We always did enjoy reading books together…..:) Nathan, 30, and me reading our new book together. :)
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When you give birth to your children and hold them in your arms, you don’t really even know how to imagine what is ahead of you. My little bundle of Nathan came out without a peep in less than 2 hours after I went into labor. He was calm for about two days and then he never quit wiggling and talking and “being” other than an active little boy ever again!
How could I have held him and imagined that I would work on projects, write books, speak at conferences and have lots of adventures with this full of energy boy, who has become a film and television actor, a script writer a producer and a 6 time author! You never know what your little one might have in store for themselves—and you!
It’s part of why we decided to write Only You Can Be You. We wanted parents all over the world to speak acceptance, understanding, love, affirmation into the very core of their children’s being to understand that who God made them to be, as they are, is a masterpiece.
We have received hundreds of letters from many of you who loved our first book together, Different: The Story of Different: The Story of an Outside-the-Box Kid and the Mom Who Loved Him. Most of you told us that you were so happy to find someone else with a child who was bigger than life who understood your life. And all of you said, “This book has helped me learn to love all of my children just as God gave them to me.”
We wanted to follow up with a beautiful children’s book so that we could help parents know how to pass on a foundation of love right into the brain pathways, the early messages of their lives. Here is our summary of our book as our publishers described it. Hope you like our podcast as we discuss this today and hope you love sharing the book with your children.
Some kids like to dance and laugh out loud, and some sit quietly and make up stories in their heads—but we're all different, and that's okay because the maker of everything made us this way!
In our first picture book, bestselling author Sally Clarkson and her son Nathan encourage children on the journey to discovering their strengths. Mother and son duo draw on themes from their first book, Different, the emotive story of Nathan's experiences growing up with mental illness and learning disabilities and Sally's journey to loving him unconditionally. With the powerful truth that what makes you different makes you great, Only You Can Be You will help children embrace their differences and celebrate the differences in others.
The irresistible rhymes paired with Tim Warnes's whimsical illustrations encourage your children with the reassurance they're looking for in their own uniqueness. Whether they are quiet or artistic, funny or boisterous, your children will love this heartwarming read that assures them that they're wonderful exactly as they are.
Get your copy today.
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