Don't Ever Stop Listening for the Music or Dancing to His Songs

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"If we're not supposed to dance, why all this music?"  

- Gregory Orr

Dear Friends,

I have you on my heart. Today, I am flying thousands of miles back to my home in Colorado for spring break in Oxford. Clay and my Darcy dog await. Can’t wait to sleep, refuel, spend cozy times with Clay in our home that always embraces me. And we shall drink tea often.

My childhood piano stood in the middle of our foyer near the front door. Often, whoever passed by, sat down for a few minutes to play a tune, to figure out a song. All four children can play piano to some degree because music was a mainstay of our lives, piano and guitar were always nearby. I love this photo: a child playing, and even our beloved dog sitting at her feet, happy to be there.

Sometimes when I am grumpy or critical, I look inside to see what has replaced His melody, His voice. Usually, I have been too busy, carrying too many loads.

I used to tell my children that underlying everything, in mysterious corners of life, where angels watched over us, God was singing a song of joy, of peace, comfort, beauty, grace, that part of our goal was to hear His gentle voice, to find rest in His presence.

At times the melody is hidden, overpowered by noise that surrounds us, is it not? World News brings fear, dread, soul noise.

Who makes noise of the world so loud that, we do not even notice the music or acknowledge it's reality?

Who would want us not to dance, not to listen, not to engage in joy?

If you are one who is too hard on yourself, tired to the bone, critical of your imperfections, stop where you are. Take time to hear God’s gentle voice tell you He loves you, your life matters, your heart and feelings are important to Him. Take time to unload.

We must not give in to the dark side, that creates the cacophony to blot out all of the alluring, heavenly music of His voice, words.

May God grant us ears to hear, hearts to listen.

There are piles of work to be done this month, but I am taking a break—why? Because sometimes my weariness hides music and light. I know He wants me to come back to celebrate life, to breathe in peace.

Praying for you today, my friends, that you will be refreshed.

Please order a copy of Tea Time Discipleship, my most personal book.

Tea Time Comes in Many Forms

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“Tea is one of the main stays of civilization in this country.” ~George Orwell

 ​Language as mind control: ​One of Orwell's most important messages. Biblically, what we think, what we learn and know is what leads our life. Fun to see he was a tea person.

Today, I have so many fun subjects on Tea Time Tuesday. Of course music for this season of Lent, food from Mary Barry, who used to be on The Great British Bakeoff, and so much more.

I am receiving so many stories from you about those you are having tea with. And I even have a sweet memory of my own. When one of my sons was a teen and fraught with hormones, teen anxiety, and all sorts of life questions, I got in the habit of taking him out once a week during a season, for coffee and breakfast. He would drive and get up to the speed limit on our freeway as quickly as humanly possible. Loud music accompanied our ride as he share with me his favorite songs. Then Starbucks drive-through became the source of our tea food—an egg white sandwich for him, a gouda egg for me, and strong coffees.

These times gave me the right to be his friend, to ask questions, to shape input into his life in a palatable way—to mentor him invisibly when he didn't even know what was going on. I used tea time discipleship in the lives of all of my teens. One-on-one time with each one gave me more entrance into their hearts. Often, we ended our time by a hike in the mountains with our thermos of hot stuff. Sweet memories and my son said it gave his life-centeredness and a sense of deep friendship with me. What a win.

Help me share the joy by sharing my book with others, Tea Time Discipleship, and take a load off and enjoy Tea Time Tuesday today.

Resist Performing for Others: It is a Poison

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“In trying to please all, he had pleased none.”
― Aesop,
Aesop's Fables

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,“ -Col. 3:23

There was a time when I compared myself to others and gave their opinion too much weight. All of us are vulnerable—and “do not live up to the expectations” of others. No two families are alike. No two children are alike. They develop at different times, have different fingerprints, differing personalities, different looks and DNA—God made them to be unique. And He did not intend for us to worry if we were doing enough at every stage of life.

Today, on my podcast, I tell an old story from my life where I allowed someone else’s principle for life create guilt and a sense of inadequacy in me. Thank goodness, Clay saved me.

Comparison brings feelings of guilt for what we haven’t done or done perfectly. It poisons to our hearts, accusing us of being inadequate. Piles of false guilt and pleasing people kill our soul and bring feelings of depression, depletion, and disaster.

Don’t live to please others.


Every Monday morning, I meet my precious grands with Sarah for a cup of something delicious to drink, a croissant of some sort. I bring new sticker books to enjoy until they become wiggly. Then to the graveyard we go! It is the nearest place to my house that is like a part where they can play. Now, I see what a waste of time it was for me as a mama to have lived under pressure, to not trust God’s seasons of development for my children, to not live into the grace He wanted me to experience to enjoy life every day. Now, I don’t really pay attention to what others think about my decisions. Life is so much more of a miracle now, as I enjoy each day with them.

Join me today as we explore this concept biblically.

And be sure to purchase your copy of my new book, Teatime Discipleship, created with you, my friends, in mind. It is beautiful, full of grace, freedom, rest and beauty. You will love it as I do. And thanks for helping me get this message into the world.

An Angel Friend

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Every once in a while, I feel like God kisses me on my cheek and brings along an angel friend just when I need one. When I moved to the UK a few years ago, as I was helping Sarah to take care of baby Lilian, Leah came to my house for a visit. We have similar hearts—we love beauty, our families, education, art, eating and drinking tea, the Lord, writing, publishing and so much more.

She came to see me the other night and I just knew you would enjoy hearing from her. So after a fun dinner together, we chatted on a podcast and I think you will love listening in. Be sure to give a look at Leah’s new book, Modern Miss Mason, and be encouraged by her seasoned thoughts. Happy Wednesday, friends.


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Tea Time Tuesday: The World of Tea in 1775 & a Famous Author

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“But indeed, I would rather have nothing but tea.”

The woman who said this was born on the second year holiday of the Boston tea party in 1775.

She became a professional writer, lived at home with her family her whole life and became one of the most famous persons in her lifetime. Who is this woman?

Wishing you could join me today for this pecan cinnamon roll and a flat white.

Today’s Tea Time Tuesday is lots of fun. Be sure to share a cuppa something wonderful with someone in your life who would enjoy a few moments of pure pleasure, relaxation and with friendship and peace. And be sure to tell me your story.

And of course, get your copy of Teatime Discipleship today for further inspiration.


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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more

Do You Ever Feel Like a Child?

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Do you ever feel like a child? Caught in a world that is too big, too much? Not knowing for sure where you are going or what you are doing? A little mystified about the future or about your life circumstances? What in the world is going on? This large rocking chair seemed to fit these feelings at times.

I have to admit that I have felt that way often over the years. Like a little girl in a way too big a world to figure out.

Evidently, this is how many have felt throughout history—a little lost, confused, not sure of what is ahead or if we are strong enough, capable enough to know how to live the life we have been called to. Throughout scripture, we see that some of the most faithful heroes of faith, felt lost along the way.

Abraham is one of my heroes. There was no Jewish history to speak of before him. Abraham didn’t have anything to go on—he just had to have a heart for God the creator and a desire to please Him. God began to make a “people” through Abraham, and to write a story of His love and presence to His people through a nomadic man, that God would eventually call, “His friend.”

We read in Hebrews 11: 8:
”By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”

Abraham was chosen for his willing heart—to follow God, even though he did not know where he was going. The key to his life was obedience—to go out, to follow God, even when he did not totally understand. And so, God wants us to learn to obey when he calls us to follow Him, even when we do not know where it will lead exactly.

And yet, this faithful man became the Father of the Nation, Israel.

He did not know where he was going, but he believed that God would be with him.

You may feel at times, that life is too much. That you do not know where you are going.

But wherever you go, God will be with you, and He is good, and he holds you faith as something precious in His hands.

Join me on my podcast today as I speak of faith and obedience, two key ideas for walking with God.

***Also, be sure to get your copy of Tea Time Discipleship and take advantage of the preorders by clicking here!


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Tea Time Tuesday: Cheers, My Friends!

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Tea Time Tuesday: Cheers, my friends!

If only you could come sit with me and sip a golden cup of tea. I would look at your eyes to see what I saw there. I would ask you questions about your needs, and hope to be of encouragement to you. We would talk about everything in the world, share thoughts and dreams, fears and failures, and give one another joy in time well-spent. If only! What would you want to talk about? I would love to know.

I must confess, instead of working late into the night to get this post up, I had one more cup of tea and thought about all the great ones who loved tea—C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, Tolstoy, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, Jane Austen and so many more!

I wish you a few minutes of sheer peace and pleasure today. I hope you really enjoy my podcast: Oxford wonderings, Miss Read books, goat's cheese deliciousness, Celtic thoughts, and blessings for your life.

It is my hope that my new book, Tea Time Discipleship, brings you much joy. Be sure to get your copy today and let me know what you would love for me to talk about on Tea Time Tuesday—we shall have fun.


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  • Follow on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and updates.

  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more

Servant Leadership Opens Hearts

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.

Mark 10:45

The concept of servant leadership transformed my life, my philosophy of discipleship, my understanding of the cost of love. And once I gave into becoming a servant leader, every day, all the time, I was more content with the life I had and the people I served.

One coolish evening a couple of years ago, one of my sweet ones plopped down on our front porch rocker & sighed such a sigh, it sounded as though the whole world would end. 

As I looked in the face of my adult child, I saw weariness, discouragement, exhaustion. Amidst projects, financial demands, relationship issues, I knew that life had demanded more than usual, it had left this one's soul dry and weary. 

I slipped into the kitchen, got a cool drink, warm bread, strong English cheese, a bowl of soup and brought out a personal tray. I set it next to my depleted child. 

"How about a shoulder rub for just a few minutes?"

As I put pressure on the knots twisted up from stress, the drink and snacks were consumed. My child looked at me, breathing out the weariness, "I think you have influenced me more to love God by your great snacks and shoulder rubs than anything else you ever did!"

When God created the world, we were not just people of intellect, understanding, but people who had senses that made us feel the touch of a hand, the splendor and taste of a well-cooked meal, the soothing sounds of rain pattering down or music wafting through a room, the delight of purple mountains amidst fluffy clouds. We are multi-dimensional beings who are stronger, healthier when all of these differing needs are attended to. 

As we seek to influence the thinking, faith, love of our children, it will be as we do the work of serving, over & over again, of exercising thoughtful, kind deeds, thousands of times, one moment at a time.

Someone must do the work of life that results in pleasurable moments! When there are children involved, often the mama is the tireless servant, worker, leader.

Today’s podcast takes a biblical look at becoming a servant leader so that others might learn and experience Christ through our lives.

I Used To Get In Trouble

I was thinking today how thankful I now am to be me, the person I am in the inner world of my life. I have deep pleasure in thinking, creating, exploring, dancing, laughing, and living rich on the inside, where no one can see.

As a girl, I used to get in trouble in class for talking too much. Eventually, I just learned to keep my mouth shut. But I thought I had a lot to say if someone would just listen. When I was a little older, questioning my faith, the world, and ideas, I was told, “You ask too many questions. Can’t you just accept life as it is?”

But my brain was always busy thinking, pondering, imagining. I just didn’t fit the norm. I was a little “too much.”

Asking questions and challenging the norm was what led me to become a writer, speaker, an idealist, and an educator. I wanted an “authentic” life, real answers, to live into the amazing, spectacular, wonder of God’s world, to love people with all my heart, to push out the boundaries of life. I also wanted to encourage others in their ideals and thoughts about life.

Then I had Nathan. He also asked too many questions, lived life to the fullest, and got in trouble for talking too much. To this day, we might both be accused of talking too much, especially when we are together, discussing our ideals, our deepest questions, and our faith, and laughing too loudly, seeing life and people from a different perspective.

I like who he is, too. Now he writes books, produces movies, hosts a podcast, cooks great meals, sings, and treats me like a cherished friend. He never tells me I talk too much. He understands his mama because we are alike. He makes me feel understood.

If Jesus gave each of us distinct DNA, individual fingerprints, unique personalities, individual physical traits, He intended for us to be fully alive when we worked in cooperation with our uniqueness. Even as a red poppy is distinct from a yellow daffodil, and both have great beauty, shouldn’t we learn to value one another for our unique elegance?

Such freedom and grace comes when we learn to validate the rare, exclusive designs we have been imprinted with by God’s very imagination.

By the way—missing you today, my Nathan. And I like you a lot.

Tea Time Tuesday: The Pathway to Becoming Mature is to Accept Advice

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Tea Time Tuesday

Three years ago, I had moved into a new house, a new city (Oxford), and a new country! I put out a notice on Facebook that I would be hosting a women’s Bible study in my home and I would love for anyone to come. That first night, 15 women showed up. And so it began…

Now, these lovely, fun, vibrant women are my best friends in Oxford. Tonight we were meeting for a monthly dinner (though we meet every week in between for tea and coffee). We were sending one of our members off to the US where she and her husband will start a new job.

About 40 women have been through our study. Women from 7 countries, different ages, backgrounds, and life stories, but all of us knit together by hours and hours of time invested in one another. Some of my friends gathered for a photo, some were behind the scenes taking photos, laughing, telling us all how to smile, etc. We are now a community of close friends.

I have been leading such groups since I was 19—50 years ago. I have been one of the richest women in the world because of the sweet fellowship and deep friendships I have experienced.

This is what my new book, Teatime Discipleship, is all about: creating a place where people can become friends, grow in faith, and find support and encouragement. I hope you will be inspired by the stories I shared in my book. I hope you will begin a group and find out who might be hoping for just such a group.

Today, I asked a few of these friends if they would share with you why they come every week in the cold weather, in spite of busy schedules, jobs, and responsibilities. It was so sweet to hear their answers. I hope it will also encourage you.

This is a very rich week for Tea Time Tuesday—one of the best movies, great music, good food, a hero to be inspired by, some of Clay’s and my story, and so much more.

Be sure to grab your own copy of Teatime Discipleship, share with a friend and join me and women all over the world as we start a movement of gathering with excellent women.

Tell me about your group that you meet with, or how you might plan to start such a group.

Have a cup of tea, and enjoy a few minutes of peace.