Awaking Wonder: Giving The Gift of Faith & Cookies!


Wonderful news! A generous friend, (an artist with baking and a commercial baker) wrote to me and offered to give away 2 sets of 6 cookies to someone in my arena. Yumm! I have tasted these wondrous cookies! Such a fun giveaway.

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Do you have a generous, compassionate heart?

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Matthew 9:36

Gentle mounting breezes lightly danced through our wooden deck today as Joel and I munched on delectable lemon bread spread with tangy lemon frosting. Sipping our tea between bites, I asked him what was on his mind.

“You have never gotten over Poland, mama, have you?”

“What do you mean?” I was surprised by his question.

“It seems when you lived in Europe, you were around people who were willing to give everything for the sake of sharing their faith, bringing light to a very dark region of the world. I think you have never found that kind of spiritual fellowship again. So maybe you will have the opportunity to be involved in more ministry like that when you move for a bit to the UK again.:

Your children are always watching you and taking in what is going on in your heart even when you aren’t aware of it.

One of the reasons I wrote Awaking Wonder was that I wanted to deeply impress on the hearts of parents how deeply and profoundly important it is to help light a fire of vision in the hearts and minds of their children. Jesus felt deep compassion and sorrow for those who longed for love, leadership, purpose and didn’t have anyone to help them. He knew that they were made for his kingdom, but the leadership amongst the Jewish people had become corrupt and did not even see the needs of the people, the sheep in their own flock.

Jesus goes on to say, “The harvest is plentiful the workers are few, therefore beseech the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers into the harvest.” Matt 9: 37

In other words, the harvest, those who long for the Lord, who hunger to know Him, who were made to be a part of His purpose in the world, are floundering about without people to have compassion on them, without those who would love them and bring them light.

If we know Jesus, we are to be His words, HIs love, His hands that comfort and soothe and our willingness to work hard, to give our lives that others might know Him, And our children need to be raised knowing that they, too, are called.

Today, on my podcast, I will read a portion of Awaking Wonder, that gets to the heart of this message. This world is hostile to the gospel love and message of Jesus, in general. But each person you see was made to know God. As we get to know Him, our hearts will change. He will fill us with His love, His generosity, a willingness to lay down our lives, our pride and to humbly reach out to others. Today, we must respond and teach our children, our neighbors, our friends, to respond to Christ, to find HIs truth and leadership and purpose, that they might have eternal purpose to live every day. This is central to the heart of Christ. If we are to please Him, we must give our lives to reach out to those in our lives who deeply need to know Him. This is the central call of those who have believed Christ and vowed to serve Him.

Today, my giveaway will be to all of you who have purchased a copy of Awaking Wonder. Leave a comment where you purchased the book and tag a friend in your comment. You will love these amazing cookies. I will also choose 2 winners to receive a copy of Awaking Wonder to give to one of your friends.

Happy Thursday.


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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

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Awaking Wonder: Beauty Ignites A Desire to Learn & podcast

“Just think,” I had whispered in the moment of seeing a shooting star sprinting across the darkness of our night sky, “Job tells us that when God created the world, the stars all sang. Can you imagine it? Stars singing? You can almost hear singing as you look up now into the night sky! And then in response, the angels shouted with joy, probably a lot like a crowd cheering enthusiastically at a ball game. It must have been quite the celebration.”

Sarah’s soft voice emerged from her hiddenness. “David wrote that the heavens are declaring the glory of God,” she remembered aloud.

“Mama,” quipped Joy innocently, “I want to ask God what it was like when He painted the stars gold, silver, and blue and how He decided on those colors. I want to tell Him I love what He made!” And then she snuggled closer to me and sighed with a release of the adrenaline she had carried through her little-girl day.

“I wish I could harness a shooting star and ride through the heavens,” Nathan pronounced.
My imagination, alive with thoughts swirling, started working on ideas popping into my own mind for the next morning. Light, space, infinitude of the stars, galaxies, constellations; “Let there be light.”

Joel suggested, “I want to read about stars tomorrow.”
“I want to draw us all lying here with the mountains and trees and Milky Way all around us,” said Nathan, our relational prince.

Over the next few days, we read a book about constellations, and Joel found a video online that showed the extent of our galaxy. Nathan borrowed a telescope from a friend. Researching the Milky Way, stars, and constellations filled hours of our days. We found a book that explained and displayed the major planets, the solar system, nebulas. At our dinner table, the older three spoke with excitement and reported what they had learned while Joy colored her own picture of the night sky.

This led to that, and Galileo, Copernicus, gravity, orbiting, black holes, and comets became subjects of research. Nightly dinner-table discussion from what Clay had found to read aloud combined with “Daddy, listen to what I learned today.” We memorized Psalm 19:1–6 and heartily agreed that the heavens were indeed declaring the glory of God and imagined David the shepherd crafting this from his own perch on a desert mountain while guarding sheep. Sarah and Joel composed a little poem, expressing their delight and thoughts about what had impressed them these weeks we spent in the company of the heavens.

Once again, as the summer came to an end, we returned to the beauty of our deck, the silence speaking to our hearts, and submitted to the breezes blowing, the sky dancing, and the sleep that eventually enveloped us all.

Awaking Wonder, for us, was often simply opening our eyes to the beauty around us, then diving into whatever that beauty caused us to wonder about!

Have you ever thought about learning like this? Read more about it in my newest book, Awaking Wonder!

Be sure to watch the 12 Awaking Wonder videos. Free for 5 more days.


Finding A Way Forward: Misfits in the Storms of Life


"For even when we came into Macedonia our flesh had no rest, but we were afflicted on every side: conflicts without, fears within.  But God, who comforts the depressed, comforted us by the coming of Titus; and not only by his coming, but also by the comfort with which he was comforted in you, as he reported to us your longing, your mourning, your zeal for me; so that I rejoiced even more."  2 Corinthians 7:5-7

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Almost everyone I talk to is, in some way, weary, down or discouraged or downright depressed. We were made to be able to refuel, to have community, to gather as believers to encourage one another, to be able to go out and about freely. This is a time when many of us feel the stress pressing down on us.

Feeling like a misfit is also something I have dealt with for many years. I am an idealist and passionate about living life purposefully in a world that is violent, relentless, filled with conflict and argumentative. This drains me to my toenails. And yet, from feeling this way before, I know that I am in good company—Job despaired of his life while being one of the godliest men on earth, same with Elijah, Jeremiah and more.

As a "good Christian woman" I used to think that if I was truly loving God and walking with Him, I would have a positive, faith-filled attitude all the time. Guilt for disappointing God would occasionally stand pointing it's finger of accusation and I would feel disappointed in myself in an existential way. 

Yet, as an older woman, I have become intimately acquainted with the seasons of life and have come to realize that disappointment in others, disgust with the world's values, despair with some of the raging darkness in the international as well as personal arena of my life, was a common experience through my years and also for many through out scripture. 

Many years ago, many storms back, I wrote: The joy-filled life is not found by diminishing my God-given responsibilities as a woman, wife, and mother, nor can I find joy merely by refusing to face the hard realities of life in a fallen world. There is a tension that God is asking me to acknowledge and accept ~ the tension between ideals and realities. True joy is found by living somewhere between the ideal life and daily realities. That is where Jesus meets me, where His Holy Spirit empowers, and where I learn how to live the Christian life with supernatural joy. To celebrate life is simply a choice." -Seasons of a Mother's Heart

Hebrews 11 is a chapter in the Bible I come to again and again. Here we see the heroes of faith, those who have lived boldly, stepped out in faith, “conquered kingdoms, closed the mouths of lions,” and more. But we read, finally, that these were not looking for satisfaction or fulfillment in this world, but waiting expectantly for God to reveal His kingdom that would not be shaken. We see in the list Moses, David, Gideon, Daniel and so many more:

By faith these people overthrew kingdoms, ruled with justice, and received what God had promised them. They shut the mouths of lions,  quenched the flames of fire, and escaped death by the edge of the sword. Their weakness was turned to strength. They became strong in battle and put whole armies to flight.  Women received their loved ones back again from death.

But others were tortured, refusing to turn from God in order to be set free. They placed their hope in a better life after the resurrection. Hebrews 11: 33-35

May we be like these heroes of faith, looking to God, investing in His kingdom ways, even now amidst the darkness, and may we live for our lives after the resurrection.

Register today for the CT online conference on Tuesday, Sept 1 at 11 mountain, 12 central.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


SC Matthew 6.png


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Overprotecting Our Children--Is It Really a Bad Thing?


When I see a photo of my precious little granddaughter, Lily, innocently, and with full heart, exploring her world, my heart melts. I long for her to feel the freedom to imagine, to play, to wonder. about her worlds, free of the darkness. and stupidity of what is rolling around in the news and in a broken world. She can only grow strong inside if she is able to establish her foundations on that which is beautiful and sure. I want to protect her from all that is draining, dark, false, so that she can have an opportunity to lay foundations of love, goodness, true ideas and thought. I want to protect her from the dark world until she has had time to grow roots, or to find footing in what is true. I am one of her guardians, along with Sarah and Thomas, and the rest of our family, to watch over her heart, mind and soul.

Have you ever been accused of being "overprotective?" I often wonder what exactly people would prefer us to do; to "under-protect," perhaps? And of course, whatever is less than what they personally do would be underprotective and whatever goes beyond what they're comfortable with would be overprotective.

"Parents are often criticized for being overprotective of their children, an apparently bad thing to do in the world's way of thinking. That caricature, though, originates in a culture of passive parental neglect that is almost dysfunctionally underprotective of its children. Even though it is a pejorative term in secular parenting lingo, you should not be reluctant to bear it as a badge of honor as a caring and committed Christian parent. God wants you to be an overprotective parent! Your children, by God's design, need an overprotector, a parent who will stand over them to protect them--to guard their innocence and purity, to prevent spiritual wounds and sinful footholds, and teach discernment and sensitivity to sin. In God's design for families, overprotecting your children is a good thing.

Still, the enemy is very good at infiltrating even good Christian homes with corrupting influences ... With technologies such as cable and satellite TV, computers and the Internet, a constant river of information, images, and ideas can flow freely into your home, much of it good, but too much of it ungodly and corrupt. You can control that flow, but when your children interact in the community with other children, those children all too often are deeply influenced, informed and indoctrinated by the same river--often without controls on its flow of the worst that culture has to offer--and they will offer it freely to your children. The only thing that is standing between those and other influences, and your child's heart and mind, is a committed overprotector--you! If you don't have a heart that beats strongly with a passion to protect your children against unhealthy appetites, unwise relationships, and ungodly secular media, you can be certain that the enemy stands ready to take full advantage of any holes in your commitment and to exploit your children's innocence, vulnerability, and receptiveness. Diligence is the price you pay for staying safe on the path."

~ Clay Clarkson, Educating the Wholehearted Child

Protecting our children is such an important thing to consider as we live well with them for the time they are under our complete care. While many push parents to give their children more autonomy early in life, which seems to somehow apply mostly to online environments and media choices these days, ultimately, it is important to remember that our children are just that--children. They are in need of protection, which is why God gave them to parents who are charged to guard and protect them until such time as they can stand on their own. Even then, we are to speak words of life and wisdom to them, encouraging them to follow God's precepts and listen for His voice of direction.

I'm grateful for my own Shepherd, who watches over and protects me, guiding me with His staff, leading me beside still waters and making me lie down in green pastures. How wonderful that He has given me this image and example to follow as I care for and nurture my own children. And if that's being overprotective ... I'll take it!

Are you often accused of being an overprotective parent? What’s a way you could respond to that accusation with grace and truth?

Home Sweet Home: The Place That Holds & Embraces Me & podcast


"The task of building our homes into places of beauty and life that will feed the hearts, souls, and minds of our children is the most comprehensive task to which God has called us as mothers. We are called quite literally to be "home makers" - to plan and shape a home environment that provides our families with both a safe resting place and a launching pad for everything they do in the world." -

The Mission of Motherhood

I’ve only been away on a speaking trip, my first one since covid, since Monday, two days ago, but during this weary time of book launching and life, as I walked in my door today, my home embraced me warmly and said, “Hello, Sally mama, You belong here!”

As I walked in, Clay yelled from the kitchen, “I have the tea kettle on and will pour our tea in a minute. Fresh bread is cut and we can have tea and toast out on the deck.”

For the next lovely hour, I was with my boys, (and Nathan even came up in the conversation a few times.).

We are the ones left at home. We belong to one another. We have our life rituals that have been carved out of the stuff of life to bring civilization, order, dimension, beauty, goodness, companionship and LIFE within our walls and time. Home supports the goodness of our work, our love, our faith. It is the holding place for all that we cherish.

As I have been pondering Awaking Wonder, I cannot wait to get back to my normal discipleship themes. That is where my home came from—following the heart of Christ and shaping a place that celebrates his life, creativity, love and messages. Can’t wait in the days ahead to talk to you about what has been bubbling up in my heart.

So, tonight, my podcast and blog post will be shorter because I am going to “sup” on breakfast for dinner as Joel makes me an egg scramble with bacon, eggs, onions, cheese and avocado—it is what we do when we don’t want to think of what to cook. This, too, is home and we know what to expect and how to live this ritual because it is a repeated life liturgy of Clarkson.

What are your home liturgies? Your values? What does your home say about you? Your faith? Your creativity? Your life.

When I think of home, I think of...

Candles flickering... Familiar Music playing from the other room...

My four children discussing... Plenty of giggling...

The aroma of freshly baked cookies... Various books in baskets on shelves in every room,

Calligraphy of verses, quotes sprinkled on tables around the house

magazines, Bibles, art prints, family photos...

Strong cups of tea...

Strong Coffee with half and half foam

Fresh flowers on display...

Musical instruments-guitar, piano, dulcimer,

A Basketball backboard

Rocking Chairs, art pencils scattered amongst drawings and sketch books Kelsey the golden retriever stealing goodies off of someone's plate, tail wagging as she runs off...

Awaken Your Own Wonder and Imagine What personality your home has and how are you building a place where you belong and that supports your life.

Secret to Awaking Wonder to Learning & Podcast


Awakening a Love of Learning

“What was your secret to raising such articulate, interesting children? I follow them online. What curriculum did you use?”

This is the question that comes my way almost daily. Yet, there is no formula or set of perfect books.

Yet, I did find the secret! Human beings are naturally created with a desire to know, to understand, to solve mysteries, to see and explore. Yet, having a real live person to lead into such wonders of the worlds of ideas and beauty is enfleshed through real live guides who lead the way enthusiastically to open doors to these worlds. To gain mental muscie, the power of knowing and being able to express an idea gives a child and adult a sort of power in their worlds. Children love to display this sort of intelligence, this prowess at gaining knowledge, confidence of holding something that matters.

“Watch me, mama!” “Mama, did you know?”

“… Education is about relationship, about being worthy of the hope of our children. Taking seriously the stewardship of their trust as we guide them should be an underlying motivation of our hearts as we commit to influencing them. We are passing on a life, not just information.

Learning, growing in curiosity, pondering ideas, and creating new thoughts are not dependent primarily on academic studies or finding the right curriculum. It is not only about teaching every fact or subject our students need to know. Instead, it is about an organic lifestyle that synthesizes family, home, classroom, and life, and honors the human beings we serve. This means our plans will be constantly changing; we will grow and be stretched, developing life-giving goals in the scope of our moments.

The heart of a mentor is to act in relationship for the benefit, development, and well-being of his student. A worthy mentor seeks to maximize the human potential of the one being influenced.

Children draw out of what already lives inside the one who is influencing them. Consequently, as a parent I understand that I must embody what I determine I want my child to cultivate. As my child watches and observes my attitudes, my values, my words, and my behavior, he will ingest what he imagines and understands and then emulate it.

We cannot leave the role of shaping our children to institutions or authorities who do not have ultimate responsibility for their lives. Nor can we suppose that the life messages passed on by those institutions or authorities are in agreement with our own philosophies. Messages are not neutral. They have power and influence. Whether we want the role of teacher or not, it is ours.

If, as Jesus says, the student will become like his teacher, then to become a good teacher, we must examine our own lives. What have I stored inside my heart, mind, and soul? Does my character reflect the integrity I hope my child will imitate? Am I exhibiting the attitudes that I want my child to exhibit? Do I love those around me unconditionally so that my child can understand the love of God?

Picturing my children’s hearts as treasure chests where they could gather stories, ideas, ideals, habits, appetites, truth, and knowledge to draw from the rest of their lives, I sought to fill the space in their hearts with all that was good, beautiful, and true. As you can see from the photo above, I collected rousing stories, books that inspired, classics that have been cherished through the years. It was not always neat but always full of mystery and wonder.

Yet, I had to possess the wisdom they needed before I could pass on this wisdom. I realized that my intentionality to call them to their best selves meant that I had to be living into my best self. This accountability to who they would become stretched my own muscle and helped me to grow every day as I pursued the ideals we shared together.”

—Sally Clarkson, Awaking Wonder: Opening Your Child's Heart to the Beauty of Learning

I am so very excited to share 9 Ways to Create a Life-giving Learning Atmosphere in Your Home in an online conference sponsored by Christianity Today.

Register Here for the conference to be sure to be able to attend.

Register Here for the conference to be sure to be able to attend.

Awaking Wonder: The Secret Of Loving Children Well


The Secret to Loving Children Well

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Too many times I have had to get up early, serve up one last cheesy egg and homemade bread breakfast with strong Yorkshire Gold Tea, only to rush to get suitcases, passports, last minutes clothes and with high adrenalin, drive one of my beloved children to the airport to take off to far away places. The Denver airport is an hour drive door to door from our home, so we always get one more, “I love you,” and “didn’t we have fun,” and “Be careful when you get there,” messages that have been repeated countless times.

My children are truly my best friends and now, mentors. I love spending time with them, the conversations, the shared memories of sitting on the porch after an evening walk to watch the sun go down and to settle the issues of our days.

Yet, I know that in loving them, I have to put them in God’s capable hands and send them out with a “Fly, fly, precious one. Fulfill your destiny, pursue your ideals, your story will be a great one.”

Freedom to live into the possibilities of all that they were created to do. They are not mine to hold on to—they are loaned to me, but they are now living into His purposes, His life for them, His calling. Today, I will share with you what I wrote in my book, Awaking Wonder

People asked me what our secrets were for influencing our children.

This is the secret:

Loving them well, generously, all the time, in every situation.

Being loved specifically and intentionally adds to our physical well- being, our spiritual equilibrium, our emotional health, but also our mental strength and health.

Probably the most important influence of my whole life in learning to interact in a healthy way with all people, including children, came from pondering Jesus and the way He embodied life-giving influence.

The attitude with which we come to our children will affect much of their response to us as teachers.

We can all see that humans are not thriving, in general. Despair, depression, loneliness, isolation, and rising suicide rates are common plights. But we must see that unless we return to a more humane and personal way of investing our lives, people will continue to grow more troubled, more impersonal, more distant.

To create a life where the hours and moments can be filled in satisfying interaction means that we must choose to fill the time our children could be engaged with machines or other entertainment with planned personal time that satisfies to the depths of their hearts, minds, and souls.

All of us need a place where our roots can grow deep and where we are a part of a like-minded community and have a safe refuge from the storms of life. Home can also give wings to dreams, nurturing possibilities of who we might become.

All homes will have a personality of their own, but part of loving well is planning the life and shaping the character that will define the unique attributes of the family who dwells there.

When a parent makes it a habit to be affectionate to a child in a way that accompanies their personality needs, there is an automatic connection. … affection is a sure sign of closeness and preference that often softens the instruction of a parent to a child.

As we evaluate how to love our children and students well, we must ask ourselves, ‘Do they believe and feel I have their best interests in mind, or do they think I have my own agenda for them?’ ‘Do they understand that even though they struggle, I am here to help them succeed?’ ‘Is their heart open to my instruction, or is there a wedge of resistance that I need to figure out and address?’”

—Sally Clarkson, “Awaking Wonder: Opening Your Child's Heart to the Beauty of Learning

I will be talking about so much more in an online conference I hope you will be able to attend. Be sure to pre-register in case the conference fills to capacity.

Go HERE  to register.

Go HERE to register.

Ahhhh, Ideals! On Reaching Higher

Girl in a Hammock, Winslow Homer

Girl in a Hammock, Winslow Homer

This picture makes me long for a mountain breeze, a deep hammock, a cup of tea, an engrossing book and an open-ended afternoon.

I can probably swing one of those, with the open-ended afternoon being perhaps the most elusive of the four. But one can always dream!

In many ways, the beautiful classic art pieces I love are evidence of ideals I hold. Perhaps they're indicative of the way I wish life were, more often than the way it actually is. Perhaps you, too find yourself longing for life to be more settled, more peaceful, more predictable, more tame than you find it.

As I wrote several years ago in my book, The Mom Walk ...

"I am a deeply romantic woman, always yearning for a picture-perfect home--fires on the hearth with feasts and laughter nearby, pleasant and gracious conversations, an ambience of beauty and peace. I write about my ideals. I breathe my ideals in the secret moments of my life. I want a picture-perfect marriage where I am adored and appreciated. I want my children to be healthy, happy, and harmonious. I want strong friendships and a stable community with friends. I want an extended family to be close to us and to provide my children with love and support and lots of godly input. I want there to be money for all the bills, a home that isn't always exploding with messes, and time to sit and read a good book and ponder life.

These longings are not wrong. Ideals and the desire for beauty are simply the echoes of God's design in our hearts. He was the one who designed the world to be a masterpiece of wonder and life. The yearning for peace, health, and comfort is natural to our souls and comes from the depths of our hearts where we can still feel and imagine what God created life to be before the fall."

I think God is the biggest Idealist of all. He created everything in a perfect state, and someday He will "restore all things." (Acts 3:21.) I think He understands my heart's longing for a beautiful life and fulfilling relationships.

I think He feels just the same way I do. When I long for life to line up with His ideals, I reflect His own heart. When I create pleasing settings, soothe ruffled feelings, play beautifully crafted music, offer grace to a tired and cranky child, or prepare a hearty meal that fills stomachs and enriches souls as we share ideas around the table, I remind those who share in the moments with me that we are, indeed, sons and daughters of a King, meant for more than workaday life in this broken world.

This, too is part of awaking wonder and growing in learning together at home!

 How can you remind those around you, today?

Find my newest book, Awaking Wonder, here!

Friends, Friends, Friends! A Conversation with Jennifer Pepito


Play Episode on iTunes & Stitcher

Two years ago, my girls and I wrote a book called, “Girl’s Club” about the need to seek out and cultivate friendships in order to live a sustainable, flourishing life. One of the biggest gifts to me through all the years of speaking, writing, being in ministry is that I have been blessed to meet such wonderful women and often draw from the wells of their own heart.

A favorite memory of mine, was being with my sweet friends from the Wild and Free Community both in the States and in the UK—Stratford on Avon. What a beautiful group of women.

Sweet friends, Jennifer & wonderful Ainsley in Stratford on Avon.

Sweet friends, Jennifer & wonderful Ainsley in Stratford on Avon.

One of the highlights was to meet wonderful Jennifer Pepito. We were kindred spirits immediately. I know you will enjoy our podcast together today.

Jennifer has the most beautiful curriculum that opens windows for young children called Peaceful Press.

Hoping you are enjoying the conference videos today. I am trying to catch up on life.

I was so blessed by all of you in the launch. Thanks sooo much for being so generous with your words and time. Sending love!

Books Referenced in this Podcast:

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  • Leave an iTunes Review These are so important as they help our podcast reach more women with messages of encouragement.

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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Awaking Wonder: Opening Your Child's Heart to the Gift of Learning & Podcast


Play Episode on iTunes & Stitcher

Wonder: (noun) “A feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamil- iar”1; desire to know something thoroughly; (verb) to feel curious and engage in imagination.

We do not want merely to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into words—to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it.

C. S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory

Today, I would like to share a part of the story of my first chapter with you so that you can enter into our wonder-filled story of an unforgettable evening as we cuddled together in the Colorado Mountains. (And you can listen to me tell it on the podcast today.)

Memorable and momentous occasions rarely announce themselves ahead of time, but often tiptoe quietly into the corners of our lives and yet leave a profound influence. So this particular evening stands out to all of us as a sort of mysteriously sacred shared event that shaped a deep part of our souls.

In the late evening just after sunset, chill mountain breezes of a summer night swirled around us, and I shivered involuntarily. Thousands of stars shone above like diamonds on a velvet cloak and beckoned to us to stop, to enter into their reality.

Tonight we should sleep out under the stars, I thought. I had not seen such a cloudless, clear view of the night skies in a very long time.

When I announced my plan, excitement burst forth through squeals, jumping up and down, smiles that lit up the room. Making plans and giving orders, I bustled about, dragging sleeping bags and pillows onto our deck. At 7,300 feet in elevation, our little rustic home was tucked away at the foot of towering Colorado Rockies, bordering 25,000 acres of national forest.

We were surrounded by the long, dark shadows of the trees waltzing to a mountain song, and the pine forest whistled as the breeze gently moved branches back and forth. We found ourselves invited to a dramatic perfor- mance by an infinite array of stars twinkling across our night sky.

Here, away from the lights of the city, the whole world of sky sparkled with movement and flashes as though elegantly parading in the heavens, in sync with the pine trees. We considered that we had box seats and were audience to the angels rollicking, swirling in the light, moving to the rhythm of the swaying branches, just for our pleasure. Our magical night world was awash with mystery and whimsy.

Four-year-old Joy plopped into my lap as I eased onto our old wooden bench. Her brothers, Joel, twelve, and Nathan, ten, ran wildly up and down our deck, yelling, punching, giggling, and pointing to a shooting star here and the Milky Way there.

A Wonderful Beginning

Clay, my husband, turned up the soft acoustic music from inside the house so that a symphony of haunting melodies accompanied this tran- scendent evening of delight. The night sky darkened and marked the time for us to cuddle for warmth in a pile under the sleeping bags. We all lay flat on the creaky deck, looking up into the showcase of myriad glimmering lights. In this auditorium of splendor, we all marveled. An almost sacred hush fell over us and gave calm and peace to our previously distracted souls.

Sarah, at fifteen, was wrapped in a warm quilt. Hidden in a dark corner, she watched the beauty in the safe comfort of her private imaginations.

All of us were wonder-struck at the infinite stars, the sky chandelier shimmering, the vastness of the celestial art above. A calm blanketed us in our delighted participation together as we breathed in the spectacular expanse so generously given us that never-to-be-forgotten night.

As we submitted to the silence and reveled in the glorious moment, the marvel of its vastness seemed to quell any small worries or issues that had troubled us before, and we breathed release and felt peace. Each of us was caught up in our own “mind castles,” where feelings and thoughts danced through our wonderings, elegantly, freely, in celebration of the grace of our moments.

The six of us were invisibly joined together as the threads of our hearts were woven through the unspoken sharing. As we sat in reverie of the gran- deur, we were enveloped with the sense of an artist greater than us, and with an awareness of being small but hidden in our Creator’s magnificence. Merely to be in the vastness of such a display of power and beauty all at once was to witness sublime reality beyond our comprehension.

We were captured in the wonder of it all, together.


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