God Entrusted Us With Human Beings To Shape & Protect

Holding my grandchildren's hands while walking around the grand architecture of Oxford was a delight to my heart.

I was unprepared, untrained, and honestly, had not given motherhood a lot of thought in my single years. At almost 31, never having changed a diaper, never knowing a mom who had nursed her children, and not even knowing how to hold a baby, I was heading into a great unknown — this thing called motherhood!

And yet, when my first baby was born, it was not the overwhelming sense of responsibility or inadequacy that hit first, but the incredible wave of unconditional love. I was not expecting the pure awe that would flood my heart the moment she arrived and was gently placed into my arms.

As I was holding her, it was as if God was whispering to me: "You are holding eternity in your arms. This little one is a miracle, a gift from Me. Will you love her so that when she grows up, she will believe that I love her? Will you whisper to her the secrets of My ways, give her a sanctuary in which to celebrate all that is good in life so that she will fill the treasure chest of her soul with all that is good, true, and beautiful?"

Read more about this in my new book, Well Lived.

Flowers Always Create Kindred Spirit Conversations

When I moved into a new flat in Oxford, I would adventure up and down the nearby streets, finding fascinating stores and exquisite shops, right in my little neighborhood.

Much to my delight, I lived around the corner from a charming flower shop. Over the months, I became friends with the shop owner. She would explain the variety of flowers and the different locations in England where they were grown.

I would buy a new bunch for when I'd have guests over for a warm cup of tea and a scrumptious pastry. Somehow, flowers always created an inviting atmosphere and seemed to inspire kindred spirit conversations.

What is your favorite flower? I always try to choose ones that will last at least 2 weeks!

Pre-order your copy of Well Lived today.

The Passing Seasons In The Life Of A Mother

There are many passages in the life of a mother, and they come whether we like them or not. It begins with the weaning of a baby from the sweet dependence of nursing to the wonder of toddlerhood. Soon after comes the preschool years when a child can spend a night away from home without crying.

After that the transitions come in rapid succession — the emergence from the elementary years, in which mom is the cherished friend, moving into the hormonal years, when a child begins exploring their independence. Then come first jobs, driver's licenses, and graduation. Then adulthood, with its claims of work and marriage, and the new reality that my home is only a place for special occasions.

Knowing that my kids have their own lives now has brought a special spice to my time with them. It has made each meal more meaningful, each conversation more intense, and whatever we do together more worthy of celebrating as special.

I find in this season a sense of work well done, a bright harvest being gathered in after many years of faithful, hopeful work in the fields of my children's hearts and minds. I also find in myself a resolve to pass through this season with grace, and to find a peace as the doors of the past close behind me. I am looking ahead, by faith, to the new doors that will soon be opening on a brand-new season.

Read more about this in Seasons of a Mother’s Heart.

Tea Time Tuesday: Finding Direction In A Chaotic World

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

Every day of your life, you have the potential of leaving a godly model to follow, a kingdom message to believe, an integrity that is holy and a purpose that is eternal. God has allowed you the opportunity to touch eternity with your life by giving these gifts to those children he has entrusted into your hands. Live into your legacy and you will change your world forever.” 

(from Well Lived)

In a world where life can be confusing, messages about life are contrary, circumstances are taxing, women are longing for direction and peace of mind to know that their lives matter. We long to know that our lives can have meaning amidst the chaos.

God designed women to be strong agents of love, redemption, truth and beauty. The more clearly we can define our design and purpose, the more peace of mind and flourishing our lives will be.

For the next weeks, I will be uncovering some of the ways we can live well and leave a legacy of gratitude and grace while bringing light and truth into our world. These are messages I gathered over my 70 years that have lasted as values to hold to during this season of my life. I hope these messages encourage you.

Join me today on Tea Time Tuesday for a favorite book, the process of becoming queen of your own domain, a favorite salad, and more fun and inspiration.

Becoming Queen Over Your Own Domain

Women are amazing creatures and have the ability to civilize the world, to influence generations by generously pouring out love, training the very character and souls of the next generation and persevering through great trials and challenges while coming out resiliently.

The book of Proverbs in the Bible hails the wondrous attributes of women. Proverbs 31:10 even says, “Her worth is far above jewels,” a veritable treasure in the times of Solomon who wrote this book before Christ.

Read more about this in my new book, Well Lived.

We All Need A Place To Center Ourselves

Less than a block from my little fairy house cottage in Oxford was a winding canal with boats strewn up and down. I spent countless hours, walked hundreds of miles, up and down this canal in Oxford, much to my delight.

It became the place where I would breathe in peace and figure out what was going on inside my heart — so much that I wrote about these reflections in my new book, Well Lived.

One of the things I had longed for for many years was time and space and energy to cultivate a rich inner life. We must all take the time to find our center, to be able to ponder our ideals, goals, and the kind of legacy we hope to leave for generations to come.

What is your favorite way to center yourself and find out what is going on in your heart?

You can preorder your copy of Well Lived below. I hope it will inspire you.

How Hearts Are Formed

That’s how hearts are formed, minute-by-minute and word-by-word. You are the first example of friendship your children encounter. They need this friendship as a foundation and model for other friendships that will come in their lives.

Creating time of nurturing fellowship with my kids was just as important as training their manners or confronting their behavior. Before my children could be good friends, they needed me, their mom (and dad), to befriend them and be a friend to them.

Read more about this in 10 Gifts of Heart.

Tea Time Tuesday: Finding Peace in the Dark Places of Life

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

“I want to be as a child, delighting in life, at peace with God, living in the grace of the moment, to live above the pull of depression, to cultivate a heart of joy from which others may draw.”

-Sally Clarkson

Midway through my mothering journey found me weary, discouraged, depleted. I wondered how I was going to make it the rest of my years with ideals and faithfulness. I pondered how to grow more mature in dark times. Dancing became a metaphor for me.

Even now, my heart is tempted to deep discouragement as I ponder unanswered prayer, world issues, life tragedies of friends and family. Yet, walking with God through these pathways for many years has taught me to hold fast to faith, to cultivate thankfulness, to believe in His presence and reality.

As a wee child, my father, who loved music, would tell me to stand on top of his shoes. He would dance me around the floor holding me firm, stepping to the dance of vibrant music. I realized that this was a metaphor I could see for my relationship with God — He, my dance partner, leading me in my life, showing me the dance steps to take. I follow His lead.

Mark Twain said, “Dance like no one is watching, love like you have never been hurt, sing like no one is listening, live like its heaven on earth.”

I wrote it in my journal. I wanted to choose to cultivate joy, to practice dancing, loving, singing, living into the reality of “kingdom come” through life in defiance to the darkness.

Friedrich Nietzsche said, “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who couldn't hear the music.”

I prayed, “Jesus, please let me hear your music, let me allow you to lead me in a dance of faith.”

I remind myself what it means to wait, walking through the difficult days. As I practice this walk of faith year after year, I perceive Him more loving, gracious, compassionate, kind. I still my heart to listen to His music that I may dance with all my heart through the days He has laid out for me.

Lord, give us grace, strength to follow your lead day after day. Great is Your Faithfulness.

More on today’s Tea Time Tuesday podcast: reviewing verses, ways to hold fast, telling stories and blessings just for you.



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Mothers Are Set Apart

Scripture says that we were created to the good works that He has already equipped us to do. We don’t need to try to push through in our strength; we can partner with the Holy Spirit in the work in which He has called us.

Women are uniquely fashioned in the likeness and image of God to curate goodness and dispel chaos; to kindle hope and foster faith. We are the beauty bringers and soul shapers of our homes and our communities, and for those God places in our domains. That is, if we accept the weight of the crown of responsibility.

Read more about this in my new book, Well Lived.

We Are Called To Be Ambassadors

Jesus said there is one simple way that people will know we are His disciples. It is not by the rules we keep, the church buildings where we worship, the clothes we wear, the movies we watch, or the formulas we keep. He said, “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35)

One little word profoundly influences the magnitude of Jesus’ statement: if. If we have love for one another, they will know our love. People will not truly know we are His disciples unless we have love for one another. People notice if we have love because the world does not naturally love well. Yet all of us long to be loved—especially when we do not deserve it.

Read more about this in Own Your Life.