There is a physical place called home and it is the place family lives and traditions are celebrated and love and morality and righteousness taught. But then there is a home that feels like home. Vienna is that for me. It was here that I lived as a young single woman. I would board my underground or tram, walk the streets, see the flowers, buy veggies and fruit from my little market down the street and greet my little man who worked there every day. I would meet women to discuss Christ and purpose and the universe over coffee in the most delightful cafes, with little flowers on the table, usually sweet music playing in the background and always, always the coffee was served in a real porcelain or china cup. Everywhere I would walk and take in the beautiful crisp air, people would pass with a Grussgott--meant Greet God--but really meant good morning. I thought God lived in Vienna because that is where I learned to love, worship and trust Him all by myself when no one else was looking. So, going there with my sweet ones, yet one more time, and seeing old friends and old haunts was a much needed vacation for my soul. And yes, God still lives in Vienna, too.
Coffee and hot fudge cake at Heiners--an old favorite.
Coffee tastes more elegant in this the melauge or cappicino to you. And note the little flowers!
The buildings are old, beautiful, full of artistic detail, archways everywhere.
I had to take everyone to the Sacher Hotel for real sacher torte--the real one always has dark chocolate topping and apricot jam in the middle. Again, it tastes better when served in a pretty way. :)
We trained everywhere and took the trams and underground all over. Joel spared my ankle and carried my load. Sweet, wonderful heart. I cherish him so much and now miss him again. He was born in Vienna. Maybe that is why he is musical.
The beautiful Hoffburg Palace--the winter palace for the royalty--where Marie Antoinette and Maria Theresa her mother lived. The Hapsburgs ruled over the empire--the total rule in Europe for this great coalition between Hungary and Austria was over most of Europe and lasted for 600 years. Maria Theresa, a devout Catholic, felt it her spiritual duty to marry all of her children to leaders of other countries to promote faith.
Oh, how can one choose? I guess we will just have to come 3 times a day!
Elegance and beauty cared for with every detail.
The Gorgeous Musikverein in Vienna--an evening with Mozart and the New World Symphony with my composer son who was in heaven, the two girls and a precious old friend, Monica, from Vienna. What an uplifting evening.
The inside of the music hall looking at the ceiling.
Joy, in Salzburg, in the tombs where the Sound of Music was filmed and in the movie where the family hid!
My last meal with Joy before we joined the others and came home. Thanks so much Lord for giving me such a gift into my past with my sweet daughter and into the recesses of my soul. You are so good!