Tea Time Tuesday (with Nathan & Keelia)

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“Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.” — W. H. Auden

Giggling, belly laughing and guffawing they say are good for your soul--even scripture teaches that a joyful heart is good medicine. Today on my podcast, Keelia, Nathan and I could not stop laughing. We hope you enjoy the merriment.

Don't miss this podcast if you or your friends are in need of a good laugh.

* You will love the music recommendation: Dear Evan Hansen song from Broadway, “You Will Be Found”

* Recipes of the Week: McClarkson Breakfast Sandwiches & Shredded Rotisserie Chicken wraps

* Adventure Day

* Why a Hot Drink is profoundly important

* Favorite verses and more!

I would love to know what music inspires you lately. Happy Tea Time Tuesday, friends.


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Do You Ever Wonder if Your Life Matters?

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

When life has drained you to your toes, you don’t need another lecture or admonition. You need a warm bath, a good night of sleep and maybe a homemade, large, warm chocolate chip cookie with pecans—or a turkey burger.


Last night, as the sun slowly ebbed over the mountains and the breeze danced through the pine trees surrounding us, we sat in silence for just a few minutes totally enjoying mutual companionship on our deck. We typically gather here each summer evening. For some years, Nathan makes us turkey burgers once a week and last night they were particularly good.

Then I said, “Do you ever feel like life is meaningless?”

Immediately, they both laughed! “Why are you laughing?” I asked.

“Because it is a topic that comes up somewhat often. Then we brush it aside, go about our days. But it is the very reason we cultivate community, friends, rhythms of pleasure, and time at home. “

Evidently, they, like me, sometimes look at personal issues, be they financial, conflict in relationships, jobs or lack there of, just so much work in life. Then there are the political storms, the moral and concerns of our day, (gender issues, abortion, war, corruption and violence) issues and it seems overwhelming. It’s understandable that in these seasons, we are all drained to our toes and tempted to feel a bit of despair.

I was studying this week and found that there were at least 5 godly leaders who “wish they had never been born.” (Moses, Jeremiah, Job, Jonah and Elijah!) the Bible is so fresh and realistic about human life in a fallen world. It is ok to feel the despair that a world separated from God feels like in our hearts. But learning to take responsibility for our own souls to try to keep moving away from despair is a part of our faith-filled world.

Psalm 9:9 has been a stalwart word to me in these times:

“The Lord is a refuge for all who are oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” and

Psalm 34: 17-18 “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

If you have been tempted to despair or felt depression, you are in good company with many generations of godly people. Negative feelings or thoughts do not reflect maturity or righteousness, but they often express a proper reaction to a very broken world. And yet, God is with us, He will answer and He cares for you. Today, in my podcast, I speak of ways and rhythms I practice in my life to bring my being back to health and strengthen and ways to keep myself going forward.

When Elijah was fully wanting to give up, an angel touched him, fed him and gave him sleep—3 of many ways that His weary body was ministered to.

Join me on my podcast today to hear of my practices and I would love to know what you do when you need some light, a boost in your spiritual and emotional life. Be blessed my friends, He cares for you.

Sooooo, when you are a bit drained or weary, sometimes the best thing is a fresh, homemade chocolate chip cookie, a good night of sleep, and a hot bath with epson salts or bubbles. I thought I would share with you a few things I do and keep going that keep me above water in the storms of life. I would love to know what you do.

My own tools of taming life, bringing back some pleasure and joy

Clay and I bought the biggest bed we could find about 20 years ago, To cuddle up amidst several pillows and snuggle under my duvet, is pure luxury. When I can, I sleep! Sleep keeps a body from getting ill and keeps it healthy.

I actually love to travel, especially on trains. Adventures and new places provide my wandering soul scope for imagination and interesting stories. (and I escape into my own thoughts and dream world.)

My daily walks on the canal near my Oxford home, or walks in the parks or meadows with amazing trees and flowering bushes delight me. Taking a romp through the mountain trails near our Colorado home with Darcy dog trotting along beside me brings sheer pleasure.

Having sweet friends who love me and care about me- sometimes means so much. My daughter-in-law has been making me cups of tea and coffee these days. I feel like a queen.

Great books and stories,  especially historical fiction or just good fiction, Victoria magazine are so fun.;

Salad with lots of veggies and avocado and walnuts or pecans and always onions;

  • Grilled turkey burgers with cheese, onions, tomatoes, mayo and very salty ripple potato chips (crisps)

chocolate--especially any chocolate with nuts; (dark chocolate salted almond) and especially Lindt--the dark one with the blue foil wrapper; if it isn't going to be with nuts.

Did I say, a hot bath that covers my whole body--I love baths;

Any focussed time sharing our deep friendship together, with my children.

sitting around my dinner table or in the den talking and laughing every night when the whole family is together.

Getting to play with and be with my sweet grandchildren.

reading encouraging letters or emails from friends; Calling my loved ones for long talks,  to keep up, when I have planned it;

Studying the Word and being with my precious Jesus and pondering Him! Reading soul stirring books and captivating novels.

I know I need to surround myself with these things so I can be restored.

Music wafting in the background, candles lit, flowers in vases.

Comfort for me will be something of a rhythm. Scrambled Eggs with cheese, home made, whole grain bread, potato soup, with cheese, sautéed onion, bacon.

French Food  and Mexican food

Old fashioned chocolate chip cookies with pecans that Sarah makes ... (The secret to good cookies is to always whip the butter, vanilla, sugar and eggs by themselves for 5-10 minutes on high and then don't bake the cookies too long--they will cook a little more after they are out and on  a stone and they will dry out a little, and you don't want them tough!)

Of course there must be pots of strong tea. And good strong coffee. And some great English drama series or mysteries or dramas that we can be romantic or adventuresome with and enjoy the countryside and dream.

Tea Time Tuesday: Dogs, Honey Cakes, and Strength

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

“Dogs are my favorite people.”

I read this quote once and it stuck with me. (Not sure who said it.) But one of the huge delights when I come back home to Colorado is that when Darcy Dog sees me, she wiggles her whole body in delight as though I am the most wonderful person in the world. Last night, when we arrived home, Keelia and Nathan provided dinner, a fire-lit deck, and frozen custard. Darcy Dog wanted a little treat, too, so I had to give her something. Keelia snapped this photo and I couldn’t resist. We will get back to the Tea Theme next week.

I love my home. When I enter its doors, it seems to say, “Welcome, you are. home. You belong here." As I walk around, it is familiar and dear, yet it took me a lifetime to get to this place. Piece by piece, framed art, framed calligraphy, photos, tables stacked with books and magazines and vases of flowers., Even my very huge bed, which feels as big as a boat, seems too endearing and gives forth such comfort. All say, “Now you can breathe peace.” It took a lifetime to build our home and environment and books and rhythms that echo through all of the days--tea mornings, breakfast every day, evening meals afternoon tea times and talks, bedtime blessings, movie and pizza nights, Sunday afternoon tea times, etc.

But it gives stability and security to us now. And it is fun to see how much my children have adopted and applied these things in their own way. it takes a lifetime to build a lifetime story and sense of place, but it is a work of life worth pursuing. Then seeing my own who have taken such into their souls and are recreating it in their lives is satisfying. It is a thread that ties us together.

This week was a fun gathering week for Tea Time Tuesday. For more great inspiration, sign up at Sallyclarkson.com

*The history and deliciousness of honey cakes.

*More about Classical Children’s literature

*A focus on Kate Greenaway

*Tales of a visa and home to live in

*The place of Strength in our daily steps

I love hearing about your week. I love your notes and ideas. You are a blessing to me. Happy Wednesday!


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Tea Time Tuesday Is Postponed!

Tea Time Tuesday will have to be on Wednesday this week! Look who met me at the airport in Denver and immediately brought me a heart full of joy with his big smile and silly shirt! There’s nothing I love more than being with my kids. I can’t wait to spend the next month with Nathan and my daughter-in-law Keelia — many deep talks, big laughs, and good meals are on the way.

Covering Imperfections With Grace

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

Ephesians 2:10

Buying flowers or cutting them in the wild has become a habit I keep to surround myself with the beauty that gives grace. This week, flowers came from friends, a shop, and I took time to breathe in their presence in my harried life every day. You see Sometimes, I find myself in a place where I want to run away—away from the challenges in relationships with my loved ones hurts me to the core and I want to give up or give in! Or run away from the constant needs and demands of life (cooking, cleaning, work of every kind and then all over again.) I would love to flee the dramatic (all children, it seems, must go through stages—starts out with toddlerhood, escalates in late elementary years, explodes with teens, grows more serious with young adults, and then there is the period of self-realization that takes place with all maturing young adults, without which, there will never be humility, an acceptance of the fallen world, a humility that learns to give other imperfect beings grace because they have realized they will never be perfect.) It’s ok to feel like sometimes life is just plain hard.

But in those moments, we must learn to give ourselves grace for ourselves or we will explode from unrealistic expectations. We are putting so much pressure on ourselves as mothers. Each time we find ourselves too busy to cook (so we opt for fast food), too exhausted to clean, or so hectic in our lives that we didn't do a devotional with our children one week, we feel absolutely defeated and believe that we somehow failed our children.

While it is incredibly wonderful to set our standards high and live within these great ideals, as I have said many times before,

We must hold ourselves to a standard of grace, not perfection.

Each of us is a miracle, a work of art, an expression of the artist God. If I really look at the beauty of my sweet ones, my family, my friends, beyond the irritating moments, I will be in awe of what sweetness God has shared with me. It is simple to see all the flaws in my children, my husband, and myself. And it would be easy for me to take the blame for their failures, since I am their mother, and responsible for training them! But that is not healthy or biblical.

Yet, I am practicing several commitments to help me see each person for who they are inside. And to bring a fresh wind of grace to each moment. 

* Assume the best about people in your life and choose to love them according to their needs. Recognize that they are growing, struggling, and living with their imperfect selves.

My little one is not plotting to make my life miserable by being needy. My children express needs through crying and whining to let me know something doesn’t feel right in their world.

It is a grace for me to be patient and seek to bring comfort and, again, grace! Same with my teen, my adult child. Their motivation in life is not to frustrate me. They are frustrated with the imperfections of life, (of which I am one), but God encourages me to be long-suffering, patient, and humble if I am to identify with and understand Jesus. I am their coach who gets to encourage them through the frustration. My husband is not necessarily mad at me but he is frustrated with the bills, the long hours of work, the things that keep falling apart, my friends also have a context that may cause them, for the moment, to be frustrated or angry. 


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Loving and Working with Our "Different" Children (with Amy Brown)

Click here to play Take Heart Special Mom’s podcast episode.

The house was pitch black. I had to hold fast to the stair rail to be sure I didn't fall, in case I stumbled amidst the thick darkness. Three a.m. found me wide awake. I had gone to sleep exhausted at 10:00 p.m., but my heart was so burdened with worries, I had awakened. I needed time to pray. I did not turn on any lights because I needed privacy. I had so much to figure out.

On my knees, I sought to reach God, to find him amidst my questions. Through tears, I asked "God, why did you give me a little boy that is so hard to understand? I do not know what to do, how to reach him, how to have peace in my day. Please, God, help me."

 Always when I tell stories about my sweet Nathan, moms say to me, "I have a Nathan!" What they always mean is, "I have a child who  is challenging for me almost every day." Nathan is such an amazing blessing to me now, a best friend I talk to every day. Many of you know him through his books, as a writer/actor/producer of movies. But others of you who have followed us for years, know that he is my adhd, ocd, odd, dyslexic, other mysterious issues and my out of the box, bigger than life son.  

As a little boy, Nate was always out of the box. When others walked on the sidewalk, he was on the grass, running around the bush, playing air fights with imaginary dragons, and living in a super man world in his mind. He wiggled, questioned, was loud and vibrant, fun, but loved great stories, literature, heroes and talking about them.

Many people labeled Nathan with consonants, vowels. Some said to spank him more. After years of studying him, trying to reach him, train him, understand him, I knew in my heart he had the making of a fine man. He needed love, patience, faith, time.

I learned over years how to love, encourage, train, confront, to slowly believe in his dreams. I prayed that God would help me support the person that God had designed him to be. I believed maybe God did make Nathan to go into the world to be a "superman"--his favorite childhood character--one who would come to our world, to save, help & redeem those who needed it.

Listen to my podcast today @takeheartspecialmoms

Tea Time Tuesday: I Betook Time for Myself

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

After 4 days of constant busyness at a conference, caring for grandkids amidst the time, caring for one who had Covid, searching for a house amidst working through details for my next visa with lawyers, walking literally 6 miles a day back and forth, I was drained to my toenails. I made a quick, wise decision and told no one. I snuck out of the house, I betook myself to a lovely breakfast in an outdoor cafe and breathed in peace and centered myself for an hour and then jumped back into the wild of life.

And finally my life began to be centered, ideas flowed and peace ruled. Take time for yourself to sit, ponder and sip.

I have gotten used to these funny looking poached eggs that are thrown into boiling water with a bit of vinegar. Today, coffee instead of tea because no restaurant does tea as well as I do!

Golden Era of Children’s Literature:

Randolph Caldecott—illustrator

Honey Cakes

But really, really, really--the key to giving your children mental muscle power and an advantage in any kind of education, is to read aloud to that child. All research complies with this, all teachers and writers say this, Clay and I say it emphatically in our own book. Read first--read daily---turn off media and put away work books and before you do anything else, read out loud to them--and read out loud to them until they are 30! Do not think that just because they can read at 6 that you should make them read to themselves and stop reading out loud. Read to them because you get to share in mentoring, discussing ideas, your vocabulary is bigger and you can explain things and they develop better skills in thinking and writing and communicating when you read out loud.

Sarah provides another peek into the benefits of reading:

“Consider that for every children’s classic written, there are countless versions of it to be found within the minds of the children who read it, and no two of them are the same. The imagination of each child is unique, creating a new image to fit the words he or she reads. Because of this, to read a story is to set in motion a swift growth of new images within the mind of a child. Every book read adds to that stock of inner imagery so that a child who is a great reader has a mind crammed with landscapes and people, trees and fairies, castles and mountains unique to his or her own thought.” 
― Sarah Clarkson, Caught Up in a Story: Fostering a Storyformed Life of Great Books & Imagination with Your Children

Go read a great story today, and enjoy as your brain and your children’s brains grow stronger just by enjoying the tale.

Join me today for Tea Time Tuesday and share it with your friends. Happy Tuesday!


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God Regards Our Love, Not Perfection

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

“We ought not to be weary of doing little things for the love of God, who regards not the greatness of the work, but the love with which it is performed. Brother Lawrence

The world is brimming over with philosophies and values that proclaim the importance of self-fulfillment, self-promotion, accomplishment, and status. Yet Jesus came as a common man, no title, a man of sorrows, and compassion. Jesus chose to humble Himself, as the ultimate servant king. "I am humble and meek," He said. He came not proclaiming His rights, but bowing his knee. He washed feet, touched lepers, embraced and caressed the least, precious children, who He deemed worthy of honor.

When we accept with open arms and hearts a precious little baby as from Him, and wash tiny hands and feet with love in our hearts, we are worshipping. When we hold, rock, sing and comfort a screaming babe in the middle of the night during an ear infection, we become the voice of Jesus.

When we stay up late to listen to the forlorn heart of a teen who is growing, stretching toward adulthood, pondering the injustices of the world, the imperfection of our own families, and extend grace, patience, and soothing, hopeful words, we become the patience, hope, compassion of Jesus.

Our multitudinous little tasks, washing one more dish, correcting one more attitude, kissing one more cheek, when given from a heart full of love for Him, pleases Him far more than if we made millions & had a title of strategic importance.

He sees in secret, He cherishes our hidden worship more than anything else we could give Him-the worship of serving His own children out of a servant heart, filled with love and gratitude for Him. In this is our treasure we lay up in heaven for His glory.

Nathan gave me the little figurine above on a Mother's Day many years ago -- (the boy holding out his heart) He said, "Mom, you held my heart in your hands and shaped it with your love every day, every task, every minute of serving us kids. And Mom, for that reason, you will always be there in my heart, speaking to me of all the treasures you poured in one day at a time."

Love Him today, love those He has given you to serve today.


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Tea Time Tuesday: Tea by the Tray

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

A true friend intuitively knows when you need a cup of tea and a quiet place to talk and prepares a place for friendship to grow.

Last week was quite busy for me. It seems many people from the US are visiting Oxford right now. I have all sorts of work, people to meet with, my Bible study, meals for others in my home 3 nights in a row. It just happens that in the middle of the week, Clay told me that one of our friend’s college age children and 3 friends wanted to meet with us for tea while they were in Oxford.

My day had been over busy and I felt adrenalin rising as I rushed home from a meeting. I was met in my kitchen with a fully set tea tray, pastries from the local bakery, tea poured in china mugs, candles lit, music playing, candles flickering—all ready and just right. Clay, my husband had arranged it all ahead of time so that I wouldn’t have to do anything—I just didn’t know it ahead of time but was so relieved. Tea is such a part of our family rhythm and habits that He knew just what to do without any instruction.I did’t have to so much as lift a finger and could just enjoy our visit with friends.

Habits of grace, I call these rhythms that bring moments of civility into your day, or give pause and peace to your week.

Seasons of life seem to be changing for all in our family, and I am trying to figure out how it will reshape my days and my online ministry. As my local ministry continues to heat up, I have less time for other commitments. Monday night I hosted a dinner for my wonderful friends in my Bible study, Preparing and shopping, decorating for this dinner meant I did not have time to do a Tea Time Podcast this week. Yet, the time we spent together was so very precious, as many in our group are carrying heavy burdens and pressures, and we needed to be there for one another. What are the ways you have invested time this week on what mattered that may even have interrupted your planned schedule? People, sweet human beings, are the real centerpiece of the ministry God calls us to as we serve Him, not just tasks. Praying and figuring it all out, again, as I have through many seasons. How about you?


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Owning the Beautiful, Sacred Role of Motherhood

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

Years ago, weary from caring for my two littles, Clay encouraged me to meet with a friend for coffee. She had teenagers, was older than me, so I paid attention to what she said.

“Sally, you are so talented in ministry, such a great speaker. Don’t have any more children. You have a girl and a boy. You don’t need any more kids. It would be a waste of your ministry skills and training to further distract yourself with the burden of more children.”

Something about her unsolicited, unexpected counsel, bothered me. I searched scripture about motherhood and children. “God blessed them; God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth ...’” (Genesis 1:28).

Eve’s name was “the mother of all the living”. Motherhood was an important part of God’s design for man & woman at the beginning. I had discipled adults, now I realized God created me as a mother to disciple my children, the future adults in my own home. The more I studied this topic in thirty-seven years of motherhood, the more I am convinced of the importance of a mother as a disciple maker. This inspired me to write many books on motherhood.

My friend had good intentions in giving her advice, but I knew that childbearing was imbued with eternal significance for me—raising children, bringing life to my home, and passing on a legacy of faith was part of God’s eternal design for my family.

There are many ways to invest your life and we are quite free to figure out, by faith, Gods way for us. Yet, my investment in my children as a strategic ministry of faith was no less important than the ministry I had outside of my home. This encounter, paved the way for us to decide to have more children, and for me to put aside some of the demands of public ministry in order to focus on personal ministry in my home. Of course I am exceedingly grateful for my Nathan and my Joy.

As a mother who has raised four children from birth into adulthood, engaging my life and faith in the lives of my children has been my most fulfilling, fruitful work. We all have different stories to live, yet I have not regretted the decision to do less ministry, have more children, and give myself fully to the work of raising them. It was challenging most days, but giving up my life to serve them was worth the cost.


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