Seasoned Mamas Share: Life is Full of Messes & Challenges-Keep Going"


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“I have you in my heart. You are precious to me. You are not alone.”

Today, I was sitting on my deck for a short break. Aspen leaves were gently shimmering, a light wind was blowing through the soft pines around our home. You came to mind—my precious, wonderful friends who listen to my podcast, who are in our membership, who follow the messages that are on my heart and yours. God often brings you to mind. You are quite dear to me. I picture you in your homes, serving, living, giving and have sympathy for the heaving loads you carry and gratefulness for how generously you give of yourself to others.

First, I was quite thankful for you. Second, I was led to pray for you. I know that within your lives, you bear details of stories that are demanding, sad, hard and yet you keep going. So, instead of one more blog post about Awaking Wonder, (though it is a deep message of my heart), I thought, I just want to do a podcast and blog that will help these precious ones feel encouraged or at least understood—to know that you are not alone in bearing unique burdens. Sometimes for me to know someone else understands my “crazy” helps me to keep going.

Dramatic or taxing emotions come upon us at surprising moments. This week, I arose early, devoted to just having a peaceful quiet time with a strong cup of tea, and ease into my day. Joy came down the stairs from her bedroom to have our morning prayer time together. Before we knew it, I was tearing up and bearing my heart, eventually she was teary eyed, bearing hers and life took unexpected turns for a long interval of time while we sorted out what we are feeling from all of the draining and surprising turns of our lives..

I was wondering if you, my sweet friends, were being taken by surprise by your own challenges, lack of support systems, exhaustion, limitations and surprise when it all comes to the top—often unexpectedly.

Today, you will hear the hard seasons some of my inner circle leaders have born over the years. Sometimes I think just knowing others are moving through the same feelings and struggles helps. I just love these women so much. They are a treasure to me—I hope this podcast encourages you greatly.

Most of all, I want you to know that your struggles are not necessarily your fault and you don’t have to feel guilty for being discouraged or like you want to run away. We all feel this on the marathon of life. May God’s sweet grace reach into your hearts and give you comfort today.

Sending much love,


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Mistakes are Great Teachers- and Help us Become Mentors!

"Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day, with no mistakes in it yet?" ~Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery

It is more than a comfort to know that each day offers the promise of a tomorrow--a new day, with no mistakes in it, yet.

The yet, perhaps, is the important word in that sentence! Because mistakes will surely be made. I will speak too sharply to someone, and I'll gossip or criticize someone and then feel guilty, I will break a commitment I have made to myself one more time. Perhaps I'll forget to return a phone call or water a plant that dies--and know that I wasted my money and failed one more time. The possibilities of ways to make big mistakes and small are endless. In the past, those sorts of things weighed heavy on my heart. Why couldn't I just get everything accomplished, as everyone else seemed to do? Why was I still impatient and unorganized sometimes?

In Awaking Wonder, I talk about how modeling our own lives after Jesus is the foundation of teaching our own children at home. And yet, perfection is not required. Grace is new every morning.

Sometimes it is assumed that anyone who speaks or writes or works to inspire other moms has "arrived" to some extent. There can be an illusion that at my house, everything is perfect, no one is ever cross, and there's no effort necessary to keep things running smoothly. This, I can assure you, is not the case!

Mistakes will be made, and our ideals are not always realized- and others disappoint while we disappoint ourselves. But the most wonderful truth that I pray will go deep into my own heart and to yours, is that the love of God is steadfast--it never changes, it remains strong, it's loyalty does not change.

Take this deeply into your brain and into your heart--The steadfast love of the Lord never, ever ceases and His mercies never come to an end. Every morning they are there waiting for you to bathe yourself in once again.

--And best of all, the truth that I can always begin again! Every day a clean slate, a new beginning, a fresh history. 

Today, you are new and fresh--walk in the newness and reality of a clean slate and live into His everlasting love.

Aim high, sweet mama. And when mistakes come, know they are covered by the One who holds all in His hands, and whose mercies are "new every morning!"

Memorize this verse and sing it to yourself every day:

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

~Lamentations 3:22-23

And I hope my new book will be a great encouragement to you!

Awaking Wonder: The Adventure of Exploring Science with Your Children Part 1 & Podcast


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“Mama, come quick! There is a snake stuck up in the tree! It’s so cool!” And so began my day as I was scrambling eggs. Living in the middle of Texas brought many “critters” our way. Snakes, scorpions, tarantulas, snakes, armadillos and so many more. Fossils literally littered our country pathways. It seems that every day a walk provided us with lots to explore.

When we take a less “formal” way of introducing worlds to our children, we can feel insecure, at first, because often unfamiliar ways require a risk. Yet, as I look back now, I can see that because of our commitment to be outdoors and the countless nature books we had found to put in our library, our children seamlessly learned concepts about science naturally and thought it was an adventure to discover secrets of nature right in our own back yard.

Today I know you will enjoy the podcast I recorded with my friends as we discussed how to include science in a literary way of learning. So many wonderful resources. We even recorded 2 sessions. Enjoy, take notes and remember, with interesting books to guide curiosity and wonder, there is no need to buy age graded text books. You will be covering more ideas and concepts than you ever knew and it will all be interesting for you and your children. Enjoy!
There are so many ways to bring science to life with your children.  Today, my friends and I discuss some of our favorite methods and books to spread a feast of delight before your children in the area of science.  What does science education look like in a home?  How do you decide what topics to study?  How do you introduce science to young children?  What does it look like in high school?  Jennie and Gretchen both love science and help me to give you many ideas for how to get started.  Don't be afraid to just choose one book that they have shared and jump in!  Learning alongside your children is one of the many benefits of homeschooling.  If you aren't homeschooling, use these ideas to spring board some plans of exploration as a family or to enhance their science education.  

Remember, God has a unique and special plan for each family and no family will look exactly like another's.  Pray that He would show you the plan and desires that He has for you and your children.  Use these ideas for inspiration but not a checklist or another reason to feel guilty.  Give yourself grace and simply look at science as asking questions about the creation that He designed for us.

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Joy's Favorite Fiction: Books That Shaped Her Life & Podcast


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Cuddling up next to my precious little Joy filled me with delight. Since I had her when I was 42, and had 3 miscarriages before her, I was pretty sure I would not have any more little ones. I cherished our time together to explore worlds, adventures, heroes.

Last week, I interviewed Joy about what she remembers as her favorite fiction titles and why she loved these particular heroines. But as she was speaking, I realized that Joy had, to a large degree, embodied the protagonists she was describing. Stories shape the imagination of what our children will become. And I had chosen each book because of the great vocabulary and wonderful character and attributes and choices each wonderful heroine had made.

Women ask me how I could choose to read real literature and put aside text books—because they are better brain, heart and soul food. By swimming in the waters of these stories, Joy became submerged and changed by the words she had lived in—and I love who she has become. She is one of the women I most respect.

Some of our most beautiful memories of home are snowy Colorado days complete with a cozy fire, a cup of hot chocolate or tea, a great read-aloud, and my pajama-clad children sitting rapt with interest in one of the many of thousands of books we read together.

What a wonderful thing it is to have stories that you can all share together, the delights of which are not too soon forgotten. My family still recalls stories from books we have read during our school days, listened to in the car on long road trips to conferences, and even the ones we listened to in the car just driving to and fro in town.

We love the unabridged stories which thoughtfully leave the heart of the author intact throughout the whole narrative. Reading aloud to children is as natural as mothering itself. It is meant to be a delightful, bonding time together and a fantastic way to disciple your children through stories. In our home, we never made our children just sit and listen, rather they always had some sort of an activity to do during reading time. At the beginning of each school day, I would give them a few moments to gather their assorted activities and get ready to read.

In a time when there are many anti-heroes—people who do not model virtuous lives or authentic humane selves, these books actually do the job of shaping the mental pathways of who your children will become—so make sure those stories are the best, tried and true, timeless tales.

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Awaking Wonder: Taking Care of Your Weary Self & Podcast


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What if I don’t get it right?

What is the very best curriculum?

I have failed my children up until now.

I have to work, how will my children, who will be at home be ok?

Every day, lately, I am getting so many messages and letters from sweet women who are so very burdened with pressures, voices, worries, fears and of course exhaustion.

I wanted to share just a few verses with you that I hope will encourage you and a bit from my own life.

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

“Cast your cares on the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.” Psalm 55:22

Today, I want to encourage you—and I will share a little bit about education, ,too. And a story…

Education should not be about drilling facts into student’s heads, or teaching them to strain for the highest grade, but about cultivating a holy sense of wonder that drives them to discover, explore, and protect all that is good and beautiful. 

Awaking Wonder

Educating Others, whether adults, children, women in a Bible study, a book club, whatever the venue, teaching others will change and transform you. When we take on the responsibility of giving others wisdom, truth, knowledge, it forces us to become responsible for our own development, our own academic muscle, our ability to think.

We were all made to know, to understand, to discuss, to pass on wisdom and truth and to live it out in the context of our real lives.

Many parents are confused right now about how they will be able to educate their children at home this fall. Naturally, because they are thinking about what has been required of “school children” from their own experience, they think, “Can I cover all the facts? Can I do my job and teach my chid. Can I cover all the bases.?

Yet, when we step back and begin to rethink education, we realize that that the goal is not merely just to open their heads and pour in the right facts. But children are human beings, with personality, skill sets, dreams, emotions, needs, drives. When we take time to see them for what they are, real people just like us, then we are better able to figure out how to inspire them, to lead them forward in intellect, habits, manners, morality and virtue, faith, knowledge and truth, and hands on experiences to give them an opportunity to develop their potential in real life situations.

It was the lunch that changed my life.

Clay and I were working at the International Chapel of Vienna in those days, and we often invited people home for lunch after our church service. On one such day, our table included an opera singer and her musician husband; a refugee who had escaped under the barbed wire, running from guards in Iraq; a couple who worked as attachés in the South African embassy; and a businessman and his wife who worked in Russia. (Because Vienna is one of the four headquarters of the United Nations, on some Sundays we had as many as thirty-five countries rep- resented in our English-speaking chapel.)

This particular day, I had put chicken and rice in my slow cooker in the morning and tossed a quick salad before everyone came knocking at my door. Throughout the meal, I heard riveting personal stories, stimulating discussions of books and music, knowledgeable debates about biblical ideas, and a fascinating sharing of customs.

I distinctly remember sitting there with a burning passion building in my heart. I longed to understand history better, to know more about these countries I did not know existed, to be familiar with composers and art and great writers and ideas. Though I had graduated from college and could speak four languages with varying degrees of fluency, I still felt terribly uneducated and underinformed.

Having been one of those students who had been bored most of my years in school, I had just passed from one year to the next by the seat of my pants. I made pretty good graces, but I always took shortcuts to get my homework finished, I took as many creative, fun classes as I could and could not wait to get “out” of school.

Yet in this environment I recognized a deep hunger to know, to understand, to be able to converse with these interesting friends—in short, to become more personally educated in these vast ideas that interested me so much.

Perhaps if all I was hearing around our table had been presented to me in lecture form, requiring me to sit still and listen for hours on end, I might still have been bored.

But hearing stories from real, live human beings, friends from Russia, South Africa, Iraq and a player in the Vienna philharmonic, as well as an opera singer, laughing together and engaging in discussion over coffee and cake, kept me deeply absorbed. I realized that this was a better way to learn, in the context of real life, real people.

And a conviction began growing inside me. I decided that if Clay and I ever had children, we would present interesting topics at our own table. We would discuss stories, read books out loud together, listen to and evaluate music, critique movies, evaluate world view, and talk lots about faith and the Bible (we would later come to call this “talking Torah”). This might have been the moment when I began to consider home education, even though I had never heard of it before. I wanted to know more than my education had ever provided and I found this out in the context of a meal. 

I understood for the first time that education is not merely about facts learned in a classroom, but about living ideas that can fill hearts, minds, and souls with intellectual food that satisfies. And for the first time in my life I got a vision for creating a truly lifegiving table, a feast for the whole person.

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Simple Cuisine Makes a Memory: Making the Most of Each Moment While You CanI


Awaking Wonder is a continual pursuit and engagement. While life seems to be the same, day after day after day, I am seeking to create interest, memories, comfort, beauty and as much joy in the menial as I am able. I have found a mix of emotions bubbling over in my heart now that I still have 2 adult children still home. The days are skewed since we do not see many people, we mainly stay home, we miss church and activities and cafes, trips and outings. But I have this day, this moment to savor, to serve to create a memory so that love will continue to be stored up in the recesses of their hearts, minds, memories.

I call my feelings happy/melancholy. Joy and I rise early to go on a walk and then each have a quiet time, share a time of devotion and prayer. Then, Joel joins us for breakfast and early mornings on our deck amongst the pine trees before it gets too hot. Joy is my baby, who is now an adult and teaching, writing, traveling and speaking world wide. She was my last one, the child of my forties now grown. It is such a joy to have her home for a bit this summer as we take a bit of a break from our responsibilities each morning for a chat and special little something for breakfast.

Joel is my helper, encourager second child, first son and we have shared many years, projects, trips together. I know I am living on borrowed time so I am making a cognitive effort to cease the days. I already miss Keelia and Nathan and of course long for Sarah and my grandchildren.

Most days when we make breakfast,, it is some kind of egg with toast or muffin. But occasionally, on early days, for special, I have made a fruit parfait of sorts to create a “That’s what we ate every day during the pandemic.”

Fresh Cherries, peaches, blueberries, strawberries, a few salted almonds and a spash of whip cream—-isn’t that a great way to say, “I love you?”

Today, I served this in bed with mugs of tea, so that getting out of bed seemed possible.

Funny how when they are tiny, you hope and hope they will stay in bed just a few more moments. Yet, before you know it, they will want to stay in bed every extra minute possible and then too quickly dash off to life. Oh to hold on to these moments and appreciate each one given as a favor from God!

Awaking Wonder: Making Your Home a Place of Resources & The Gang Podcast


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“Make it a goal to give your child an environment that piques their curiosity in people, ideas, stories. Give them opportunities to explore, learn, and create driven by their own interest and delight.”

Sally Clarkson, Awaking Wonder

“Mom, I’m bored. There’s nothing to do!”

Oh how I dreaded this statement. Yet, this pressure helped lead me to understand that the more interesting I made my home, the less my children would need me to entertain them. Clay and I spent many a time together figuring out how to create places of art and drawing, places to build and leave up lego creations, a box of dress up clothes and a myriad of other items that our children could use to build on their own creative play that led to a more robust imagination and more knowledge.

I can’t wait to share this podcast that I recorded with my leaders who have so wonderfully created our membership, We have put together a community where fun traditions, spiritual teaching, ideas, books, recipes, discipleship takes place all the time. We created it to be a resource for all of you who want ideas to keep these ideals going. It is our hope that our membership will help Awaken Your Wonder and know better how to build your own home into a place that exudes life, fun, education, discipleship.

Last week I talked with my friends about getting started and establishing foundations for awaking wonder. We are back this week to discuss resources for making your home a place to awaken wonder in your children. All parents are educators regardless of whether they choose public school, private school, or homeschooling and our homes can be a place of inspiration, imagination, and learning. With a bit of planning and intentionality, you can create a lifegiving home where your children can explore together and develop an appetite for wonder. When my children were younger we had baskets of books, bins of dress up clothes, and briefcases for each child filled with coloring books, stickers, and other trinkets for car trips. Creating spaces where you children can explore will awaken their minds and hearts.

In today’s podcast we discuss some specific ways to make these areas of exploration a reality. Where do I create these spaces? How? Will it cost me too much money? We spend time discussing how to make new, interesting, and engaging activities while mostly using what you have on hand already. What can you utilize in a new way? What art supplies can you pull out to be more accessible? Are your children ready to learn a new game? Learning and growing doesn’t have to be while seated at a desk, it can happen all along the way.

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Awaking Wonder Through Music: A Conversation With Joel


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All of us are given a personality, a unique story to live. As parents we have the opportunity to look at the inside of our children, find the themes that make up their particular beauty, and weave that into harmony in their life. At the heart of Awaking Wonder is the idea that we are called to become the maestro of our children’s lives, who conducts the symphony of their lives. I knew I wanted to have that role in each of my children’s journey; but I simply never imagined that one of my children would become an actual maestro.

Joel has had a musical ear since the very beginning. Born when we were living Vienna, he’s carried the music soul of his home city into the fullness of his life, from his work as a film score composer, to his beautiful piano performance, to the gorgeous music he writes for church choirs. Harmonies and melodies flow from him like water from a faucet.

Not only has he expressed goodness and beauty through his music, he is now studying the way that music helps us better encounter God and worship Him. He has a masters degree from the University in St Andrews, in Scotland, where he studied in the Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts, and now he is pursuing a PhD at St Andrews as well. He brings such insight and thoughtfulness to all his different life pursuits, from his creative work to his writing, and I’m so delighted that we were able to have a conversation together about art, beauty, creativity, and stimulating that wonder and imagination in children. I very much hope you’ll listen to today’s podcast as Joel verbalizes perfectly what I feel about the role of a mentor in education. You will be so deeply inspired. I hope you enjoy!

To follow Joel, like his Facebook page, or follow him on Instagram.

You can find all his music on his website,, and on all your favorite streaming platforms, like Spotify, Apple Music, and Google Play.

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The Book That Changed My Life & Joy Podcast


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Words have a power to transform, to inspire, to destroy, to leave scars or to cast vision. Stories have the mysterious sway to give us a feeling that we have been with friends who understand us, lived in worlds we have never visited and imagine ourselves being heroes that give us courage in real life.

Fifty-seven years ago, I was a dreamy eyed 10 year old that was already imagining possibilities in my future life. My father had been transferred to a new job in Houston, Texas and I hoped it would hold friendship, adventure and fun. It was the first time I had ever moved to another city and so a bit of fear hovered over my young self as I pondered whether I would find “my gang” as I had enjoyed for all of my life.

Fate lead me into unexpected pathways, though, and I found myself in and out of the hospital, bedridden and lonely. Evidently, I was deathly allergic to mildew and mold and ended up being carted away to the hospital for double pneumonia twice with breathing a constant struggle.

A double bed was my home days upon end. My mama would open the curtains to my bedroom, which had ahbay window that looked out upon 57 pine trees. I know because I had counted them numerous times.

One day, she brought me a whole pile of books and said, “I hope that these books might companion you when I can’t stay with you.” Right in the middle of the pile was A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. Resting there against several fluffy pillows, I entered into a world that gave expression to some of what I had been feeling. And the ideas so changed me that I have never forgotten them.

What books have taken you on significant life voyages that have transformed your imagination as you traveled to inner worlds where you felt yourself?

Today, I hope you will imagine what kinds of books will do that a for your own precious ones, while remembering that books can have that power in your own lives, too. Joy and I spoke today about the significant ways one of the chapters inspired us in our own lives. Of course, I had to share this book with all of my children so that they, too, could be carried away to the worlds that first captured my own imagination.


You can find Joy’s podcast @: speakingwithjoy and everything else@

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Awaking Wonder: A Chat in My Library


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Some of our most beautiful memories of homeschooling  are snowy Colorado days complete with a cozy fire, a cup of hot chocolate or tea, a great read-aloud,  and my pajama-clad children entering into the worlds of peoples we met through periods of history, rousing tales and dramatic stories of life.

Today, and the next few days, you will hear me and some of my children share about the reality of our own lives through the years. My adult children are quite passionate and convicted about what they think about the education they had as well as having a philosophy of what truly engages a heart, soul and mind.

It has been fun for me to hear them and understand how like minded we are, after all these years together, about the heart of education, the center of discipleship and the forming of life purposes. I hope you will enjoy this and ponder what we say for your own life.

There are many ways to live and a variety of means to educate. I do not think ours is the only good way, but I do believe that God led us to some central issues in understanding the ways to shape home life, and to enflesh a life of faith in and through the moments in our home so that it became a living faith in my own children’s lives.

Enjoy—share it with your friends and listen all week and I think you will indeed find encouragement for your year ahead.


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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

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