirely.” 
― Sarah Mackenzie, Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace

I hope you enjoy our conversation—and I hope you breathe in peace.

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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Awaking Wonder: Never Ending Discipleship: Shaping Character, Inspiring Faith & Podcast Part 2


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“In a world rampant with secularism, forgetful and resistant to God, it is important that we be focused and intentional in passing on the wisdom, reality, foundation, truth, and purpose of God to our children.”Sally Clarkson, Awaking Wonder

Troubling thoughts, mixed emotions, issues that were heavy on my heart had stayed inside for some days and I didn’t even know they needed to come out. Asking Joel to go out to an acceptable cafe just for talk time was just the break I needed. Now instead of me being the one influencing him, he unearthed my feelings and thoughts and lifted my burden and sent me on a healthy path forward. When we take the time to spiritually engage with our children, they become our wise counselors.

Mentoring, the relationship between two people that seek to encourage, affirm and walk along side another is a rare gift. Mentoring was the pattern I learned from the life of Jesus.

Now, I find that after years of waiting along side my wonderful Joel, he is now mentoring me.

I have been receiving so many messages of encouragement about how you have enjoyed these podcasts about educating/discipling our children. Today, I know you will be encouraged by listening to part 2. I know I was greatly encouraged.

Part two of our discussion on shaping character and inspiring faith, we share about the struggles of having different “out of the box” children and how the life of Christ shows us the path of reaching their hearts. There is no formula, but a path of life formed brick by brick. My friends and I share book resources and practical ways that we incorporated scripture discussion, and built in habits and rhythms of being in the Word as a family.

Enjoy! Be sure to pre-order your book today.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:



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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Awaking Wonder: Shaping Character, Inspiring Faith & Podcast Part 1

My national team, meeting in Asheville just before the pandemic. Gretchen, Jennie, Misty & me.

My national team, meeting in Asheville just before the pandemic. Gretchen, Jennie, Misty & me.

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“A heart for what is right is not just a knowledge of some right things to do, but a love of goodness and a growing desire to move in the direction of living a righteous and just life from a strong heart.” Sally Clarkson, Awaking Wonder

“Mom, I just wanted to call you because I feel so alone. Even though I have tried to get involved in a number of groups, it is really hard to find friends who carry the same ideals that I have committed my life to. Compromise seems to be a part of everyone’s life, at least in the my circles. Will. you pray that I can find a kindred spirit friend?”

As we look to the landscape of culture, we see a mess. There are secular voices, crazy supposed Christian voices that don’t seem to articulate much of what I believe in my own life. There is a doom and gloom sort of projection in voices of politics and in the news. Yet, I know God is still bringing. His light and goodness in amazing ways amidst it all. How do we help shape our children’s foundation of faith so that they have hope, can stand strong against the onslaught of temptation, so that they can even thrive and play their own part in bringing God’s light to the world?

One of my most profound goals in writing Awaking Wonder was to help parents, adults, mothers understand how to nurture hearts of Faith, imaginations of God’s realities to last for a lifetime.

What does it profit a man to gain the best SAT scores and lose the soul of children?

I loved doing this podcast. It encouraged me so much. I am. so blessed to have seasoned friends who have walked this road with their own children for many years. I asked them to join me to discuss what it looks like to raise children with godly character, strong beliefs, and a resilient heart.

One of the gifts we have as parents is the laying of foundations of faith in the lives of our children. I am back with my friends talking on the podcast today about building a life of faith with your children. Awaking their hearts to wonder, truth, beauty, and goodness is a call for all parents no matter what educational path you take. We share practical ways of how we shared scripture in our homes, walked through difficult seasons, and incorporated faith into all areas of our lives and home. We hope you are encouraged to see beyond education as merely test scores and accumulation of facts, to the intentional passing on of wisdom and following Christ.

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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Wisdom is the Basis and Goal of Learning!

"As a man thinks, so is he." Proverbs 23:7

Jesus tells us to worship him with our minds--to love Him with our minds. The ability to think biblically is no small matter in a world that shouts to us with values that are worldly, pumping out lies about life, family, morality,  in thousands of ways every day.

And yet, I find that very few people, and especially young adults, know how to think biblically. Followers abound--those who find it easier to just do what others tell them to do, without really thinking through scripture or pondering it for themselves. So often, I talk with people of all ages, in conferences, through email, and everywhere I go and yet, most people I know follow some philosophy because someone else told them to do so.

Most people live in the boxes made by other people.

But God desires us to seek Him, to ponder Him, to listen to His voice, to read His word, and to be so familiar with scripture that He has a vocabulary to use in our lives that comes straight from the Bible.

Children who learn from an early age to read the Word, to digest its truth, to ponder its meaning, to pray over it to God, become those who have the ability to discern God's ways and to live in the freedom of worshiping a God who will direct their ways.

Psalm 19 tells us,

The law of the Lord is  perfect, restoring the soul;

The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.

The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;

The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.

The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;

The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether.

They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold;

Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.

Moreover, by them Your servant is warned;

In keeping them there is great reward."

A person who owns and cherishes the word of God has advantages in His life. Wherever he goes, the Holy Spirit will counsel him, lead him, guide him and give comfort and perspective. The Bible is the vocabulary that the Holy Spirit uses to lead us in his ways.

If you do not teach your children to think biblically and to love the word, no moralizing, no lecturing, no influence will work well, because it is not grounded in truth.

"For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

It starts with a habit--before you do anything else, begin each day with the Word of God. Read the stories, memorize verses, psalms, Jesus' parables, Genesis as a foundation, the prophets as a picture of our world's issues today, Paul's admonitions, Proverbs' wisdom. Immerse your life, your moments, your home in the word of God. Your children will cherish what you cherish, and if you value the word, it will become a part of their whole being.

This is the foundation of all we do at home, as well as our ultimate goal.

For more on this topic, I hope you’ll read my newest book, Awaking Wonder!

Awaking Wonder: Exploring Science with Your Children Part 2


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“But Sally, what do you do for science? All I hear you talking about is great books, good literature. Do you just neglect that area in your children’s lives?”

I think when I first started home educating, I did not realize there were so many good sources, amazing books written about creation, design, intricate and interesting facts about weather, seasons, molecules, the design of atoms, bacteria, snowflakes, trees, photosynthesis and so much more. I had the illusion that science was only in text books.

Today, I am back with my friends talking about science with older children today. (Refer to the previous science podcast for younger reads for children. It is so much fun. I learned so much by guiding my children through these subjects—my own personal favorite being physics.

Exploring science with your older children can be just as exciting as discovering God’s amazing creation with the younger ones. You don’t have to limit yourself to traditional areas of study or textbooks with your teens. Discover what they are interested in, and guide them as they ask questions and research topics of interest. We share several resources with you for studying science in the older years. Biographies, historical fiction, survival stories, amazing science photograph books, are all resources for awaking wonder in your older children.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Emily Ley: Grace Not Perfection, What Girls Need to Be Strong & Healthy


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Once in a while, you meet a friend and you feel like you are just suited to be friends. You hold similar values inside, you can talk for a thousand years without stopping, and fun moments surround your time together. That is how I feel about Emily Ley. She is an angel gift that God wanted me to have.

A couple of weeks ago, we recorded a podcast together that expresses both of our hearts—our passion to see young women, teen girls, flourish. With so many voices coming at them on the internet, and constant pictures of impossible standards for any of us to meet, it is common for girls to feel inadequate and insecure just being themselves. How to we cultivate an atmosphere and a plan to reach their hearts with unconditional love, with grace and words to speak forward into who they will become?

How do we cultivate beauty, wonder, fun, peace in our time and commitments and in our home atmosphere that supports a sense of belonging, a feeling of community with friends and family, a place to have peace and freedom as we grow. Creating my home as a place filled with this wonder and beauty, helped my children to grow through some awkward years. I sought to make home the best place to be.

Emily explains our girls’ needs for such a place and atmosphere: Today's fast-paced, technology-driven society affects all ages, but it's taking its biggest toll on our kids. Does your middle grader feel compelled to participate in a ton of activities, be an excellent student, take a perfect photo for every occasion, and be friends with as many people as possible--only to end up exhausted and anxious? 

As a mama who has raised two girls who have become strong, healthy adults, I know that these tween years and beyond are so very important. Our girls need us to be vigilant and available with our time and friendship. I love the practical ideas we talked about:

  • Create significant moments to build memories with our girls (and boys, as well!) rather than orchestrating a picture-perfect life.

  • Set boundaries on your commitments, (and their’s) so that life can have natural moments to build real relationships that satisfy.

  • And, what Emily is so good at and helps everyone in—planning: Simplify life by simplifying three major areas: your space, your time, and your mind.

  • Make plans for a sustainable, grace-filled life that fills and doesn’t detract from a strong emotional, spiritual and actual life.

So much to say, but I hope this will be of great encouragement to you.

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  • Leave an iTunes Review These are so important as they help our podcast reach more women with messages of encouragement.

  • Follow on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and updates.

  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Awaking Wonder: Sarah Shares Her Wonderful Thoughts & GiveawayL


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On a chill October day, I tumbled into a local train to meet my precious Sarah (and Joy) at a lovely hotel for a small rendezvous together before she gave birth to darling baby Samuel. quickly grabbing a doorman, we smiled for a quick photo from him as we were swirling through the rotating door. Precious times with Sarah have filled my heart with gratefulness beyond expressing. She is my beloved first child, the one who taught me how to be a mother.

God eased me into motherhood by giving a sweet, gentle, generous little girl who became my close pal and kindred spirit through so much of my life. Sweet Sarah has always been a creator of beauty. It oozes out of her in her words, the ways she shapes life, the beauty she brings, the love she gives.

Time together now is filled with constant sharing of what we think about every subject in the world, the books we have read, the thoughts and feelings that have journeyed through our hearts and minds. Soul retreat comes to mind when I am with her. I knew you would enjoy being with us in our thoughts.

Last week, in a phone call, I found Sarah up to her eyeballs caring for her bubbly 2 year old Lilly, and never wants to sleep, darling Samuel. Even in the midst of this demanding season, her mind was alive with the book she is diligently working on, moments of creativity and lucidity being tucked in here and there when she can find a few minutes to write her thoughts.

When one draws from Sarah’s life, they always find richness and treasures there. I love drawing out fo the hearts of all of my adult children because I always find wealth in their souls. Awaking Wonder is the story of our journey together through discovering the worlds that shaped them.

Sarah and I conversed today about beauty, books, the shaping of hearts, minds and souls. I know you will love this podcast between mother and daughter, best friends. Sarah is the author of the book: Read For the Heart which provides hundreds and hundreds of favorite children’s books and authors. Currently it is out of print but has been a favorite resource of many.

To celebrate all of you, I will be giving away one of Sarah’s books about books (a real treasure as it is out of print and sells for around $45. And also, I will be giving away an out of print book in the classical children’s series you all have seen upon my shelf. A generous friend said she would love to donate a copy.

This giveaway is for those of you who have preordered my book, Awaking Wonder, as I think we all share values and love for books in common.

If you have pre-ordered Awaking Wonder, leave a comment on Insta or FB or on this blog and share it with a friend and you will be entered to win these two amazing books. I know one of you will be so happy.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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