What if Love is the Point? (with Carlos and Alexa PenaVega)

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I so love to experience some of the fun surprises that come unexpectedly across my path. A few weeks ago, a mutual friend introduced me to a couple that I had known of for some years — Carlos and Alexa PenaVega, both seasoned actors and performers. It was such a privilege to interview them as they were literally driving down the 405 freeway in their bus!

When my own kids were growing up, we always had movie night on the weekends, homemade pizza, and a movie. One memorable night, we watched Spy Kids and it became a favorite movie for several years. Alexa PenaVega playing the part of Carmen Cortez in the Spy Kids series captivated one of our girls to the point that she pretended to be Alexa and bravely stood against imagined enemies.

Around the same time, Nathan had spent the night at a friend’s house. The boys all watched a show about a boy band named Big Time Rush, starring Carlos PenaVega —and he and his friends immediately decided that they would create their own boy band because they were so enthralled with Big Time Rush!

Hearing their love story, how they met and got married, was a picture of God’s providence in their lives. They now have 3 young children, and have continued to have flourishing careers as actors, musicians, and performers.

What a fun time I had hearing more about their journey as I interviewed them on my podcast. Both are dynamic and articulate about their lives and faith, personal and warm, inspiring and grounded. I know you will love this podcast.

Their new book, What if Love is the Point?: Living for Jesus in a Self-Consumed World, tells their story and invites us into a deeper more real walk with God. I love their subtitle and find the poignancy compelling. I hope you will enjoy hearing this engaging podcast. (I recorded this several weeks ago, before I decided to take a break from my podcast—this is a fun surprise for today!)

Sometimes Supermama Just Has to Take a Break

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Recently, I slipped out early one morning to the back deck, still in the 50-degree temperature, and donned a hoody to sip tea and read. Nathan came outside and said, “Super Mama!” All red and blue. :)

Sometimes even Super Mama has to take a break. As I looked at the next 10 days, I realized a rare fact. No matter how hard I work or how much effort I put into the hours of my days, I literally do not have time or energy to get everything done. So I am eliminating some things to be sure I get the essential things done.

I’m hosting my leader’s conference with my jewels of co-leaders at home this weekend. Did I mention my oven broke and we cannot get another one until I am in Oxford? So I am making all of our dinners ahead of time on my stove and freezing them. Good luck, Clay, getting the oven.

The day after the conference ends, I will be on a plane to London. Packing for months away in my new home is a gargantuan task for me.

The day after I arrive, I have to finish packing up one house, cleaning out the refrigerator, all the places, cleaning, etc. Then comes the move and the unpacking and sorting and being out of control of life for a few days and restocking the cupboards—now where did I put my electric toothbrush and my pajamas?

And finally, finishing the last part of one book, putting together a launch team for another book coming out — and all the other “things” we do every day—eat, sleep, at least a little……

So, my friends, pray for me to run this marathon well and finish still alive. I’ll be back to see many of you at W&F. Sending love, prayers, and lots of wishes for you to have a bit of fun tucked into the days of your lives.

I’ll be back sometime if I am still alive and well. I’ll be taking a podcast and Tea Time Tuesday break. More tea time Tuesdays to come.


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As I looked at my handsome, strong Nathan, a flashback flooded my thoughts. “King of the Mountain” he would proclaim with confidence, fearlessly facing the evil foe when he was a little boy.. Heroes lived in the heart of my boy Nathan. .Now, here we were together again, climbing mountainous rocks, and once again, he is king of the mountain, but this day, he was my real life, grown up hero.

Last week, he persuaded me. “Mom,” he insisted, “Next week, you will be in Oxford and we will be in New York. You only have this day to make one more memory, to be with us on adventure day. Cancel your appointments and come with us. We want to be with you.”

And so I did, last week.

Surprising me always, Nathan announced, “I have chosen an unusually beautiful place to take you girls as a surprise. It is sort of a very small “Grand Canyon.”

Winding through the farm fields, losing ourselves in the swaying, dancing golden wild flowers out the window, we listened to hauntingly beautiful music as we drove toward his place. A small canyon with trails straight down a rocky pathway downward presented itself as we emerged from our car.

My osteoarthritis and hip surgery has left my toes numb and prevents me from bending all the way to the ground. Falling is often a fear that clouds my mind.

“Mama, I know you love adventure and I know you are also just a little fragile. So, I am going to hold your arm every step of the way so that you can enjoy the beauty of our hike and be at ease knowing I will take care of you.”

And so he did, every step of the way, he held my arm or offered his. “Now be careful! You can make it.”

And now, my adult, grown up boy, now valiantly fighting for goodness in his real life, became a real, present hero to me this day—ever gentle, ever encouraging, holding me with his strong arms so that his mama could adventure once again. He knew I would be delighted to see the wildness and hear the sounds of wind blowing through canyon walls. I had once led him to beautiful places. Now, he was leading me. But he couldn't even know how it deeply touched my mama heart for him to patiently care for me every step of the way, chatting, holding fast, cheering me at every step.

Last week, I explored a wild canyon with the man who is my real life valiant hero.

Tea Time Tuesday: The Out of the Box Life

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“Enjoy life sip by sip, not gulp by gulp.” – The Minister of Leaves

I have been pondering "should" lately — we are often ruled by them.

You should......! But most of my life, I have lived by the beat of a different drummer and it has led me to joy, peace, delight, deep love.

A Clarkson child said, "I wonder what people would think if they really knew what we believed and how we lived, that we are pretty out of the box and free to enjoy life."

Hmmm — so Christians aren't supposed to have too much fun or live wildly or freely — or question supposed Christian authorities — or celebrate life too much or live free from condemnation and guilt?

Another asked, "Wouldn't it be great some day if we didn't care what people thought?

A hazard of living in the public eye, I suppose.

But, I do love to move beyond the "expectations" and figure out what really is authentic in life, what really matters, how to experience the joy we were designed to know, every day, and to see the God that is not a tame lion.

Hmm, Jesus pretty much upset those who lived in the box of his day — as a matter of fact, he got crucified for being out of the box, and not fitting in with the "leaders."

Rarely, do I meet others who make me want to love God more, be more idealistic, live by wild faith, & life-sacrificing love.

When the life of Jesus is in our midst, there is a palpable crackle in the air, a sparkle to the lights & shadows of His dance amongst us.

Imagine — the creator of the universe — the one who played games with galaxies and atoms, romantic love and sunsets — He in our midst.

Many live primarily by "shoulds", guilt, worry, sighing, comparing, inadequacy.

He did not create us to live in such a way. He came to give life — and life abundantly. The joy of the Lord is to be our strength — and yet — what have the voices of this world done to our joy?

What have the messages of today's church done to mount "should do's", measuring righteousness by the boxes of theology instead of by the people we love and those we serve a cup of cold water or share our coats or meals with?

Perhaps our children and ourselves long for something more — Kingdom is coming, my friends.

Today: Favorite books, A delightful movie, a haunting song, Favorite bites, and so much more.

I Wish I Had Trusted Him More & Complained Less

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In this world you have tribulation,

but take courage....

I have overcome the world.


I wish I had trusted more, complained less. No amount of ranting or complaining can change the fact that we live in a fallen world, a battleground for souls. I wish I had known sooner or better understood or earlier admitted that I needed to accept this reality, to determine to grow up, to build up my strength little by little. It would have saved me so much emotional havoc in the long run. If only I had understood that this was a battle for allegiance to the One who is true, not an issue of choosing the right activities, or the best curriculum, or the most promising school choice, if only I knew that the sacrificing of my life to God's design would be the making of my character; that He was growing me up.

To have understood that the longer I loved, served and gave myself to the training of my children, the more I would understand His fatherhood of me, the complete sacrifice He was willing to make for me, I, his own unaware and shortsighted toddler child, who often was blind to the workings of His ways, the wisdom of His voice, even as my children were often blind to my wisdom given for their sakes.

If only I had known that the miracle of my children's long term faith and love for Him,  was not an issue of my being righteously mature, perfect in performance, but upon my dependence for Him working according to His power and mercy--that He was the One who made our paltry sacrifices enough to reach the hearts of our children, because He cared more than I did about loving and redeeming my children out of darkness into His light, that all He wanted from me was to give it all up to Him, to live by faith, to enjoy the gift He had given into my hands, the gift of mothering these children, living this story, seeing His miracles right before my eyes.

Commit your way unto the Lord, trust also in Him and He will do it. Psalm 37:5

If only I had known, it would have saved me so much emotional havoc, worry, impatience, stress, 

I would have lived restfully in peace, enjoyed each day more, letting Him take the weight of my fretting & worry.

Peace of the Lord be with you today, the Lord is near.

Faithfulness in Your Long Life Journey

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I had a little tea party
this afternoon at three.
'Twas very small,
three guests in all,
Just I, myself and me.

Myself ate up the sandwiches,
While I drank up the tea.
'Twas also I who ate the pie,
And passed the cake to me.

Author: Jessica Nelson North

Oxford, my Oxford! Today’s photo was taken at one of my favorite places that I escape to to have an early breakfast and pot of tea. (And the scones and black current jam with clotted cream are to die for!) But as the poem says, I betake myself there and center, and enjoy. The garden is amongst old tombs and crypts of the wealthy dead from the past—a sort of reminder that none of us will live forever. But the garden is so beautiful that this lovely place has become a place for sharing great food in the lovely outdoors, and breathing in a few moments of civility.

I celebrated one more birthday this week, and it has set me to pondering anew. My lifetime has been over almost 7 decades. I have learned through many years, that life is a journey through many seasons—ups and downs, adventures, heartbreak and joy. How we live through these seasons following hard after God at every point, leaves us with a soul-satisfying story, because we learn that God was with us and faithful at every point.

Don’t waste your time on dreams that will not fulfill, or wishes for a different life that may not even be better than the one you have now. This place, this time is the place in which you can step, one step at a time, into contentment, deep love of your people, wisdom collecting and a deeper understanding of God’s presence and love for you. Today is the day to consider these things as seasons rush by.

At this point, my biggest treasures are Clay--41 years fought for, given to with as much faithfulness and grace and we could muster. And my precious children, their spouses and my grandchildren. To have had the privilege of raising them, loving them, knowing them now, being close companions is my greatest and most fulfilling gift.

My children do not care if I have accomplished anything of merit--they just want the love and respect and affection of their mama--and I theirs. And at this stage, it is so sweet.

I have been pondering this verse: Psalm 39:4 “LORD, let me know my end, And what is the extent of my days; Let me know how transient I am.”

Lots of fun things on Tea Time Tuesday today—a delicious recipe, music, a mystery series, and so much more. Enjoy!


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Daily Acts of Crafting The Art of Life

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“By wisdom a house is built,

And by understanding it is established;

And by knowledge the rooms are filled

With all precious and pleasant riches.”

Proverbs 24:3-4

This week, as I celebrated one of my children, I realized again how much I feel deep pleasure when I craft design, color, and beauty and become an artist in my home. After so many years, almost 41, it has become second nature—and a deeply gratifying habit of life. I gather my worn dishes, mugs, set the table, play music, light candles, fix a beloved, old recipe and magically, everything comes to life. As women, one of the defining qualities intrinsic in being made in God's image, is the divine ability to create, to cultivate, to subdue, and to take all of the raw materials of our lives and to craft them into something beautiful.

When God laid the foundations of the universe, the splendor and magnificence of vibrant color, eye-captivating beauty, resilient, melodious sounds, the spontaneous response of the shimmering, sparkling morning stars was to celebrate with heavenly choruses singing His praises and worth, while the sons of God shouted and celebrated wildly with joy. (Job 38:6-8) What an overwhelming display of vibrant, heart-filling celebration of His glory it must have been.

So, when we want to display just a small bit of the divine through the beauty of our home, it must encompass all of the moments of life. We must rule over our domains in such a way to have order, rhythms, traditions, and anchors in our schedule that provide for this divine reflection of what God has done.

The Spirit of home, stands at the doorway to compel those outside to enter into a place of life, comfort, rest, beauty.

But, you say, "My life is already so busy, I don't have time to add one more ideal."

The challenge, then, is to find a way to weave beauty, color, and celebration into an already busy life.

Be sure to get a copy of The Lifegiving Home for more on this topic!

Mothering Without Fear with Jennifer PepitoFe

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Fear is a natural emotion that sometimes chokes us from enjoying daily life. All of us who have mothered for some years face some kind of fear at some point or another. We fear we aren’t doing enough. We fear we have made too many mistakes. Can we even reach this child? Are we cut out for this? Our flaws point accusing fingers at us at times.

Something I learned along the way was that I was more than my past, my failures, my insecurities. Many of my difficult times helped me to become humble and more compassionate for others who struggled with some of the same things I was. I also realized that I had truly done some good as well—and that no life was without a few stormy clouds of arbitrary feelings. It is a normal part of the journey.
I have loved Pilgrim’s Progress because it is such a process book. It takes us on a journey through many different challenges, confrontations, encounters with fools and so much more. In my years of mothering, my own gathering of experience and collecting of wisdom came from setons of fear, and seasons of deep joy.

Today, I am so happy to share my conversation with you that my friend Jennifer Pepito and I had earlier this week. As a seasoned mama of 7, she brings gentleness, peace, fun, insight, and wisdom to us mamas on our journey. She has a new book that will come alongside you and bring encouragement.

Jennifer Pepito (www.thepeacefulpress.com) is the founder of The Peaceful Press, a company committed to providing learning resources that promote connection between parents and children. Jennifer's wisdom has also been featured on Wild + Free, The MOB Society, the Washington Post, and Home Educating Family. She unlocked the power of a well-told story, and she wants you to do the same thing.

What are your biggest fears? Join me at At Home with Sally today.

Tea Time Tuesday: Put Away Anger, Put on Love

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Tea time (even if it is with coffee) is a celebrated time in the day just like breakfast, lunch and dinner. Imagine if you took 15 minutes every day to reset, restore, to find peace in your day, what a different sort of life you would live, a different sort of person you might be. -Sally Clarkson

Nathan & Keelia have indeed learned the value of stopping for tea times.

Put Away AngerPsalm 37:8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret, it leads only to evildoing.Psalm 37:8

Psalm 86:15 But You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, Slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.

Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.

Life is complex. Our lives are often different than we dreamed when we were teens.We are stretched in ways we never imagined. Yet, there are secrets to living a sustainable, flourishing life any way. Maturity and wisdom come over time. I wish someone had tutored me in this way of wisdom when I was younger.

I have been contemplating what a poison and waste anger is. Losing our temper makes us feel bad. Anger scares & pushes people away. Children raised with anger & harshness do not as easily learn to believe that God is loving. Anger releases stress hormones that harm our body. There is a way forward, join me today on my podcast as I speak of this.

Learning to be aware of justified feelings inside of me that make me think I have a right to be angry has been a process. When I see them arising, I choose to put them aside, to give the person in front of me grace, to remind myself that anger harms me & others. Growing older wisely means to have more ability to love generously, to forgive, to allow people time to grow as you need time to grow, and to watch over your heart that it might not be eaten up by self-righteousness of bitterness. Put anger and harsh criticism away and put on love.

Today, I continue my focus on the golden era of Children’s Literature Authors & illustrators. Beatrix Potter is a favorite.

Movie: Miss Potter

Music: Miss Potter album by Nigel Westlake

Food: Quick & Easy Cherry Crisp

Happy Tuesday!

Get Your Discipleship Planner

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Dear Precious One,

While homeschooling my four children, I held a mental model of how to view discipleship moments in the life of our family every day. We pictured each child’s heart as a sort of treasure chest, filling it with truth, memories, serving, loving, and receiving love, stories of Christ, and all that we found to be good, acceptable, and true about Him.

We wanted them to be filled with knowledge and reality about God, but we also had a desire for them to live out of full hearts to bring His love and reality to their own worlds. Faith is never to be held in a receptacle, closed and kept inside, but as a living treasure chest, from which to draw in order to send treasures of His love and reality into the world.

I needed a practical plan for each day to know and understand what I wanted to impart in these discipleship moments. We came up with a model that worked for our family called LifeGIFTS. Each letter in the word gifts stood for one of the five areas I held as a grid in my mind to focus on each day: grace, inspiration, faith, training, and service.

Over the next few pages, I’m going to break down what each of those areas meant to us as we sought to train, instruct, and model those gifts for our children.

Praying for you,

Sally Clarkson

To receive your planner, sign up with your email here at SallyClarkson.com, or you can fill out the form to get the planner by clicking here. You will receive a pdf of the planner in your email and then you can print it out. Happy Planning!