The Myth of a Perfect Life

First attempt

second attempt

Third time's the charm

Seems like in all areas of life, maturity, productivity, effectiveness is a process--often takes practice to begin getting it right--just like these pictures--finally we got an acceptable one.

No one is perfect--our lives take many days, months, years of practice and hard work to come out fruitful in time.

One of my friends said, "Sally, it seems with all of your candle lighting and tea cups and flowers and focus on joy, that your life was just easier than mine and that you had  more perfect  children.

We are surrounded by myths or women who seem to "have it more together" than we do. But the reality is, we are living in a fallen world and there will always be challenges, obstacles, temptations and weariness. But the glory of a woman is to learn how to overcome and civilize--and the key to lasting well is living in grace, rest, peace and love.

Join me today on

for a video blog about the Myth of a Perfect Life and how to accept limitations and live with grace and peace and joy.

Let me know how you like these little videos as I am hoping to more snippets from the conferences online, like this, to bring my talks to life online--and you can find many of them now on our bookstore on this blog, at and at

We are slowly trying to get blogs, messages and resources out there to encourage you because we have been so blessed by your lives.

Have a grace-filled day!

(The video is up on now--still working out the glitches!)