We All Need Gentleness, Not Criticism Right Now

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I am ridiculously happy today that I get to go back to Oxford this week and see my precious grandchildren and children. They fill my heart with hope and love. I hope you have something you are looking forward to.

We all need gentleness and grace these days. Don’t. you agree? What a week it has been, what a 3 years it has been!

When people are anxious or depressed, they all handle it in different ways. Some go inside and are depressed and possibly fearful. Some become angry or anxious. But the reality is, as we look at the landscape of the past several years, we have been bombarded with one challenge, tragedy, difficulty after another. It is possible that many have a sort of emotional PTSD -- what next? And haven't even gotten over the suppressing their needs of the last few years. So, this is a time, really like all times, when we all need grace, gentleness, patience, expressed love.

All of us fail. We fail to meet our own ideals. We fail to always love consistently. We are petty and selfish of heart in ways that often no one but God sees (thank goodness). The older I get and see my heart more clearly, the more humbled I become, wondering at God's generous mercy and grace. This knowledge should produce compassion in all of us, patience with others, sympathy with their struggles.

Let your relationships be ruled by love and grace. When you give a person hope, you help motivate them in the direction of a productive life that can move forward, even in difficult times. Yet, I have seen a lot of criticism both in my personal world as well as social media at large.

I have also received a lot of love, affirmation, encouragement—and that gives me life. Let us consider how to build one another up.

*Be sure to download Your free Lifegiving Mother Journal on SallyClarkson.com

Enjoy my podcast with some friends who showed me that for many years, when I didn’t even know it, He was working in amazing ways.

I wish you a gentle day full of love and hope.

A Community of Friendship and Inspiration: Lifewithsally.com

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Thirty-one years ago, I dreamed of creating community for Moms in the trenches of the challenges of raising their precious children, and it started out with a co-op in a small church, 150 kids were registered the first week, 40 families, and it is still going.

Eventually, we would plan Mom Heart Conferences to further support and come along side women. Next was books, then blogs, then podcasts, and finally social media popped in there. As I saw Jesus companioning his beloved disciples, coming along beside them and instructing them in the amazing life-giving wisdom of God, I wanted to emulate his model. Build environments where women could develop new friendships, have leadership in Biblical principles and cultivate a rich heart for raising their children to learn to love God, His ways, and to go into their worlds strong. Books were scattered all the way through.

Finally came our membership—a place where all that we had been doing for all the years could be in one place—books, instruction, friendship forum, traditions, years of conference talks, the best children’s books, Bible study and more.

One of the highlights of the weekend was having countless people come up to me and tell me how much this meant to them. And so, today, you have a podcast from these wonderful friends about their lives and how they have grown together through this gathering. If you are interested, you can find out more at lifewithsally.com. I do have to tell you, it is a pretty wonderful community to be in.

It all started out with a dream, a risk, and lots of work with Clay. How blessed we are to be a part of so many kindred spirits all over the world. Thanks so much, friends. You all mean so much to our family. Love you.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:



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Tea Time Tuesday: Savor the Days

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“Tea is the magic key to the vault where my brain is kept.” – Frances Hardinge

This quote, that someone sent to me, gets to the heart of my tea times--Tea is the key--it opens my brain, soothes my emotions, sets me on course! Ridiculous, you say? I have listened to a number of books on audible this last couple of years and many are about the history of the UK. If someone gets engaged, someone else says, "We should make a cup of tea." When sick, "Put the kettle on!" If it is announced that war is at hand, "Fill the teapot!" It has tickled me to see the ways all people English in my stories are as silly about tea as I am!

Today, You will note from the photo that I make an exception to tea time Tuesday and have to throw in a story of the most magnificent French Press Coffee I have had in a long time. (Just look at this press!)

Not long ago, when I knew my visa in the UK was running out, I panicked because I wanted to see and experience everything before I left the UK. I asked my friend if she wanted to have a couple of adventures together to explore some unexplored places before I left the UK.

We started out on a highway, took a winding road that was barely wide enough for 2 cars, let alone one. We happened upon a quiet village, not the right one we were looking for, and after a few minutes of being utterly lost, we found a place where several cars were parked. Knocking on what looked like a big barn door with a cafe inside, eventually we opened the door and stepped inside. A crackling fire was sparking in an old rock fireplace that had goats' heads hung above the hearth. The old room was very charming, filled with antiques and lovely quaint tables.

We pushed a little bit further and asked if we could have breakfast. After a few minutes, the host set up a quintessentially charming table, for us and we had the freshest, gourmet breakfast I have had in a long time. Fresh grilled, buttered toast, fluffy eggs with herbs. All sorts of excellent tastes. And the magnificent pot of strongly brewed coffee with real cream.

We finally found out that the place was actually a bed and breakfast and that they did not normally serve people outside of their guests, but decided to serve us anyway--as an exception.

What an exciting time it was for me to be at W&F with hundreds of women, making new friends, speaking, signing books, enjoying conversations. Truly it was deeply fulfilling for me. I think that Covid had taken a toll on me. I was so used to suppressing my feelings because I couldn't actually host conferences, or easily get together with people--that I didn't even know how hungry I was for fellowship and fun and friendship with friends. It was like water to my thirsty soul.

There is much more in the podcast today, but I am off to serve lentil soup for a snowy night and to watch a trial drama with Clay.

I love you all. Loved being with many at Wild and Free. Lots more on TTT. Stay warm and safe or cool and safe depending on where you are!


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Thoughts from Some Friends

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Whew! What a whirlwind of a weekend but so much fun. Tonight when I came home from Dallas — the Wild and Free Conference, (93 degrees and several days ago), I was met with 12 inches of snow! Wild! When Sarah was born on May 21, over 3 decades ago, it also snowed the night or day before and I thought I would not make it to the hospital. Deja Vu!

I am cratering tonight and can barely keep my eyes open, so this will be short. My friend, Ainsley Arment, has created an atmosphere where by hundreds of women can gather and feel camaraderie and encouragement just by being together and holding up ideals amongst like-minded women—speakers, music, and lots of fun with new friends. It reminded me of our years of conferences through Mom Heart. I love gatherings of women—I love friendship of women and their profound thoughts and their love! My friends and I hosted a little get together with some of the women in our membership (Life with Sally) to meet them and hear their stories, and by the time we left one another, we all felt like we had new friends.

"Two are better than one. Woe to the one who has no one to pick him up. A chord of three strands is not easily broken."

We were made for friendship, companionship, love, encouragement. We were not made to walk this pathway of life alone.. Women laughed, teared up, were inspired, and left with words of significance burning in their hearts and minds. I thought you might want to hear from some when were there as an encouragement to you that you are not alone—that others are walking the same road as you. After little sleep and lots of talk, I am off to bed for about 36 hours of sleep! Sweet Dreams.


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Don't Give Up; Mamas are Needed!

"Does not wisdom call,

And understanding lift up her voice?

On top of the heights beside the way,

Where the paths meet, she takes her stand;

Beside the gates, at the opening to the city,

At the entrance of the doors, she cries out:

'To you, O men, I call,

And my voice is to the sons of men.

O naive ones, understand prudence;

And, O fools, understand wisdom.

Listen, for I will speak noble things;

And the opening of my lips will reveal right things.'"

~Proverbs 8:1-6

This summer is another in which, alongside all the picnics and family trips to be enjoyed, we are constantly hearing about the pain so many are enduring around the world. It can be overwhelming, and we know we have to pray and give what we can to relieve the suffering we are so aware of. I have learned to take on this burden of prayer for others, as I feel hopeless to do much from so far away.

As usual, though, after praying and spending time with the Lord, I feel invigorated to do something to help to change hearts and to help build up a broken culture. And what I can do is what’s at hand: loving the people in these four walls well. Reaching out to my sweet ones who have gone on to new homes with their own littles. Checking in on my friends and letting them know I care.

Often, people are tempted with hopelessness and fear. Yet, I am reminded this is why mothers were created by God to teach and to call others to wisdom--because it is only when people learn to think rightly, to honor human beings made in the image of God, to weep over the fallen behavior of lost man, that they can move in the direction of redemption.

Hang in there, mama. Your influence matters so much to the people in your home, and to all the people they will influence over their lifetimes! Find more inspiration here:

Tolkien's Story of Life Brings Hope

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“If more of us valued food, a steaming cup of tea and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” JRR Tolkien

I had a hard time rolling out of bed this morning. Consequently, I decided to take a few extra minutes to journey into the right sense of self for what would be a very busy day. Tolkien is right—if more of us value all of these things, it would be a merrier world.

The cool mountain breeze that is more glorious than I can express as it blows gently through the pines, my cuppa, music, flowers, all breathed life into me. Take time to give your day a good start—the busier you are the more important it is to breathe in peace before you begin.

Dear JRR Tolkien was a part of my thoughts this week as I get ready to travel to Dallas to speak at Wild and Free. His story was a tragic one, but it led him to write an epic story to his generation to give them a picture of hope—fighting the darkness with light, goodness, and courage. Enjoy the stories and quotes today. What books or stories have been real and given you great food for your own soul? I never get enough recommendations.

Today, there are simple dinner recipes, a book recommendation and a couple of Sally tales.

I pray for each of you that you may find strength for your days, courage for your story, love for those who need it-and that you may not be weary in well-doing. Sending my love to all.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:



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Together Is a Beautiful Place

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

Since I was a little girl, I have loved gathering friends. I am now watching my granddaughter, Lilian, fitting my own pattern. Sarah and family live fairly remotely from friends and family, and Lilian is so eager to make a friend and play with others, that she seeks out almost every child she sees in the park or playground. It’s a little me! For me, a chocolate-covered strawberry just doesn’t taste as good alone—it must be oohed and ahhed over together with a friend. Together! Do your children, do you, long for “kindred” friendships in their lives?

Research of every kind shows that when humans have community, a place of belonging, friends, close family ties, they are healthier, happier and more successful at jobs or school. God made us for relationships. And yet, I get countless, hundreds of letters from sweet ones who long for a kindred spirit, a real “Diana and Anne” friendship. Cultivating a heart for friendship lays a foundation that will serve your children, (and you!) the rest of your life. It is not frivolous, it is essential for our health.

One of the deepest, heart-satisfying blessings of my life at this stage is the very close, intimate, inspiring, fun friendships I have with my now adult children. But, of course, as with everything else, it took years of heart-work. After all, we invested years and years in one another’s lives. We were together 24/7 for so many years. .

My friend, Bailey Hurley, joined me today to discuss principles of belonging with me on my podcast, and to share about her new book, Together is a Beautiful Place (listed below). I hope this podcast and post will be of help to you this summer as you invest in friendships with your own children and friends.

Below are some foundations I have discovered open the doorl-and be sure to grab a copy of the books we talk about: Girl’s Club and Together Is a Beautiful Place.

1.   Time and Availability Whatever the age, women or children develop better when they know we will make our time together a priority. People grow close not through monitoring one another’s behavior but by working together, playing together, talking together, celebrating together, weeping together. Relationships develop when people are there for each other—and that’s as true for parents and children as it is for anyone else.

2. Acceptance and Unconditional Love In building meaningful relationships with, I must learn to accept unconditionally the person God made each of them to be—even with personality traits that differ from mine or that make me uncomfortable. I need to accept the “warts” and irritating characteristics that may never change. I have to love my children with a mature commitment that reaches past my feelings for them, which can change from circumstance to circumstance.

3. Affirmation and Encouragement I believe all of us, are acutely aware of our limitations and their failures. While we all might need correction for our mistakes and or even confrontation for their sinful selfishness, they also need recognition for our real efforts and accomplishments and positive reminders of who they can be with God’s help. And sometimes we need to remember, "It is to a man's honor to overlook a sin."

4. Grace All of us need the grace to grow. If we expect perfection, then eventually others will draw away from us, give up trying to please us, because they know they will always fail, or they may spend their whole lives feeling guilty for their failures. And sometimes when life has too many rules, as teens, our children will quit telling us the truth of what they are doing for fear we won't understand or will condemn them. (We cannot live by fear.)

5. Relationship Training We need to consciously train ourselves and our children in the skills and attitudes that will enable them to sustain positive relationships. A person can only experience true intimacy when his heart has been deepened and exercised in real love and commitment. Practice in manners and speech and gracious behavior comes over a lifetime of cultivating this day in and day out). This particular set of principles is taken from  Mission of Motherhood by me!)

Buy these great books for encouragement!


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Family Culture Lives On!

Recently I had the gift of a visit from our dear ones, Nathan and Keelia, whom we’ve missed so much during our time in Oxford.( If only international travel were free—I keep trying to find someone to make that happen!) As we gathered around tables at our home here and in local restaurants, walked historical streets, visited a few tourist spots, and admired flowers in the parks all along the way, I often found myself remembering conversations over tables many years ago.

… the necessity of a strong family culture doesn’t stop once the kids foray out into the world. If anything, it becomes more important. I certainly see this in my own children. Finding friends with similar values, strong faith, and compatible souls has been challenging for all of them, and all of them at times have wrestled with deep loneliness. Yet now we see them practicing their own relational rhythms—many of them the same as what we practiced at home—in other parts of the world with their roommates, spouse, and friends.

On top of that, they still have us—and they have each other! Because their relationships were shaped over thousands of meals together, over the same books and music and films, through hours of intense discussion and enthusiastic play, they have a lot in common and a deep love for one another. So they return home, to deep roots, whenever they can just to experience that kind of fellowship once again. The table that shaped their lives is now the table that renews and refreshes them when they are able to come home.

Creating family culture is so important in our increasingly busy and overcommitted society. A sense of isolation and a strong desire for community are both common threads on the Internet, yet personal relationships seem elusive for so many. People search for meaning and validation through frenzied lifestyles but still feel lost in a sea of relative meaninglessness. An intentionally developed family culture can provide a powerful alternative.

Tea Time Tuesday: Walking Through Grace in Marriage

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

"Stand at the brink of the abyss of despair, and when you see that you cannot bear it anymore, draw back a little, and have a cup of tea."

~Elder Sophrony of Essex

“The brink of the abyss of despair,” sounds pretty ominous. Yet, I have a feeling that most of us have been there any time. This quotation speaks to the essence of tea—to pull back, to take a few breaths, to center oneself, no matter what the circumstance—and then we are more able to tackle the demands of life again.

Clay and I are holding our current favorite cups. His is a tartan print from Scotland (a china mug—holds tea hotter longer!). Mine is a Scottish thistle, the national flower of the Scotland. A friend gifted me it many years ago, and I love it because of the meaningfulness of Scotland to my heart through the years. St. Andrews, Scotland, where Joy and Joel studied, is one of the few places that whenever I have to leave, I almost always tear up. So wild and beautiful and filled to the brim with story.

So many fun subjects came up this week for my Tea Time Tuesday podcast:

Pizza Bread—one of Clay’s easy made dinners

Beautiful Instrumental Music: Lifegiving Home playlist on Spotify, (Instrumental Home on iTunes)

Book: A Burning in My Bones: Eugene Peterson

And a first stab at the subject of marriage since so many of you wanted me to speak of that. Clay and I are not formulaic in almost any subject we approach. So, as you might expect, we approach the wisdom principles that apply to marriage, not just a few select verses.

Mostly, I hope that as you join me with a cup of tea or something wonderful, you will be refreshed in our time together. Have a wonderful week!

Books Referenced in this Podcast:

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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

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Encountering Jesus (with Matthew Clark)

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There are times for each of us when it appears that all light, all answers, all strength, all is quickly fading. Hope is eeking out of our lives and we can do nothing to stop the darkness from coming. And often, we feel lost in life—nowhere to go, helpless. It is a wilderness of soul when we feel that we are at an impasse and do not know what to do or where to go. We are tempted to think that we cannot go one step more. We are tempted to think that the Lord has abandoned us.

Yet, Jesus said, “I will leave the 99, and go after the one who is lost.”

Often we hide our lostness from others. Perhaps it is from shame of something terrible we have done or a way we have failed. Maybe we have lost love in marriage, or have a prodigal, or feel helpless or hopeless to keep going in our ideals but we don’t want to admit the deep failures or sense of devastation we carry inside to others. Inside we are dying, outside we keep up the pretense.

Our sin, our selfishness will accompany us until we see Jesus face to face. Today, I have had my friend, Matthew Clark, with me on my podcast, talking about such things. This I know, the heart of Jesus leads Him to seek us out, to gently reach out his hand, to look into our eyes, to carry our burdens with us and to relieve our sense of lostness. We might feel lost, but Jesus is never lost. We read in Psalm 139 that even the dark is not dark to Him.

Peeking into the life of the Woman at the well in Samaria gives me a glimpse of how Jesus sends others away that He might gently and lovingly relieve us of our past sense of loss, failures and lostness. Join me today on At Home with Sally and rejoice in the sweet, personal grace of Christ.