Some Tips for Helping Children Love to Read!


Stories were an incredibly influential force in the upbringing of my children. Clay and I taught our children to see themselves as the heroes of their own tale.

I have gotten countless messages asking how I encouraged all four of my children to love reading. It seems that with the rise of technology, inspiring children to love getting lost in a story through reading is becoming more difficult. Yet, fostering a love for good stories is still essential to their growth. But how can we inspire our children to love reading?

Let's start at the very beginning...

"Mama, p l e a s e don't stop. I want to hear more!"

When a child breathes in the beauty, fun, and inspiration of a great story, he becomes addicted to the pleasure of reading great books.

Encouraging an appetite for books, stories, and reading creates a desire in your child's heart for more books. From the moment my children could sit still for a few moments in my lap, I was reading to them. One favorite was a large Richard Scarry book that had pictures of multiple items labeled in both German and English. I made a game out of this book when Sarah was a wee toddler, and she learned all the words of both languages.

Where are the things that start with "b"? Name all of the things on this page you can eat. Or I would say, Where is an apple? Can you find something that starts with "buh" (b sound)?

Asking questions makes for interest in new books. Who was your favorite person in the story? Would you have acted that way?

Read using your most dramatic voices--a squeak for a mouse, a booming voice for a ferocious bear, and different voices for children in the story.

Reading is a mysterious process. Although various schools and experts defend their respective theories and methodologies of how to teach a child to read, no one fully understands how a child actually acquires this important skill.

Through our many years of home schooling, we have come to find that raising children to have a true love of reading has helped them blossom. My children developed different habits regarding how often they read, what kind of books they preferred, and how early they could concentrate on many pages. Yet because we gave them delight in cuddling up on the couch to enjoy a rousing story together every day, it became a part of the oxygen of life they breathed.

Now all of our children, in spite of differing personalities and different academic skills, love reading and recalling all the great stories we read together. Before your children even begin reading on their own, there are very simple, practical ways that you can introduce them to the concept. Give these tips a try this week with your little one!

Before Beginning Reading: -Read aloud favorite illustrated storybooks every day with your child. -Read alphabet books that contain pictures of a variety of objects for each letter. -Play with alphabet blocks and magnetic letters to familiarize your child with the alphabet. -Label important things in your child's life and read them out loud every day. -Teach your child the letters of their name, especially the beginning letters. -Make reading books aloud a wonderful, pleasurable time for your child. -Create a library shelf in your child's room to encourage ownership of books.

We Take Initiative: Our 24 Family Ways #14


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Way #14

We take initiative to do all of our own work without needing to be told.

"For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it?" Luke 14:28

A couple of years ago, our family tackled remodeling our kitchen. Cabinets were torn out, the old stained wood floors were sanded, the walls repainted. Before we could even begin, we had to take everything out of the kitchen--all of my dishes, pots and pans, and silverware were boxed up. Everything was a mess and there was sawdust, splotches of paint, plaster, and all sorts of refuse from the different projects everywhere.

At the end of a long day, we asked one of the builders helping us, a friend much more skillful that we were, to stay for dinner. He replied, "Construction is always such a messy process. If I can take a shower and wash off all of the plaster dust and paint under my nails, I will be more acceptable at the table!”

Little by little, we were amazed at the results and wondered why we had not remodeled our old kitchen long ago. The floors underneath were gorgeous in their natural state and had just faded and discolored over years of stomping feet walking over them. The new cabinets gave a whole new feel and openness to the room. An island gave me much more serving room and the tile and granite I found gave such interesting and beautiful touches to make it look like a gourmet kitchen. It took longer than we thought, created more mess than we could imagine, and cost us more than was expected.

But in the end, we were amazed at how beautiful and functional a room it became. I serve meals to literally hundreds of people every year from this little room, and the work was so worthwhile. The kitchen became so much more functional and beautiful that it makes me happy every day just to be in there!

Building our children into godly human beings is also so much messier and costlier than we ever expected, as well as taking longer than we anticipated. But the end result, like my kitchen remodeling, will be so worthwhile.

These are some lessons from soul building that I have learned.

1. To build something beautiful and functional, a plan is required. Specific plans of architectural design are required in order to build something great. Same with children. The plans determine the outcome. In the case of my children, I had specific plans for what I was building.

*Heart training— I wanted to teach, instruct, invest in the training of my children so their hearts would be captivated with a love for God and a dedication to serving Him. Heart work focuses on attitudes as opposed to behavior. Spiritual training was at the front of so many of my conversations, teaching, and traditions.

*Character training--I wanted my children to grow strong in integrity and virtue; to have the ability to tell the truth, to work hard, to give generously of themselves by learning to serve others. And so our plan (24 Family Ways) helped us to teach, train and instruct them to know how to have a godly character.

*Mental excellence--I wanted my children to be able to think well, to have a love for learning, to have foundations of a Biblical worldview, to know scripture, to read the best artists, writers, musicians, heroes and philosophers so that they would be sharpened to think and write and communicate ideas clearly and boldly.

*Work Ethic--Giving our children practice at working, taking initiative, helping, disciplining their spirits helped them to grow up to become self-motivated in their own arenas of work as adults.

2. Reconstruction requires tearing down of the old and building the new.  To create a soul that shines forth the character of Christ, to do the real construction of  building and shaping--his love, his integrity, his generous spirit, His righteousness, requires a lot of sanding. Sanding is a pressured process that scrubs the grime and stains off of a wood floor to restore it to its original beauty.

Our children were made in the very likeness of God and underneath, there is such potential beauty. But sanding is a pressuring process. Going against the grain of our children's selfish will, working out the rough places of selfishness, getting to the original design is a long term process. So many women I know think that if their children are resisting them, they must be doing something wrong. But to confront the strong selfish will of a child involves resistance, pressure, and sanding their little attitudes and self-centered willfulness. So if you find resistance, it is probably because you are helping shape a new heart, a polished soul. Training, instruction, correcting, disciplining are the forms of sanding the souls of our children so that they can become pure, beautiful, and lovely.

3. Understanding the process. A master-builder, someone who has a lot of experience at building, knows that the process of building something new requires a lot of destruction before the patterns of beauty begin to emerge. My kids drove me crazy at times. The fussing, messes, phases of whining, arguing, being lazy, needy--there seemed at times to be no end to the work of working on their hearts, minds and souls. But as long as I recalled the importance of pacing, working steadily, and keeping my focus on the goal at the end of the process, I was able to keep going because little by little I saw them shaping up to becoming stronger, more mature, more loving, and more engaged in life.

I learned that correcting is a long process of "No, not this, THIS. No, not this, THIS." It is working through the problems, training out the old, destructive, shaping something new where the work of beautifying a heart, mind, and soul takes place. The debris must be dealt with for the beautiful to emerge.

4. Everyone I know who has put up with building a home or remodeling gets sick of it eventually. This is taking so long! It doesn't seem like it will ever be finished! It is such a mess! This is driving me crazy!

We can feel so guilty if we feel this way as mothers--wanting an escape, not enjoying the process, getting sick of the constant work, wondering if we are making progress at all. But this is a part of the building process, too. It is not wrong to "feel" these things. It is kind of like hitting the wall in a marathon.

So many times, I just wanted a break. Sometimes, though I was always committed to loving my children, I did not like them or feel that motherly feeling of delight--far from it. And so, knowing that feelings don't determine whether the work gets finished or not is important. Sometimes my workers would not show up for a couple of days or take a break from the work for a holiday, rain, or just rest.

We need to have a break from all the work at times. Go out with a friend! Go out alone! Go out somewhere fun with your husband, or even do something fun with your children. Too much work without a break makes Jack a dull boy--and so it is with you. This child-shaping takes so much more time and emotional work than can all be tackled at once. Resting from stress and difficulty gives new perspective. But living in false guilt for feeling something that is perfectly normal only destroys and drains.


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Little Moments That Build an Eternal Legacy

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We ought not to be weary of doing little things for the love of God, who regards not the greatness of the work, but the love with which it is performed. Brother Lawrence

Patience is not my favorite word. I have become a woman of great capacity over the years. I work fast. I get a lot of things done in a short amount of time. Then hip surgery hit. I can’t get anything done, except sleep some more (pain meds wipe me out), lay around and repeat the next day. I opened my Bible and the devotion was about patience. Argghhhh Maybe I need to stretch once again in the direction of biding my time and learning to practice patience.

The World is brimming over with philosophies and values that proclaim the importance of  self-fulfillment, self-promotion, accomplishment, status. Yet, our Jesus came as a man who had no stately form or majesty, a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. He purposely chose to humble Himself, to become the ultimate servant king. "I am humble and meek," He said. He came not proclaiming His rights, but bowing his knee. He washed feet, touched lepers, embraced and caressed the least of these, precious children, who He deemed worthy of honor.

When we accept with open arms and heart a precious little baby and wash their little hands and feet with love in our hearts, we are worshipping. When we hold and rock and sing comfort into the heart of a screaming babe in the middle of the night during an ear infection, we become the voice of Jesus.

When we stay up late to listen to the forlorn heart of a teen who is growing and stretching toward adulthood and the injustices of the world, and the imperfection of our own families, and extending grace, patience and soothing, hopeful words, we become the patience, hope, compassion of Jesus.

Our multitudinous little tasks, washing one more dish, correcting one more attitude, kissing one more forehead, when given from a heart full of love for Him,  please Him far more than if we made millions and had a title of strategic importance.

He sees in secret, He cherishes our hidden worship more than anything else we could give Him-the worship of serving His own children our of a servant heart, filled with love and gratitude for Him. In this is our treasure we lay up in heaven for His glory.

Nathan gave me the little figurine above on a mother's day many years ago.--(the boy holding out his heart) He said, "Mom, you held my heart in your hands and shaped it with your love every day, every task, every minute of serving us kids. And Mom, for that reason, you will always be there in my heart, speaking to me of all the treasures you poured in one day at a time."

What is accomplished in the little moments that require waiting or acting in patience is where the real legacy of relationships and passing on truth takes place.

Love Him today, love those He has given you to serve today.


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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

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Working on Being a Happy Mama


A joyful heart is good medicine!

I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.

-Audrey Hepburn

The grid through which we see life will determine how we behave in life. A long time ago, I realized that my children needed a happy mama. Since then, there have been many times when I've truly struggled to find joy in my days, but it has become a position of my heart to search for it.

Happiness is a choice that comes from a heart that desires to please God. Happiness is an attitude that, in the will, says, "This is the day the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it.”

How to develop this attitude little by little is another thing all together. Here are some things I have done to cultivate happiness in my home. The more you practice and choose these heart expressions of happiness, the more happy your home will become.

Cultivating Happiness In Your Home

Before you even step out of bed, put your eyes on Jesus and talk to Him.

"Jesus, this is your day. I can only have enough strength for all that I carry if you carry it for me, and if you give your spirit's life into the moments of my days. Please help me to worship you today by choosing to be thankful for the gifts of my children. This is your day, Lord, and I want it to be a day when you are present every moment. I love you, Jesus and am thankful for you being with me."

When you first see your children or husband, greet them with a blessing.

Kiss your husband in front of your children---this makes them feel happy and secure. Choose to take time to tell him goodbye and kiss him before he goes to work.

"I am the most blessed mama in the world to have you as my little boy."

"Good morning sunshine. I am happy to see you this morning. Did you have any dreams?'“

"Mama needs a kiss from you today because you are so very special to me."

"I am so happy to be your mama! God must have loved me to give me you."

When a child grows up with a blessing most every morning when he awakens, he feels wanted and affirmed deep inside.

Put on music at different points all day.

Turn something on when you do the dishes or chores with your children (I prefer something upbeat!)

At the dinner table play something instrumental so everyone can talk without interruption.

Put it on when you are in the car, and when you have a sick child, and when you are alive, and … !

Certain music, scientists have said, lowers blood pressure, soothes the nerves, gives people a sense of contentment, helps some children do better at math problems, and takes the focus off work so time goes by more quickly and pleasantly.

Place fun things in your day that you as well as your family will enjoy.

I light candles a lot just because it makes me feel civilized.

I instituted afternoon tea times because I wanted a civilized moment, and it made me happy. A cuppa and a small treat, like a piece of dark chocolate.

I love to walk, sing, dance, have fun, and live with beauty and harmony, so I place things every day in my life that give me happiness or a sense of fun. Flowers, walks at sunset, back rubs, sitting out on the deck and watching the pines bend in the wind… these small joys have helped me to calm the raging life storms I've faced.

The practice of being thankful and cultivating joy is not one that is perfected overnight, and there will undoubtedly be stormier days that challenge us more than others, but the more we take time to look at the day the Lord has made and make the choice to rejoice, we will find that joyfulness becomes a more natural state.

May your days be happy and bright.

Lots of Fun with Sarah


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I’ve so loved continuing to look through all your messages about Help, I’m Drowning. I must say I’m incredibly relieved to finally have gotten this launch out of the way, but I’m even more relieved that my words have helped, encouraged, and inspired you.

The past few weeks, even without my book launch, have been full. My oven has been broken, and so we’ve been having to adjust our cooking to only using a stovetop. Then, Darcy, my sidekick golden retriever, suddenly had to get surgery and has been limping around the house while she dons the cone of shame. Along with all of that, my hip has been having issues for awhile, and I’ve just gotten surgery done on it — for the next few weeks, poor Clay will be taking care of two limping ladies!

I’d hoped to spend these months in England, helping Sarah take care of her three children. But life does not always go how we envision it.

As a young woman becoming a mother for the first time, I had all these visions of how wonderful, meaningful, and purposeful I would feel raising my children. I thought of motherhood as a gift, and it was, of course. It still is, and now grandmother-hood is another gift I am blessed enough to enjoy.

Yet, with my idealistic image of motherhood, the picture I had in my mind of my family peacefully gathered round the dinner table as we shared a tasty meal by the candlelight, I had forgotten something important: life will never be perfectly in order, especially when you’re a mother.

So many times, I wondered how I’d possibly make it through another day of homeschooling, cooking meals, cleaning up countless messes — even though I loved my four children endlessly, there were days when this thing I knew was a gift, felt impossible to control, let alone enjoy.

I found myself using “when” whenever I’d dream about what my life could look like… when the kids are older, I’ll do this… when the house is in better shape, I can finally do that… when we have more money, we’ll be able to have this… when, when when.

I was living in anticipation of a simpler season, smoother sailing, uncomplicated days, forgetting that in the process, I was still living out my life.

What I’ve learned with my near seven decades is that life is just going to be a lot of trouble, despite the blessing of being alive. Marriage won’t be all roses, we might lose out on a job we really needed, and raising our children will leave us feeling drained, unappreciated, or lonely. It’s worth it to ask ourselves, how can we survive the difficult parts of living?

With the countless stormy seasons I’ve faced over the years, I’ve found that pushing past these uncertain times makes us into fierce women. I like to think that I’ve become a fierce woman, and Sarah is, too. I see her jumping into her calling of being a lifegiver, a mother who cultivates beauty and joy not just for her children, but for herself.

On today’s podcast with Sarah, she shares with me some of her “survival techniques” that have kept her going in the midst of an incredibly challenging, exhausting season. I hope you will be reminded that you aren’t alone as we share our struggles, and encouraged that you, too, can bring beauty into ordinary days.

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Support & Community, Just For You


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Thank you, friends, for the countless messages I have received from you in the past few days. So many have been encouraged by the message of Help, I'm Drowning, and I’ve so enjoyed hearing all about the ways you’re being encouraged. It is always my greatest hope to inspire hope and encouragement for fellow weary mamas. I am so glad to have been able to do that.

Ever since I became a Christian as a young woman, I have been captivated by the concept of mentoring other women through loving, close relationships. Where did I learn all about it? From pondering, studying and understanding the life of Christ. His way of reaching the world was by developing personal relationships, serving, and teaching the truths that came straight from the heart of God. That, to me, seemed the most wonderful and inspiring way to reach others.

After the release of Help, I’m Drowning, and seeing all of your messages, I was praying about how to further encourage young women, new mamas, and seasoned sailors in this space. I was reminded that I always forget to tell you about the community of women who gather together in community each month for encouragement.

My team and I developed a community called Life with Sally to be a further resource, encouragement, provide countless ideas and to build a place where women all over the world can feel inspired and encouraged. I would be so honored if you’d consider joining our community.

Members of Life with Sally have access to legacy talks, recipes, Bible studies, book recommendations, Awaking Wonder units, and of course, a wonderful, one-of-a-kind community of kindred spirits, along with so much more. There are years of content for you to discover!

You can find out more about my membership at Life with Sally — I do hope you’ll join in on all the fun.

And if you haven’t already, be sure to order your own copy of Help, I’m Drowning below.


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  • Leave an iTunes Review These are so important as they help our podcast reach more women with messages of encouragement.

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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Authentic Faith, Not Perfection: Help, I'm Drowning


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As I look back on the years of my life, I remember many times when I pondered if my kids would be ok. It didn’t seem like they could be with all the difficulty and issues we had struggled with—and how imperfect Clay and I were. Yet, as I look back now, it was not perfection that was needed, but an authentic faith, a humility, a choice to trust when the feelings weren’t there. This week, Sarah surprised me with sharing about my book—she said she learned how to walk through her own darkness—that is the key, faithfulness in the midst. Thanks, sweet Sarah!

“This is my lovely mom last year just after Samuel was born. She arrived in the middle of winter and walked my fussy baby around the house for hours and bought us good food and rode the train with Lilian and me to Brighton just to get us all some fresh air and find some gorgeous flowers at the market.

My mom is a trooper, a bringer of courage, a mighty maker of beauty, and she has a book coming out today all about how to make it, how to get your hands round faith and hope and God's love in the midst of dark times.

I so want you to read it because my mom is a woman who knows what it means to walk through the valley, to bear the darkness, and somehow, be radiant. She keeps showing up in my own dark seasons, laughing and loving, helping me to remember that I am capable of bravery, of beauty, of hope.

I've watched my mom navigate achingly awful seasons many times in my life. I've watched her endure loneliness and grief, illness and difficulty not just with gritted teeth, but a heart as tender and hopeful as a child's because she chose every day to hope, to choose, to try, to love.

I'm so proud of her, and I have learned how to be a woman of courage because of her. She's offering a beautiful thing in this book, and I recommend it to you as someone who has been daily heartened and comforted by her wisdom and presence through all the dark seasons of my life.Love you, mama (Sarah)

Happy book release day, wonderful Mom!


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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

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16 Million Downloads, Chocolate and a Giveaway

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Wow! What a week! Launch week is pretty much closing today! I feel so blessed and love and encouraged by you, my wonderful friends. I couldn’t have done it without you. And, don’t you know, a girl just might have to have some salted caramel chocolate to be able to make it through a launch week. (Thanks, sweet Katie.)

The truth is, I am somewhat introverted at heart and I just cringe when I see one more photo, one more post, because it is not natural to me to launch. But over years, I have acquired some skill and knowledge about how to support what my publishers are doing—but it is not in any way natural! Whew—the chocolate came at just the right time.

What is natural is that I love to podcast.

I love to picture all of you, I am pondering your hearts, your needs and I love being a voice of encouragement to you—with Darcy at my side, sitting quietly, in something comfortable and chatting with my heart-friends—you. And guess what?

Right in the midst of this launch, I realized that I had hit over 16 million downloads of my podcast. Wow! That is because of you. What fun it has been to be a part of this. Thanks so much for making this happen. It was never my goal. I just love sharing with friends. And then somehow it just kept growing.

To celebrate the end of launch week and in light of these downloads, I was pondering what I could do that would be fun and also bless some of you. The past few weeks, I gave away 4 private mentoring sessions. I have had so much fun talking to the precious ones who won. So I was thinking—wouldn’t it be fun to extend that as a giveaway to 12 more women—to gather over a zoom call party one evening—where you can ask questions, tell me your stories, I will respond and tell you mine. Whoever wins can invite their friends over for the time of fellowship—and we can keep the mentoring/friendship going. What do you think?

So to enter the giveaway (either on Instagram or Facebook), make sure you’re following me, like my post detailing the giveaway, and tag a friend in the comments using #HelpImDrowning.

I will host the party a bit after my surgery on my hip (September 21—so after that a week or two).

Today, I shared on my podcast 6 Ways that I deal with the storms in my life with the scripture that keeps me fast. I hope it will be of great encouragement to you. I pray it gives you a grid to follow, to practice when you need anchors to keep you strong. And it’s in the back of my booK: I call it my Storm Care Kit.

Meanwhile, I am off to eat, fall into bed one more night. But I will fall asleep thanking God for you.

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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Love God Greatly: Angela Perritt Giveaway


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Giveaway and a Wonderful Podcast!

What an interesting, exhausting, but exciting launch week it’s been!

Launching a book is like having a baby — first, you are pregnant with ideas, and then it takes a very long while to grow, and then the pain of getting it out into the world!

A book has a life all its own and I hope and pray that this book will encourage many women all over the world. One of the realities of life is that the world is broken, people are desperately lost and floundering, and darkness is evident in so many ways and in so many areas of life all over the world.

Yet, if we know Christ, we live differently. Maturity for us, as with babies and toddlers, children, youths, is slow, over a long period of time. But God companions us and causes us to be fulfilled in the deep places where we learn the secrets of a kingdom life through journeying through many life storms.

We live in the reality that He never leaves us, that He is with us, even to the end of the world, that He is our light, our salvation, our shepherd, and He is good. And so, though storms are often relentless, God’s presence is constant. A part of our glory as believers is to be able to bring God’s light into every situation, every storm, every relationship.

Learning the reality of this truth took me many years. I began as a novice and ended as a seasoned “sailor” so to speak. My hope is that this book will companion you and comfort you as you face your own storms, but that you will also find hope, courage, grace to live a faithful story in the midst of these life storms every day.

I am beyond blessed to have generous friends who wanted to be a part of the launch of my book—friends are the best! My dear friend, Angela Perritt, is a beloved, trusted friend who shares her extremely difficult story on my podcast today, At Home With Sally. We have been the kind of friends that see each other seldom, but I know when I am with her, I will leave wanting to be my best self, wanting to serve Christ with a more loving heart, and being motivated to take His light into the world. Today, She, speaks of the ways she was able to walk through many challenging days and live in the peace of God’s reality.

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of Love God Greatly. Love God Greatly is a global ministry dedicated to fighting Biblical illiteracy around the world through their translated Bible studies as they build communities of women who are centered around God's Word. The Bible studies, website, and Facebook communities are available in over 35 languages and in 100+ countries. 100% of all ministry profits go directly toward the urgent need of providing Bible studies to women around the world in their native languages at no cost.

Because she and I both want to support women in their love for God’s word and their desire to spend time with Him, we want to give away one of her amazing leather Love God Greatly Bible to someone in my audience. It is beautiful faux leather Bible.

This Bible will help you know how to study the Bible, as it has so many resources.

Created by women, for women, the Love God Greatly Bible offers insights that will encourage and equip you to meet God on the pages of Scripture and engage deeper through Scripture memory, prayer, and daily reflection.

To enter, follow me and Angela (@sally.clarkson on IG—and @lovegodgreatlyofficial on IG), like my post about Angela’s giveaway, and tag a friend in this post using the hashtag #HelpImdrowning

Thanks to all of you amazing friends who have been cheering me on in birthing this baby.


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Beauty: A Profound Anchor in the Storms of Life


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“One of the marks of a godly woman is that she takes responsibility for her soul's need for joy and delight. A woman is a conductor, who leads the orchestra of her surroundings in the songs and music of her life. God is a God of creativity and dimension, and so He is pleased when we we co-create beauty in our own realm, through the power of His Spirit.

It was a profound realization when I understood that I could become an artist with my very life.”

-Sally Clarkson

Storms have come out of the blue, invaded my life, caused destruction and devastation at times. Yet. one of the ways I learned to anchor myself was by establishing artifacts that lifted my spirits, rhythms that kept me sane, (tea times, walks, quiet times, breakfast out with friends, reading encouraging books, watching uplifting or fun movies, gathering with an inner circle girlfriend, going on an adventure, sleeping, taking baths, …..!)

You get the picture. I learned to take responsibility for my soul that it might continue to become more beautiful.

In light of that, today, one of my dear friends, Jacqui Wakelam, has chosen to give away one of her beautiful framed prints to encourage one of you. She is a gift of a friend and I know you will absolutely be blessed by her. I hope you will enjoy our podcast.

To enter, follow jacquiwakelam on instagram. Follow me on insta. Tag a friend in the post on insta or Facebook.

But even better, subscribe to her newsletter, Beagles for Beauty @: and you will receive into your inbox, inspiration, beauty, ideas, pondering thoughts and friendship in the best sort of way. And it’s free!


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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!