Tea Times Have Saved My Life

Taking the time to have a steaming hot cup of tea and a little sweet treat has saved my life many times — from frustration with a busy morning, from discouragement from life storms that seemed insurmountable. Tea times have given me a breath to pause in the midst of demanding days. I like to think that it was taking time for tea that inspired Lewis to write the sweeping, inspiring, heartening tales of Narnia.

Of course, tea was central to my daily life in Oxford, as I would take a few civilized moments to bring peace to my day. One of my favorite places for tea was at the Vaults and Garden, inside an old church that looks out on the Bodleian Library. Another favorite spot was a charming cafe that served delectable eggs benedict. If it wasn't for the regular walks in the park I could have easily gained a thousand pounds while living there!

Do you have a rhythm that brings peace to your days? Tell me all about it in the comments.

Women Are Amazing Creatures

Women are amazing creatures and have the ability to civilize the world, to influence generations by generously pouring out love, training the very character and souls of the next generation and persevering through great trials and challenges while coming out resiliently.

My hope has always been to guide, inspire, support my own beloveds through the passages of their own lives. As I matured over time and moved more gracefully into my role, I grew in my desire to come alongside other women, in the realm of influence God had opened up (and men—especially my own boys!) to provide some leadership and encouragement about what I had learned.

Read more about this in Well Lived.

Be Kind to Yourself, Patient, Give Grace

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

Cappucino with extra whip!

What goes up must come down.

We are being depleted on a regular basis. We are human beings with limitations, but often, we ignore that fact, when we struggle or spew, we have nothing but condemnation for ourselves. Today, on my Tea Time Tuesday podcast, I read from one of my chapters in Well Lived!

Being “kind to yourself” is the only way to walk by God’s sweet, gentle, kind love and grace through our own marathons of life. That is what I wish for you today, that you would be kind to yourself.

What amazing meetings I have had in the past couple of weeks — 5 events in different cities, different venues, with hundreds and hundreds of sweet peeps of every age, lots of talking, giggling, estrogen, and great friendship, inspirational talks. Lots of adrenalin and energy expended!

I have indeed found over the years, that what goes up, must come down. Today is such a day. Weekends are off schedule, activities, sweets, church, friends, food — and then it is "getting back to the grind.” But today finds me flying over the ocean to my wonderful Oxford, the place where my stories and photos were recorded for my book, Well Lived.

Today is a day for grace — be kind to yourself day. Put beauty into your moments. Turn on music. Kiss a few people, hold their hands. Dance to music with a joy-filled heart.

Get a cup of coffee with an extra shot and whipped cream, as my friend insisted. Eat at least one square of dark sea salt chocolate. Forgive yourself today, put away anger and you won't be so grumpy, harsh. We all know that harshness creates tension — it doesn't create order.

"Mom, when you feel happy and sing and dance around the house, we all feel like we are on top of the world," said Joel.

Be happy, give your burdens to God. Everyone will be the better for your day. And so I am planning for a grace-filled days, a reprieve from so much work, so that I can be kind to my sweet people from a grace-filled heart.

I hope you will enjoy Well Lived.

Only God Can Lead Us To Fulfillment

I have rarely met people who found deep satisfaction by pursuing and obtaining worldly measures of success. In fact, they are often somewhat disappointed. When we do what God has designed us to do, we find what we were looking for: an intimate and loving relationship that satisfies our longing, consistent thoughts that guide us into wisdom and peace, and a healthy life that brings us strength through all of our days.

Read more about this in Well Lived.

What Life Givers Do

From the moment our children arrive in our homes, we are teaching them how to see the world, what to consider important, what to seek, what to love. Mothers have the opportunity to form home and family life in such a way that God’s reality comes alive to our children each day.

The meals, conversations, and prayers we foster become the training and our homes, our presence, and the world are the training ground. As these tiny human beings find themselves swimming in the love, affection, and tenderness of their mothers, they will flourish and grow.

When they are talked to, engaged with, invited to explore and ponder, they cultivate a lasting love for learning and grow intellectually and spiritually. The whole world becomes their laboratory where they learn and develop, all because there was a person conducting the order and pattern of their purposeful days.

Read more about this in Well Lived.

How Do You Deepen Your Heart, Mind, And Soul?

The grand historical stories pictured by the gorgeous architecture of Oxford was never lost on me. I would imagine CS Lewis strolling with Tolkien, talking about the books they were writing, or Henry VIII pondering re-establishing Christ Church. Every time I stepped outside my door, I would pass by idealistic students from all over the world who wanted to make their mark and had come to study at Oxford.

One of the realizations that struck me was that I had a much larger capacity to learn, to ponder great ideas, to be touched by the heroes who had lived their lives well.

How do you challenge yourself to grow intellectually? To deepen your heart, mind, and soul?

Read more about this in my new book, Well Lived — out now.

The Gifts Of A Well Lived Life

It is then that our lives begin to make sense. Our satisfaction and fulfillment flow from love given and obedience demonstrated in big and small areas. Our unfettered commitment will shine through the blessings of our life and leave a lasting legacy, a story worth telling.

The gifts of a well-lived life take the stage when we are finally willing and wanting to please Him with our whole heart.

Well Lived is finally out! Make sure to grab your copy today.

Victoria & Teatime Magazine Giveaway


Hooray! I have reached launch week for Well Lived and you, my friends, have supported me all the way through. I am so grateful for you.

And of course you know that I will be celebrating the birth of Well Lived into the world with a cuppa and a happy heart.

In Well Lived, I talk about planning and gathering rhythms and resources that give yourself a breather, provide filling up, give pleasure so that you can make it in the long run.

When Sarah was a teen, we would steal away to my bedroom every Sunday afternoon with tea in hand, and a Victoria magazine to read aloud together. We oohed and ahhed at the gorgeous photographs, read the articles about authors, women entrepreneurs, and recipes. Of course these stolen moments built an even closer friendship and we had our pause in the week and enjoyed it so very much. But to this day, I have enjoyed reading it so much. A little later, I discovered the lovely magazine Tea Time Magazine.

To help celebrate launch week, my friends, both editors of these magazines, agreed to give away a subscription for each of their magazines. We want a couple of you to have the pleasure of refreshment through these beautiful resources.

I will be on my way to Philadelphia today and look forward to seeing many of you at the Wellness Collective. But I would love to give away a subscription to each of these magazines.

To enter (via Instagram only), leave a comment with the hashtag #WellLivedBook and tag a friend, as many as you want, and you will be entered.

Meanwhile, I would be so delighted if you purchase Well Lived as I am hoping it is of great encouragement and delight to all of you. I have even been told several times that it is like a Sally Victoria Magazine to read. How flattered was I to hear that.

I also hope you will join me for an Instagram live tomorrow, October 8th at 2pm Mountain / 4pm Eastern with my dear friend Sarah Mackenzie. And then later that day for my launch party — sign up at WellLivedBook.com if you haven't already!

Happy Week, friends.

Today Is The Day You are Living Your Legacy

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

What a dramatic and challenging week we have witnessed on our world stage. I pondered if it would be trivial to share about my book launch of Well Lived on such a day. Yet, as I prayed, the Lord seemed to encourage me, “Today is the day when a good legacy is made.”

It is when we are tempted with doubts that choosing to live by faith is most precious. When we choose to practice hope through the trying, dark times of life it what our children, husband, friends most need to see. When we are tempted to hold a grudge, show anger, criticize one who has hurt us but instead we choose to give love that our legacy of faithfulness is being born through the real days of our lives.

The Holy Spirit nudges us with wisdom, grace, strength to leave His light through this day, this time to leave a legacy of a life Well Lived. Today in the midst of the chaos and storms, our legacy is being written on the hearts of those around us.

It has taken me a lifetime to learn the truth about what it means to suffer in this world and yet live to see the grace of God. I want to come alongside others so they will not feel as lost or alone as I often have. I want you to know, my friends, that you are seen and loved in the place you find yourself right now.

Sometimes living courageously is our only option to show forth God’s reality as life often leaves us depleted, exhausted, and weary. But my friend, It is my hope that you will find the strength today to rise above your circumstances and choose to live a legacy of faith, hope and love. I hope that I an companion you in your journey in my latest book Well Lived, I will come alongside you as you continue to be life-givers and light bearers to a broken, hurting world. Because ultimately, that is the most profound and enduring legacy we can leave.

Praying for you, asking God to show you His companionship, His love, His grace in your day today. God bless you today, friend.

I Wish Someone Had Told Me...

Before I became a wife or parent, I assumed I would be able to be mature, healthy, loving, and successful in these relationships all the time. Conflict in my own heart and life, and the stress of living with so many needs and so many constant demands, showed me my selfishness — or at least my exhaustion and emptiness.

I longed for mercy, but especially gentleness. I meant to be patient, giving, loving, but I had my limits. It was through my different children, and the demands of everyday life, that I learned the need for gentleness — again.

At what point does a woman find the ability to be gentle, to show mercy, understanding, compassion? When she understands that her heart is immature, prone to making bad choices, limited in patience, and just beginning to comprehend what love requires. She acknowledges that she herself is fragile; she learns how to extend the grace she wishes to receive to others she loves, because they, too, are fragile and want gentleness and mercy.

Read more about this in Well Lived.