Episode #167: How to Love Your Boys

Our children, especially boys, come to us in all sorts of shapes, sizes, issues, personalities and skill sets. I must confess that I struggled with all of my children in different ways at different times. But at some point, I finally had to realize that I needed to make peace with my precious children and the puzzle I was given to figure out with my own different ones, as all were quite unique. 

Episode #166: Heartbeats 5 & 6: Lifegiving Parent Podcast with Clay and Sally

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As parents, we are in effect giving God's life to our children by helping them flesh out the words of the old hymn: "Trust and obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to truth and obey." Strengthening your child's faith and shaping your child's will is the path for them to finding their life in Christ, just as every marriage begins with belief and willingness.

Episode #164: Guarding Your Children's Heart & Being Transformed

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Home is the place where the whispers of God’s love are heard regularly, the touch of His hands is given intentionally throughout the day, the words of His encouragement and affirmation pointed to lay the foundation of loving relationships where a woman conducts the beauty of this life within its walls. I hope you will find inspiration to cultivate such a life within the pages of this blog. I welcome you here!

Episode #160: Numbering Your Child's Days & Nurturing Their Hearts, LGP 1&2: Love & Wisdom

Lifegiving parenting is not just about telling your child what to do and saying, "Go do as I say." It is much more about providing footsteps in the sand of the beach of life that they can see and walk in. It is about inviting them to follow you on your own journey with God. That idea is the life-blood flowing through each heartbeat of parental lifegiving--your children following the life of God that they see in you.