Tea Time Tuesday: Are You a Good Samaritan?

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Morning tea moments are for slowing down, sipping in hot, sweet brew and surveying great thoughts that are waiting to come up from inside your souls.

This is my favorite “every day” teacup. I like how it is shaped, I like the color, I like everything about it, so I choose it, every morning. Grab a cup of tea and enjoy yourself as we spend friend time together.

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." --John Quincy Adams

My life has been full of moments in which I am in front of large groups of people. My books have, by God’s grace, been read all over the world. But the true treasures of my life were the small moments spent in secret with my precious loved ones seeking to show them the excellent, beautiful ones who would open their souls to all that is good in the world.

My integrity is based on what I live at home. I had highly driven children who were watching us every minute. My children were hidden in the secrecy of our home life, shaping their ideals, watching their parents, listening to what is happening in our home. The books and stories we cherished were the ones they learned to cherish. The quiet times and devotions we had regularly with the Lord were laying a foundation in their hearts. Being accountable to our real live children and being responsible for the shaping of their souls caused us to pursue excellence, to sacrifice our energy on things that mattered, to seek to grow so that our children would have righteousness from which to draw as they came to us.

Join me today on my podcast as I talk about becoming a Good Samaritan in the normal moments of your life, cultivating compassion for those who need sympathy, fixing a pot of delicious fall soup for the crowds, a favorite book, wonderful readings, beautiful music, (Storybook Soundscapes by Joel Clarkson), and my yammering. Have a lovely week, my friends.

Instruction: Nurturing Minds to Apply Wisdom

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"A mind without instruction can no more bear fruit than can a field, however fertile, without cultivation." ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero

Instruction, our word for today, is the act of giving practical leadership. Instruction teaches one how to do something, how to apply wisdom and skill to life and the steps to do something. It provides practical steps to take.

For example, we wanted our children to be hospitable. It’s one thing to want to tell people about Christ. It is quite another to instruct them: to know how to reach out, start a conversation, put people at ease. Manners are the vehicles through which we act out honoring others, to grant them the respect they deserve as a fellow human being. Manners give the confidence to know how to act towards someone.

We spoke to our children of cultivating a life that says “welcome.” To welcome means to grant a sense of pleasure for someone’s presence.

By giving our children an image of “a life that says welcome” was the foundation for manners they learned. We instructed that we honor others made in God’s image because they had great worth to God . To extend hospitality & courtesy to others was a way to extend the heart of Christ to others. “A heart prepared to say, ’Welcome’" greets each weary traveler as to help drag heavy suitcases up our entry steps. They will find a bottle of water, a card, a chocolate, a fresh towel, a candle lit to bring fragrance to the room.. Candles flicker, music softly wafts through the air. Chocolate almonds, tiny wrapped gouda cheeses all say, "you are a valued person. We want you to find rest and peace as you enter our home." Practically we instructed them in having a heart for manners.

II Timothy 4:2 say: Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

When a child is not instructed, it will exasperate them, (frustrate them), because they will not have the knowledge, insight or understanding to give them confidence on how to live life skillfully. Most important is instructing them practically in areas of faith and wisdom.

Join me today in my podcast pondering how to understand the importance of instruction for living lives that can flourish..

Kindred Spirits, Daughter-In-Laws, and Wallflowers

In the journey of motherhood, there seems to be a never-ending amount of hopes and desires for our children and their goodness, not the least of which is the prayer that someday, they will find someone — a mate who will love and support and cherish them as much as we do.

I can’t tell you how relieved my mama heart and mind was when Nathan, my “Different” boy, brought home the girl he had been telling me about, Keelia. Right away I saw that Keelia was loving, intelligent, deep, and kind — everything I had ever wanted for Nathan in a wife. And while all those are valuable things, the most important aspect of Keelia that I discovered quickly was that she liked me! ;)

Since Nathan married her on a roof in New York right before the pandemic, Keelia and I have not just been friends but become kindred spirits. I have had trouble my entire life finding kindred spirits, those who I feel “get” me. So what a wonderful kiss on the cheek from God it was when I was not only able to be friendly with, but be close friends with, my child’s spouse.

Keelia and I giggle at the same jokes, share our favorite books, cook together, and dream together. Being a woman after my own heart, Keelia recently started her own podcast (she must be a Clarkson girl) after launching her online magazine, Wallflower Journal. Her podcast, Dear Wallflower, in likeness to my life’s work, is a place where she hopes to encourage, empower, and minister to women through all the issues they face today (it’s also a really fun podcast!). Every week, they read an anonymous letter from a listener asking for advice (just like “Dear Abby”) and offer sound, wise, and gentle insight.

I highly encourage you and any of the women in your life to listen if you’re looking for a place to find hope, insight, and beauty. I can’t emphasize enough how important and valuable it is to pray daily for the spouses of your kids, not only for their good, but for the joy and lifegiving-ness of yourself and your whole family. You can listen here:

Leaving A Faithful Legacy

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

What a week! A whirlwind trip to the USA, a life-inspiring moment in a conference that reminded me of my vows to biblical ideals, great food and friends, a lovely book and more!—as well as the Queen’s preference for tea times.

Several years ago, after touring Buckingham Palace, I was drawn to this beautiful china mug dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, as many such mugs have been dedicated. As a young woman who studies history, I had been captivated by her faith and faithfulness and courage. And so I purchased one and put it away in a safe place. Now, I will cherish it even more because it is a graphic picture of the woman who promised to serve God and her people, never even comprehending how long or arduous it would be. And yet, for 70 years she worked diligently for her people and she remained faithful to her promise until her recent death.

Imagine the average 21 year old, coming to understand that she would have a stewardship to work on behalf of her country, serving constantly for 70 years to do her best to cause her country to flourish—through war, through eras of huge cultural battles, through devastating and public family scandals and difficulty, in a scope all over the world. How many of us truly understand the commitment to give our whole lives to serve—to serve our king, willingly, generously and with all of our heart—this has been my ponder this week as I have reflected the breadth of the legacy I have left and. hope to leave in the years to come.

This is what the young woman, Elizabeth, pledged,

“I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.” Queen Elizabeth, at 21

And then her pledge was to cost her 7 decades of faithful, generous service. How could she have known—and yet her pledge to God kept her faithful.

In her first public broadcast as queen, she prayed and asked her people to pray:

'Pray for me … that God may give me wisdom and strength to carry out the solemn promises I shall be making, and that I may faithfully serve Him and you, all the days of my life. Queen Elizabeth

This week, both in America and back here in the UK, I have been pondering how commitments, vows, dedications of words hold us faithful to ideals we have committed to. Join me on Tea time Tuesday as I ponder the importance of making commitments to God, to review them, to live by them.

What are some of your commitments that you have written, reviewed, held fast to our of worship of and reverence of God?

Join me today as I ponder the power of vows and promises we make in our lifetime.

As per usual, there is a book to get, food that has inspired, quotes and verses that carry me.

What are the commitments, words you have made, held dear before God and will carry through thick and thin?

Tea Time Tuesday: Hope in the Mess of Life

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“While there is tea, there is hope.” -Arthur Wing Pinero

Today, at the end of a very draining, busy day, my sweet friend sat with me in my new back garden and we spoke as friends, shared one another’s burdens and gave one another hope. How I wish you could be here with me and I would love to have sweet conversations with you.

What a thoughtful week to have been able to review some of the legacy that Queen Elizabeth left for us to follow. Also, I wanted to share with you about the joys of pubs—and the amazing experience of punting on quiet, beautiful rivers. All in my tea time Tuesday podcast.

I have been struck lately by the thought that while mamas often give beyond measure for years on end, sometimes, their children, who are young or older and immature, unseasoned, criticize, retaliate for the difficulties in life, seem not to have noticed or remembered anything of the mama’s work and sacrifice. The mamas believe that nothing they have done really matters. Self-condemnation for not having been “perfectly mature” plagues them.

But sometimes the only way a child learns is by going through hard times when they do not want to accept instruction. That does not mean the sweet mama has failed—it means the child is making choices that do not always reflect the love and wisdom they had been given. This process started with Adam and Eve.

—and we have to stand back and let God have His way in their lives—to offer love and help but to understand that sometimes, it is not wanted or requested. Isn’t that how it is with God? He patiently waits for us to turn to Him, to listen, after we have walked in our own strength.

And that is how my very good life has been — beautiful and wonderful amidst many mistakes, many flaws, many immature moments. Yet, God's grace is like a beautiful cloth that covers the scars on my well-beloved old tables. His love and grace cover my imperfections. 

Take a cup of tea, give yourself and a friend hope!

Wisdom: The Word of the Day

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

"As a man thinks, so is he." Proverbs 23:7

Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you;
love her, and she will watch over you.
7 The beginning of wisdom is this: Get[
a] wisdom.
Though it cost all you have,[
b] get understanding.
8 Cherish her, and she will exalt you;
embrace her, and she will honor you.
9 She will give you a garland to grace your head
and present you with a glorious crown.”

Proverbs 4: 6-9

“Mama, I need advice. I need guidance.”

All of us need wisdom every day. Jesus tells us to worship him with our minds--to love Him with our minds. The ability to think biblically is no small matter in a world that shouts to us with values that are worldly, pumping out lies about life, family, morality,  in thousands of ways every day.

And yet, I find that very few people, know how to think biblically. In the absence of biblical wisdom, people go the way of culture.

Followers abound--those who find it easier to just do what others tell them to do, without really thinking through scripture or pondering it for themselves. So often, most people live in the philosophy, advice, boxes made by other people.

But God desires us to seek Him, to ponder Him, to listen to His voice, to read His word, and to be so familiar with scripture that He has a vocabulary to use in our lives that comes straight from the Bible.

Children who learn from an early age to read the Word, to digest its truth, to ponder its meaning, to pray over it to God, become those who have the ability to discern God's ways and to live in the freedom of worshiping a God who will direct their ways.

A person who owns and cherishes the wisdom of God has advantages in His life. Wherever he goes, the Holy Spirit will counsel him, lead him, guide him and give comfort and perspective. The Bible is the vocabulary that the Holy Spirit uses to lead us in his ways.

If you do not teach your children to think biblically and to love the word, no moralizing, no lecturing, no influence will work well, because it is not grounded in truth.

Giving words of wisdom will guide your children their whole lives. This is a truth that is very close to my heart — that is why we wrote Giving Your Words. I would be honored if you would join the launch team for Giving Your Words, to help get this message and this book in front of more parents and people. By signing up, you would not only be connected with countless other wonderful people who are doing the same thing, but be able to enter incredible giveaways and be given early access to the book. You can sign up for the team by clicking here.

Get your copy of Giving Your Words Today!

London, oh London!

“When tea becomes ritual, it takes its place at the heart of our ability to see greatness in small things. Where is beauty to be found? In great things that, like everything else, are doomed to die, or in small things that aspire to nothing, yet know how to set a jewel of infinity in a single moment?”
― Muriel Barbery, The Elegance of the Hedgehog

My friends, my children, my husband always expect me to keep tea time afternoon rituals. It means they know that we will spend regular time together, and we do honor the greatness of small times together. Last Friday, amidst the stress of a challenging time, (listen to TTT podcast), I captured such a ritual of turning to my friend for sympathy, fun, and, of course, the ritual of taking coffee (or tea) after a great meal. And my heart was restored.

Hi everyone, it’s @jacquiwakelam here taking over Sally’s post for today. As you read above and will hear more about on today’s TTT podcast, Sally and I made time to renew our souls last week. We walked the little shopping area in London and soaked in the many beautiful sights as well as some great coffee served by Vasilis from @thehagenproject . We ate the most delectable lunch, shopped in beautiful places, walked by the most gorgeous window dressings. We came upon a sign that said, “Best Coffee of all the cafes!) They also make the most scrumptious vanilla and chocolate rolls each Weds and Fri, of course had to try, yum! Can you find the serendipitous word in our photo? I hope you can find some beauty and take time to refresh your soul today - Jacqui x

Words Are Friends That Speak to You Your Whole Life

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I do love writing books and doing podcasts that encourage. I am not as astute at marketing books or taking photos. But I am excited to get this book into your hands. After about 50 takes of this photo, (Mom, open your eyes more, stick your chin out, pull down your neck, smile more!) we decided that this photo captured my real feeling!

Words are friends that Speak to you your whole life. But words are only friends if they are true, good, encouraging, providing courage, strength, confidence, vision, faith, etc.

Your words will leave a lasting legacy one way or the other. And your lack of words given might create a vacuum, a blank space where words of hope or love are longed for.

Words come in many forms: poetry, Bible passages, letters, emails, voice, prayers and so many other ways. As a child, I was not required to memorize much poetry or scripture. Yet, the few passages I did put to memory are still with me. I did hear “I love you,” from my parents, but I also had some words of discord from others over the years. I still remember so many messages that stuck deep inside my heart. .

As I talk with women all over the world, I have never met anyone who said, “I had too much encouragement, too many messages of faith and love.” Yet, I have met people who say to me, “My parents words stayed with me my whole life and shaped the person I am today.”

Many of you have used the 24 Family Ways as a way of putting the meaning and understanding of Biblical values and objectives with your children. We have literally sold 10’s of thousands of these foundational discipleship devotions all over the world.

So, we thought, what if we could provide a resource for families to “put” words of formation and truth into their children’s hearts and minds? And so Giving Your Words has just that—24 Family Words of Life that will speak to you and your children the rest of your lives. I believe that the Holy Spirit uses words, scripture, truth to guide us our whole lives. And so if you have stored up these words, they will speak to you when you need them.

Words become ways to influence a child when they work themselves into a child’s inner being. They shape their world view, systems of theology, ways of relationships, view of themselves, self-image, and so much more.

In the next 12 weeks, I will cover one or 2 words a week to study, memorize and discuss in your home. You can also do a concordance study to find more verses to to along with these words. It is our prayer that this will become a tool that helps your children cultivate inner strength and understanding of biblical ways to live the rest of their lives.

Today, on my podcast, I will talk about the word truth and wisdom. This study has already been speaking to me as I prepared it. I pray it will do the same for you.

What poems or verses or quotes have you memorized and how have they helped you?

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Life with Sally Membership: Celebrating Five Years

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It’s a birthday party!  We’re 5 years old!!!

This month is the 5th anniversary of the start of my membership site, Life with Sally.  What a journey it has been!  What started as a simple idea conceived in my living room has blossomed and grown into a site where hundreds of women from all over the world come to be encouraged and challenged to use their agency to bring God’s kingdom to those around them.  Wholeheart has been able to do ministry that would have never been possible otherwise thanks to our members and their faithful contributions to the work.  

Many members have made connections in real-life through the forum or through meet-ups during speaking engagements.  These connections have multiplied into new Mom Heart groups and friendships.  The site itself is now a virtual encyclopedia of encouragement in motherhood, education, and discipleship through hundreds of Bible studies, Legacy talks, videos, Awaking Wonder unit studies, Composer studies, and so much more!  It is like coming to one of my conferences we hosted for many years every month! 

To celebrate this wonderful milestone, I want to give away a set of 3 books!

To enter the book giveaway:

  1. Follow me on Instagram or Facebook

  2. Tag a friend in the comments of my Instagram or Facebook post

You can hear a sample of my membership Bible Studies on the podcast today from part of the series on Biblical metaphors, Jesus is the Way. Each study also includes notes and a verse printable. I hope you are encouraged by these resources and join us at Life with Sally.


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  • Leave an iTunes Review These are so important as they help our podcast reach more women with messages of encouragement.

  • Follow on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and updates.

  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Reflections from a Weekend

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

I have been thrilled to host some of my team this weekend for a leadership and planning time together. We talked about everything under the sun and had time to renew our friendships after three years of not being able to meet.

It is encouraging to be amongst friends that are driven and excited about finding ways to minister to women who are lonely and doing their best to parent the children that God has blessed them with. I wanted you to be able to listen in and to find hope in some of the topics that we have discussed during this time together.

I pray you will be encouraged by our conversation and find something to carry you through this season with courage and hope.

Books Referenced in This Podcast:


  • Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or your favorite podcast app.

  • Leave an iTunes Review These are so important as they help our podcast reach more women with messages of encouragement.

  • Follow on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and updates.

  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!