Is There Oil In Your Lamp?

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January is usually a challenging time in the lives of many people. The anticipation of the holidays is over, there are messes to be cleaned, and lots of cold weather and dark days ahead.

From times past, I know that it helps me every year to refocus and get a new perspective in order to make it through the long winter months with more grace. I wish you were here today, the flurries of snow are  so lovely as it peacefully dances through the air and  falls softly.   It is so white, so pure, so wonderful.  It reminds me of the gentleness of God's word and the beauty of it as it fills our soul.  That is exactly the way I feel now as I ponder our morning devotions where we discussed the virgins that didn't bring enough oil for their lamps.

“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them.” (Mathew 25: 1-3)

Some of the virgins were called wise and some were called foolish.  Why?

Because they had oil?  Well, partially … but more because they had thought ahead to the priorities in life.  They didn't let things in life distract them from the truly pressing, the truly important, the true priorities. The wise virgins took the time to put oil in their lamps--to be ready to meet the bridegroom.

What does it mean for us to be ready to meet Him? To see Him face to face? How does that play itself out in the warp and woof of our home life? There are times in our lives when we definitely get distracted by dirty rooms, meals to prepare and oh yes, definitely laundry!  But, are these the things that put oil into our souls?  Likely not.

However, focusing on the Savior that is in the manger and on the cross will definitely fill our soul and guide our hands to the priorities of a time to visit with God every day, a time to talk to our children about why they are created in God's image and maybe some help in how they can walk that out today.  Maybe it is time in prayer for the neighbor, friend who is mourning, or family member that feels so alone and misunderstood.

All of our busy-ness will be in vain if it is not in preparation to see Him, to celebrate Him in our homes, to ready all of our children to put Him as the highest priority as we await that wonderful day when He will come back to the earth. God wants us to be ready and anticipating His coming.

The wise virgins were ready--they had faithfully prepared to see their Savior face to face.   When we are in readiness the priorities are a lot more clear and our steps are so much more sure.  So, as this new year unfolds, evaluate your life in light of this wonderful little story. Take some time today to make sure you have the oil you need for your lamp and you too will be wise.

“Good Boys & Girls need Good stories to become Great Men & Women” & Podcast with Nathan Clarkson


This past few weeks, I have been watching and listening to my adult children: the discussions, hearing the values embraced and been aware of the world view and morality they hold. I honestly marvel sometimes because in a normal day, I probably would not have felt like they were necessarily listening to me closely. Yet, now, they are holding fast to what we taught and discussed day in and day out. Nathan and I had some sweet conversations about it when he was home.

As a boy Nathan’s favorite time of our homeschooling day was when we would sit down in our living room: mom on the couch, him spread out on the floor, head propped up by hands. I would read out loud through classic stories, fiction, biographies, and Bible stories. . I read to him often and for long hours at a time. As a young rambunctious boy who struggled with learning disabilities like dyslexia, and a diagnosis of ADHD, his little body constantly was constantly wriggling, reading by himself was hard for him. But there was something in him that craved good stories about heroes. I would give him a piece of paper and some colored pencils and tell him to draw and color what we read. And here we would stay for hours.

Now decades later I see that those stories weren’t random, but instead meaningful in his young heart. Nathan took all the tales of heroes I read to him and decided he wanted to be a hero in his own story. Nathan now works as an actor, author, and filmmaker bring to life his own stories, the ones he is passionate about, all inspired by this e precious countless hours we spent reading. Very soon he will be launching another movie with a great story—I will keep you posted.

Stories are important. Humans have been hard wired to love and see all of life in the context of arc and narrative. God created us to connect to stories, which is why much of scripture is told through the art of story, and much of Jesus teaching was shared through them. 

Stories have the power to change, inspire, teach, and show us things that nothing else has the power to do. And in the hearts of our children they are a invaluable tool to giving them a vision for the story their lives can tell and the heroes God has made them to be.

Many of us have heard this before, but I have seen that it was true in Nathan’s life because he is an adult and can verbalize what it meant to him. Good stories combat the modern mentality that everything is random and doesn’t really matter. Good stories say that our choices are eternally important and we have been written into a story and have the opportunity to play an important part in it.

In our home we have a library (that really needs to be sorted—literally thousands of books!)) filled to the brim with books about heroes, historical, figure, and inspiring tales, so that all of our children growing up would have consistent access to great stories in our home. We did this with the belief that if they were exposed to great figures existing in great stories they themselves would be given a vision for being heroes in the story in which God has placed them. 

Today in my podcast, I sat down with Nathan and talked about why good stories were so important to him as a boy and how they helped him find a vision for growing into a good man. 

Also, you can read Nathan’s and my best selling memoir about Nathan growing up as an “outside-the-box” kid and how God guided me to love him. It’s called Different and you can pick up a copy here. 

Podcast with Nathan Clarkson ( was so much fun to do. The Bible study guide is great for your children’s devotionals. We cover different heroes in the Bible and how God used them within the framework of their unique personalities and skills. Enjoy!

Every New Year, I Declutter My Soul! & Podcast

By this time each year, I am exhausted to the bone, have spent all of my emotional cash, given beyond my physical self and likely can be found early mornings stretched out on the couch wondering how I am going to make it through one more day.

I start out well, with good intentions, but sometimes life just happens, actually all the time life just happens and takes us in a direction with demands we didn’t even imagine or count on. This year, I geared up for having jet lag for several days, for having 9 people in my home who would want attention, meals, fun, with expectations of having a wonderful Christmas together—(with me in charge of it all.) I knew it would be lots of giving, serving, loving with lots of cooking and dish washing.

What I did not count on was Lilian, my 9 month old granddaughter, being at the Emergency care 3 times, an ambulance ride with concerned paramedics, a hospital stay 24 miles from my house, with limited cars, and over a week of sleepless nights where everyone was called on to change their plans to help.

And so, another Christmas season has come to an end in its own spectacular way. It is always such a joy with all the people I love at home. ! I love the celebration of life and the traditions and the fun and the beauty of special times spent with my children, husband and friends. But, every year, there is something deeply satisfying to me about getting it all put away and getting back to normal. And every year, I review this habit of mine and rework this blog post because it is one of my favorite things to do to recenter my life. I hope you enjoy my thoughts. 

Perhaps it is because my normal everyday responsibilities of caring for my family’s needs demand so much of me—cooking nutritious meals, organizing our schedules, cleaning and organizing on a daily basis, used to be homeschooling and add to that ministry--writing books, doing podcasts, keeping blogs going, preparing for 3 national conferences—these are enough, but holidays put on that extra load. Routines go by the wayside and so the clutter and demolishing of the house, slowly takes over.

Recognize your limitations!

All of us have limitations. If we spend all of the energy, love and serving that we are capable of giving, we must refuel or there will be consequences. Just as a car cannot fun without gasoline, so we cannot get very far on fumes.

I am not a person gifted in handling details—too much mail, too many catalogues, too many emails, too many options, too many things. The more there is, the more I become responsible for, the more work there is to be done, and so, the more anxious I become. Same with activities. The more I commit to, the more I say yes, the more I have to drive, the more my house gets into a mess, and the more anxious I become, the more hurried we feel, and the more weary I become.

When I am not at peace, nothing in our home is at peace.

We can all see how too much clutter and too many piles causes us to feel overwhelmed with life. Consequently, slowly, I have learned to declutter as often as I can—to throw away unnecessary stuff. Clay is really the master at this. He helps me get rid of, organize, and put away things. Yesterday, he decluttered our pantry—threw away chip bags that held little but took up space, cleared out empty water bottles, tossed the last of the junky Christmas candy that would never eaten; fixed baskets that had fallen off their nails, arranged groceries that had never been put in their place. Now if someone came into my pantry, they would mistakenly think that I am an organized person! Thank goodness for Clay! It made me feel good just to open the door and to see that all was manageable again.

Declutter Your Soul

But, I have also come to realize that my brain and heart can be the same way---cluttered with worries, responsibilities, duties, children’s future, finances, time constraints, expectations, disappointments, critical attitudes, resentment.

All of these added together, can tend to create soul piles and mind clutter. If I don’t take the time to sort the piles of mind clutter, my spirit becomes a mess and my heart becomes overwhelmed and weary.

This is what awakened me at 4:00 a.m. this morning--soul clutter and worry. Another reason I like January is the way it gives me an opportunity to make a new plan, to simplify the mind messes and start off a whole new year well. In the same way that throwing stuff away and clearing out closets brings me relief--even more so--soul and mind decluttering brings me rest.

So, as I begin a new year, I resolve to deal with my soul-clutter, so that I may have strength to face each day in peace. I come to the place where I know I will find the help that I need: the feet of my Father. I ask Him to help me, His child, know how to make get rid of the junk that is unnecessary, and to help me clean out and organize my soul.

He speaks to me gently.

*I must get rid of all that causes me to fret, worry, criticize, and control. There is a way....

“In quietness and rest shall be your strength.” Isaiah 30:15 You need to come to me and give me all those things that are weighing on your heart. Resolve to seek rest and peace.

“Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29

  1. List what is troubling you!

*I list all of my issues in my journal (and there seem to be multitudes of clutter piles in my soul--worries, attitudes, bitterness, weariness, fear, sin and a few more!) These are issues that will suck my heart and energy dry if I do not notice them in order to clean out my soul!

The Lord prompted, "List all of your issues, give them over to me, don’t hold on to them. I am capable of taking them from you and being responsible so that you will not be weary or carry what you are not capable of carrying."

Focus on breathing in rest and peace.

"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. “ Psalm 37:7

Focus on resting in Me—sit in My lap, rest in My arms. Let Me carry you. I love you. Wait for My timing. Don’t force things or beg Me to hurry up. I am in control.

“Be still (cease striving) and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 “Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother; Like a weaned child is my soul within me.” Psalm 131:2

Give Me your attention and get control of your spirit. Be quiet. Be still. Recognize My sovereignty and transcendence. Remember what Jesus said, “Our Father who art in heaven, holy is your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Jesus modeled His understanding that My will is what you need to rest in. I am in heaven and I see all things—the future, the past, your children, your relationships--all your clutter. Give them to Me. Quiet your soul and rest in My strength and power.

“Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one little child like this receives me.” Matthew 18:3-5

Come to Me as a child—even as your children, in their innocence and sweetness of heart, know that you will care for them and meet their needs because you are a loving parent who cares for them, so I am your Father who will take care of you. Leave the burdens to your Father and take your rightful place as a child. Humble yourself and trust Me. Enjoy Me. Delight in the beautiful moments of this day. Notice the little miracles. Live as an unfettered child. Accept your little and big children and receive them as a gift from Me, and your will indeed receive Me into your midst.

“ ... a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.” I Peter 3:4

“Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about so many things. But really one is needed and Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10 41-42

Don’t worry and fret and stew and stir up unnecessary dust.

Choose simplicity

—just one thing I require—that you give it all to Me and love Me. I will take over. Even as I gave and provided a Sabbath in which all of My children should have rest from their work, so I want you to live in My Sabbath rest for your soul. Rest from your striving and labor. Take time for naps, for pleasure, for joy. This day you have to receive as a gift--I can't promise what tomorrow will hold. But today you can love, give peace, speak kind and wise words, dance in your soul with secret pleasure that comes from knowing that I love you. Simplify your life; don’t make choices that will complicate or add unnecessary pressure or cause you to sin or grumble. “Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life,” as Paul said.

So, as I yield my lists into God’s hands and de-cluttered my troubled soul, I left feeling that even as my house has been coming to order, after we cleaned and straightened it yesterday, now my soul is moving in the direction of order.

Rest, rest, rest—in quietness and rest will be your strength every day, every year, until you see me face to face. I love you, my sweet girl. Don’t forget that I am with you each moment of today. ~Your doting and loving Father.

Artists, Writers, Musicians, Wordsmiths: This suits the Clarksons & Podcast


In the old days, farmers taught their sons and daughters how to farm and to make a living from the gardens, the livestock. Those who ran the general store did so with the help of their children. Our family seem to all do the same thing—write books, speak, do music and craft messages. It is what the Clarksons do. You would never ask us to be your accountant or physician, but we all seem to have the same basic make-up—artist, writers, musicians, message makers.

And we are hobbits and eat and drink all the time. And we talk endlessly.

I thought it would be fun, before everyone started to head back to their homes, to share a little bit of this community we share together with you.

One of the most consistent messages we spoke to our children’s heart was, “God has created you with a place in His kingdom story. He gave you a personality, skills, desires so that you can use the uniqueness of who you are to serve Him and bring His light to bear through you.”

A desire to know that our lives matter, that we have meaning through the days we live is a deep desire of all of us. We tried to draw that longing for purpose out from our children’s hearts.

It is so fun to hear their ideas, see their passions and to know that all have a desire to use their gifts to honor God in some way.

Clay, who was a major inspirer in our home, was at the office working today, so he did not get to throw in his two cents worth. But the rest of us gathered around the mic before we sent Nathan on his way. Hope you enjoy our podcast. Maybe one of our ideas or projects will inspire you to imagine some unique ways

God might use you in 2019. May He show you that all of your days have great meaning.

If you would like to follow all the projects, movies, daily happenings in our lives, you can follow us on Instagram @clarksonfamilyofficial

I hope you will follow us there.

Happy New 2019.

A Sweet Surprise for a Busy Mama at Christmastime ... & Podcast--(What happened to Lily)


All four of my own children have invaded my home and brought with them laughter, messes from suitcases, lots of coffee and tea cups being used over and over again. The joy of my season, so far, has been to just sit and listen to them share friendship together. My heart is saying, "It was all worth it. They all caught a vision for life. They are all alive with ideals, vision, purpose and love for the One who matters the most."

And then, Lily’s illness hit. Our holiday plans have been turned upside down-for everyone. Hospital stay, emergency rooms, ambulance, 3 emergency clinic visits and many sleepless nights. Oh what a week it has been but I wanted to share the story with all of you who so kindly prayed and encouraged us.

Of course I am so happy to be hosting precious baby Lilian., even amidst her illness. Her presence in our home, with her squeals and antics of excitement for life, fills all of us with renewed thankfulness for Him who created Life!

With such strong personalities and ideals, of course there is friction and stress in the up and down moments of our lives … but also lots of memories and stories. This one is one of my favorites of those, from one of my very best friends, Nathan. We have grown even so much closer this year through the events of our lives, and I am always happy when he is around. Take time to look into the eyes of your loved ones this season, and you will make a memory you will love to visit years from now.

 Christmas Eve found me huffing and puffing over a kitchen cabinet overflowing with dough. Cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning, herb and onion bread for the Shepherd's meal that very evening, and I was into my own vortex of checking off a mental list of all that had to be finished. Stockings, wrap presents, call my family, make the potato soup and fill the cookie trays......on and on the list grew.

Charming 12 year old, golden blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, marched into the kitchen with a purpose to his step.

"Mama, I know you are busy, but there is something real important I need to talk to you about. I need you to come right now!"

A little tightness wrapped itself around my attitude.

My thoughts, "Hello! Can't you see that I am up to my elbows in dough? Do you really know how much I am doing to make all of you happy? I am doing this for you. Can't you just see what I am up to and wait for just a little bit?"

My words, "Honey, I am a little busy right now. Can you just wait for a few minutes? Why don't you talk to me right here--I am happy to listen to you."

"Mom, we need to have privacy. It won't take long. If you could just come with me for a few minutes, I really need to talk to you."

Something in my heart said, "You need to take time. He is not usually this insistant in the middle of the day. Give him your focussed attention for just a few minutes."

And so I reluctantly wiped my hands clean, put the dough down and said, "Ok, Nate, let's go to my bedroom. No one is there."

He seemed to be holding something behind his back and wanted me to go in front of him.

I walked ahead of him into my bedroom, sat on our little love seat next to our bed and said, trying to smile amidst the tension I was feeling, "Now, Nathan, what did you want to talk about?"

Then, with a smile from cheek to cheek, he gingerly pulled out one long stem red rose from behind his back and presented it to me.

"Mama, I love you more than Christmas."

"I was thinking about all that you do to make us happy and I wanted to give you a present before I get all of my presents tomorrow. I wanted to let you know I love you and really appreciate you ahead of time. So here is my present, mama. I made Dad take me to the store and I got a red rose for you.  Do you like it?"

Of course, you could have pushed me over with a feather.

I was shocked, surprised, touched, and the tears began to flow and my heart began to melt.

"Nathan, that might be the sweetest, most thoughtful gift anyone has ever given to me. Thank you with all of my heart."

And so I drew his "little-boy" body to myself and gave a great big hug and kissed him on his smiling cheek.

"I will never forget this. I adore you, sweet Nathan."

And I haven't forgotten.

And now I saw my extraverted, ADD, bubbling over, OCD boy in a whole new light.

So very glad this one time God prompted me to listen with my heart instead of my head.

Hope you enjoy the podcast—as we wanted our friends to know our adventures and challenges this week with Lily. Joel helped me find a song we hope you will enjoy. Have the most wonderful Christmas with your loved ones.

Time for Tasting Some Pure Pleasure: Raspberry Soup!

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Taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalm 34

Some foods just speak “Christmas love” to me. Perhaps it is the memories or that we always serve it at our “friends” luncheon, but sometimes it tastes like fairy fare or something mysteriously wonderful.

By this time in the month, an easy, beautiful, mouth pleasing treat might be needed to stop and enjoy the pure joy God wants you to taste in your life. Take time to celebrate the moments of life He has given amidst all the goings and comings. Breathe in His joy.

Once on a hot summer's day, I was searching the streets of Budapest, Hungry, for an apartment where a Christian contact was awaiting our arrival. We called the telephone number that we had been given, but no one answered. Our standing instructions, as young missionaries working in a Communist country behind the iron curtain, were to find a local cafe and wait one hour until calling again. (Sometimes if the secret police were near by, and a family was expecting us, the hosts would not answer the phone in order to warn us to stay away.)

And so, my friend and I found a tiny, smoky cafe and entered to see if we could find something delicious to eat while we were waiting. We made our way to a tiny, round table in the corner with a lovely woven traditional flowered table cloth, fresh carnations in a red clay vase and soft music wafting in the background. Seems we had found a jewel of a place.

Our waitress immediately knew we were Americans and talked to us in broken English. We asked her if they had a speciality. Her reply was, "Have you had our cold raspberry soup?"

I had never heard of any kind of berry soup, but we couldn't speak a word of Hungarian and as berries were in season, we took  a chance.

Heaven couldn't have produced better fare for us that day! Light, sweet with a touch of sour, whip cream and berries--all cold and smooth.

Every Christmas when I have friends over for lunch, we always have cold raspberry soup as the starter--red for Christmas and special for a unique tradition--a favorite taste of our family and a celebration whenever we eat it.  

So here is my recipe: I hope you will love it!

Chilled Raspberry Soup


  • 2 bags frozen raspberries-- around 18-20 ounces. I thaw them the day before I make the soup in my fridge.

  • 1-1/2 cups water

  • 1/4 cup white zinfandel or sweeter wine (if desired--not necessary) Do not use a very sour cooking wine.

  • 1 cup cranberry apple juice or cranberry -raspberry juice

  • 1/2 -1 cup of sugar (to taste)

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

  • 1/4 t. ground cloves

  • 1 -2 tablespoon lemon juice

  • 1 (8 ounce) container  raspberry yogurt (I use the Greek yoghurt)

  • whipped cream or sour cream--depending on preference


  1. In a blender, puree raspberries, water and wine if desired. (Taste to see if it is the right consistency for you--some like it thick, some like it thinner--juice or water will thin it.) Transfer to a large saucepan; add the cran-raspberry juice, sugar, cinnamon and cloves. (I have had sweet raspberries and some that were sour. If they are sour, they will need a little bit more sugar. Be sure it blends in.)

  2. Bring just to a boil over medium heat.

  3. Remove from the heat; strain if you want it totally smooth,  and allow to cool. (I grind my raspberries so much in the blender that you cannot notice the seeds, but sometimes cooks strain the seeds out to make it totally smooth.) Whisk in lemon juice and yogurt. Refrigerate long enough to cool. To serve, pour into small bowls and top with a dollop of whip or sour cream.

    It will become a family favorite! Such a luxurious holiday treat.

    You can find this and other recipes in The Lifegiving Table. It might just make a great gift for you or a friend. And read the Companion study filled with encouragement.


Light That Will Dispel All Darkness & a Podcast Message from Sally

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Darkness seems to threaten so many sacred places in our times. Marriage is being attacked. Children are not valued. The battle rages. Yet, we have a conquerer, a warrior on our side, one who has already won victory. He is with us. We may champion alongside Him and sing His praises as we watch Him bring a rousing victory. We are agents of His grace and light and have the privilege one time on this earth to sing and teach and tell of His ways and light, until the victory dinner when we see Him face to face.

Living wistfully in dream-land as a child, I was quite sensitive to beauty, to the “thin places” where heaven and earth almost meet, and was given to imagining worlds beyond my own. A light seemed to burn inside that whispered of a glorious beyond.

Christmas Eve in New Mexico, where I lived, was spent opening stockings and one present that my brothers and I were given after dinner. The grand finale, the whip cream of the evening was an event that delighted my little girl heart each year. Our family of 5 would quietly patter into our Southwestern Stucco church inside the grand sanctuary that was covered over with heavy wooden beams and paneling. The lights would be dim and the pews crowded as we pushed hard to make more room for all the families who had visiting relatives, come to celebrate the coming of Christ.

Oddly, my pastor was from Australia and had an elegant accent. He would read the passages from Luke which underlined the angels saying “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace amongst men in whom he is well pleased.” Even then I loved words and lived into the starry night and events that thrilled the shepherds and common folk who ran to see the newborn babe.

At that point, all lights (I mean *all lights!) would be dimmed so that you couldn't even see your hand in front of your face. “This paints the picture of what life would be like without God, without His love, His life, HIs presence, His fatherhood in our lives. We are all dark and cannot even find the way to live life.”

Then my pastor would light one candle and say, “But Jesus did not want us to live in darkness, so He became the light in the world that brought us love, purpose, and forgiveness, and restored us to the love God wanted us to know from the beginning of time. When we share this light with others who were also born to know Him, we will bring back His light into our world.”

Then he would share his candle with the one next to him and everyone in the room would share with the persons surrounding them and little by little the room would become bright, with the picture blazing in my mind and burning in my heart that I wanted to be a light bearer.

Today, on my podcast, I am sharing a recording with all of you that I made especially for my membership. Many people have asked me, “What kind of podcasts and recordings do you have in your membership?” Well, here’s an example. This is a Bible study that I do each month. I hope you enjoy it—and I pray you will live into the light who came to light your darkness.

Just a few verses and thoughts that spoke to me in my quiet time today:

“Come swiftly, O Lord, to the dark moments when we are lost. Make us aware of Thy presence. Strengthen us to resist the urges and pulls to deeper darkness.Stir us to move away from the dark moments of sinful selfishness toward the light of thy forgiveness. Come quickly, O Lord, as we call--or forget to call--and keep Thous close to us and keep us close to Thee this day and night and as far as the days and nights stretch before us, and we see you face to face, through Jesus Christ. Amen.”

-James Kennedy, Holy Island

"If I say, "Surely the darkness will overwhelm me, And the light will be night," Even the darkness is not dark to thee, and the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to thee." Psalm 139: 11-12

"I am the light of the world. In me is no darkness at all."

“And the people who were living in darkness have seen a great light.”

“Let your light so shine amongst men that they may see my glory …”


May our lights show forth today and may we walk in the light of His counsel.

Peace and grace to you today.

Create Rest During Advent & Breathe in Peace & Podcast


"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life." I Thess. 4:11

This has not been a quiet week.

Packing up our house in Oxford for a 2 month journey home meant we had to pack, empty the rubbish bins, straighten and wash linens for the others who will stay in our home while we are gone. Then flights home after bus rides to the airport. Luggage dragging—then home.

Hosting several get togethers, cooking for all of my boys, Christmas presents, baking cookies, unpacking—you all know the lives we lead and live.

Yet, the happiness of being with my sweet people and friends has carried me through so far.

But today, I hit a wall. So, I know from the past, since everyone will be home starting tonight for about two weeks with other out of town guests, I will be “on” a lot. So, instead of finishing all of my straightening and wrapping before the kids walk in the door, I am sitting and having a cup of tea and one of my cookies. I will probably even go take a 20 minute nap before I start flurrying around again—knowing I will never get everything done.

But if I don’t have a little bit of protected time to myself, I will probably explode in some unfortunate way and then will regret. Taking time to breathe in whatever gives you a little bit of reprieve will help you have a “merrier” attitude through the whole season.

I think about all of you, my beautiful, wonderful online friends, and I often pray for you to have peace and strength for your very demanding lives.

Today, I wish you beauty, rest, fun and the celebration of life with your sweet ones today.

Today, my heart will be turned to home. I will plan easy meals that bring all of us comfort and rest as we are all quite exhausted. These are some of my plans.

Savory soups bubbling on the stove and warm bread with butter and strong cures of cheese, accompanied  by homemade applesauce.

Long walks in the woods and mountains, taking in the art of leaves, chill wind, snow blowing across the covered white grass, dark colors of navy in the sky and reminder that life is always changing, and always to be cherished-- with my most precious ones.

Fireplaces blazing with tea or coffee or cider and stories being read.

Real conversations that take lots of time, face to face without my eyes on a machine or phone--but real listening, touching, sharing hearts, giving words of encouragement and life--which require time and focus.

Long quiet times, seeking Him and His values and His ways for myself and my family.

Filling my mind with story, encouragement, inspiration, rest, so that I actually have something left in my soul to offer to those who would draw from there.

Rest and Sabbath times--quiet, away, undistracted, peaceful.

This is my hope and prayer for you today.

May the Peace of the Lord be with you today and carry you through the sleepless nights, piles of dishes, constant needs of those around you and may you know you are the true heroes and God sees your precious love poured out faithfully. His heart for you is very soft and generous. He loves you so much.

Happy Rest and enjoy the podcast on this subject today.

I am podcasting today with my sweet friend, Shelly Miller, who also lives in the UK, in London. She loves to encourage women to take time to rest. You can find her at

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Giving a Gift that Inspires: The Clarkson Books, a podcast & Giveaway!

A Christmas Gift that will inspire and encourage! The Clarkson books, of course! :)

A Christmas Gift that will inspire and encourage! The Clarkson books, of course! :)

My Friends,

Messages of truth, hope, love, faith so that we can know and serve God more is at the heartbeat of all that we do at Whole Heart. Clay and I always want to be a source of spiritual encouragement, support and inspiration to help our friends grow strong in the Lord and in biblical convictions. We love sharing the messages God has put on our hearts with you!

It is our desire, through the messages in our books and podcasts to help women grow in their faith.

Today, consider purchasing a gift for your friends or family that will keep on giving—a book filled with messages that will give them grace and light for years to come.

As a thank you to all of you who are so encouraging to us, we want to give four sets of any two books of your choice, (that we have in stock!), to four of you so that you might have a book to give to your own loved ones. Just follow us on Instagram ( and share there with a friend, or do the same on my facebook fan page.

Click on the image for a link to our books for purchase. And listen to the podcast for some inspiring passages from each book. Happy Friday. Contest ends on Monday. You may also leave a comment below for an entry if you do not have fb or instagram.

Coming Soon! Available for pre-order. Releases February 5, 2019!

Join us and countless thousands of women all over the world to build strong community, inspiring friendships and accountability for growing into the excellent women God created us to be. We hope you will be inspired by our story.

The Lifegiving Series:

Motherhood & Parenting:

Personal Discipleship & Ministry:

My Home's Lifegiving Christmas Traditions & Podcast Leah Boden


Come, Thou long expected Jesus
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in Thee.
Israel's strength and consolation,
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear desire of every nation, Joy of every loving heart. 

Stockings hung by the fire with care, a fresh pine wreath with birds nesting between pinecones, lit by a soft scented candle, fairy lights aglow in every corner of the room, flowers and poinsettias reminding of friends gracing our home with gifts, will all meet my adult children who are returning from Scotland, Oxford, New York.. These are some of the familiar scenes that have graced our home for many years and  will speak familiarity, comfort: "our place" when all walk in the front door. 

I buy 3 wreaths to put on various tables and a candle in the middle each year. Stockings on one hearth and little elf dolls on the other hearth. Pinecones in my big old brass planter at the front door with red berries and a little greenery, and so much more.

I will be returning to this very scene in two days. Clay has put up the tree with lights, the boys and I will finish decorating it as we get home before the others and I will put on the final touches all through the house. I will begin making meals for the freezer, cookie dough balls starting with everyone’s favorites, the snow ball shortbread pecan cookies, (in Lifegiving Table book).

Creating traditions over the year with your family will cultivate a family culture unique to your own heritage. Each of us has agency to decide what is a priority to our own family with consideration of our unique values, personalities and preferences. Yet, when a celebration is practiced year after year, together, pathways of security are roughed out in hearts and minds to remember these practices as moments that speak of love, home and intimacy shared to build life-long community.

Today, my friend, Leah Boden and I share on the podcast about some of the favorite Christmas traditions of England where I have been living, helping to take care of baby Lily and giving Joy support for this very challenging year of study. I have shared our favorite family traditions that have held our own children over the years: I may have my kids on a podcast to share their favorite Christmas traditions:; a simple candlelit Shepherd's meal for Christmas Eve; more books to read, 26 years of a gathering of women to share legacies of stories with cold raspberry soup, scones and jam; Romping from home to home for an evening of meals with friends and silliness shared, carol sings and potlucks, and more.

It is not so important what we choose to do as it is that we seek to be intentional and cultivate an atmosphere of reverence for the profound entrance of Christ as a baby, vulnerable yet announcing and establishing a kingdom where we are welcome citizens, whose history we get to be a part of for eternity.

Your home is a laboratory of the life of Christ, where He can be seen through the incarnation of himself through our music, our love, our feasts, our faith, our peace and the comfort we receive from belonging to Him. Hidden impressions of faith are laid strategically over years of celebrating Christmas together on the foundations of our children's hearts that will speak to them of His hope in their lives long after they have left home. This year, practice those that build the beauty, mystery and hope that baby Jesus came to give. 

I will be writing this week about how much books have totally shaped my life and vision. I think the gift of a book is one of the best ways to invest in someone you love. I have received so many letters from women all over the world of how these books have shaped your vision for home and motherhood. What an honor to be able to be in this ministry that I hope is from God’s word and his heart to so many of you precious ones who labor every day to bring beauty and faith into the walls of your home. I know someone you know would love to be inspired by a book and so easy to send.

For more ideas on how to cultivate a home that breathes and cultivates a living faith, with strong foundations of love, pick up a copy of The Lifegiving Home or The Lifegiving Table. A perfect gift for Christmas for a beloved friend.

Hope you enjoy our podcast and of course your day! Bless each of you.