Tea Time Tuesday: Our Dwelling Shapes Us

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We shape our dwellings and afterwords, our dwellings shape us.

Winston Churchill

October always thrills me to my toes. Each year, a walk amongst rustling leaves, a slight chill in the air, books read outlaid, meals shared, extended teatimes—all have given me pleasure for so long, it still sings joy in my heart to think of it.

* I hope you will plan to make special memories with your friends, neighbors, children, spouses this month. In many parts of the nation—and certainly in our little corner of Colorado—autumn is the time when the temperatures drop and a chill is felt in the air.

*What fun I had being whisked away with some friends (Paris and northern UK) for an afternoon of chatting and catching up in the lovely Cotswolds, a collection of towns with off-white stone walls queried from the local hills. Cotswold means Hills with Sheep. And that is what you see—-grassy hills with lazy sheep grazing and munching their dinner. My friend gave me a lovely little box of tea from Paris to sip after they left—and guess what?! It was blue—as you can see in the photo above. You’ll have to listen to my podcast to find out what makes it blue—and to hear another of my new favorite teas. It was quite light and refreshing.

*For many years, Clay and I have built our deep companionship over hours of shared cups of tea and sharing hearts, dreams, burdens, and life. I had you peek into our own shared memory because it has lent to us growing closer over years, one cup of tea at a time.

Curling up together on the long cold nights often found the Clarksons reading an epic tale together. One that you must read at some point is A Tale of Two Cities, both historical and literature tied into one tale.

You will love Music for the Lifegiving Home by Joel Clarkson to spread lovely music through your rooms.

A Taco Train (or Tostado Train) is what I am feeding groups in my home this month.

More thoughts of things that make your home a happy one.

When the places inside home are intentionally crafted, these seasons can become the places where memories can be shaped and stored forever. Grace to you. Tell me what is happening in your world.

The Grace of Aging Well

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My beautiful, huge tree took decades to grow strong and tall. Storms, drought, many seasons it was in the making. 

“Though youths grow weary and stumble, tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary” (Isaiah 40:30-31)

Isaiah tells us that when we are young, we stumble, grow weary. When I was young, I was guessing at how to live life well. With each child, each year of marriage, and each year of work, I grew stronger little by little in faith, relationships, work, wisdom, and life. I learned that struggling does not have to define my whole life. Evidently, it was common even in ancient history for younger in life to strain towards flourishing, to seek to come up with answers, to live into ideals while stumbling.

There are many gifts of aging, gaining experience. It comes from waiting, learning, storing up experience and understanding. Yet, our culture is not inclined to appreciate the value of age or the richness of wisdom in contrast to choosing over-confidence and cleverness of youth. Those who have grown older through many years of ideals and trials, yet held fast to God, even in the darkness, have bought for their toil, perspective, wisdom and humility, gentleness.

The older one becomes, the more one understands how little power or control we have over life, circumstances and relationships. The understanding of fighting and scrambling for the things of this world, seeking to make life tame its raging storms, shaking our fist at heaven, becomes futile to one who is focusing more on eternity.

The gift of aging wisely is humility, gentleness and patience. Humility, because of a realization of how finite we are, how much we need and depend on God's grace for our very life; gentleness, because we are ourselves in such need of gentle compassion and love from others in our own frailty; patience, because we have learned that nothing happens on our time schedule, but that in the end, God is good.

These gifts are only for those who determine to chase after Him, who hold fast, even in darkness, who choose to believe when they cannot see.

Living a Story That holds a Legacy

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton

I would love to have this little lamp—isn’t it the best?

As I sit in my warm, candlelit kitchen/sitting room, sipping my tea, I was pondering what it is that keeps one going forward in the battle of life. Chesterton gets it right. We are willing to fight for what is right, give our time to the training of human souls to teach them the stories to hold on to, and staying steadfast because we have loved and tasted the goodness that life was meant to hold.

Seems that life is flying by again for me during this season. As I watch the leaves rain softly to the ground, the colors give their last bit of glory before disappearing into a pile on the ground. I am reminded that my own life reflects seasons. I want to take advantage of this time to its fullest that I may have been a good soldier in this battle between darkness and light & left a bit of the glory and light I have known.

Chesterton also articulated my philosophy for children:

“Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed.”
― G.K. Chesterton.

My goal with my family was help them realize they would have a part in the slaying of dragons in their world, & to cultivate the imagination that dragons could be slain by them..

Teatime Tuesday this week has a lovely colorful salad recipe, an interesting movie, a thought about Angela Lansbury’s life, a favorite children’s book, a new tea I have loved and a grand story of how God was working through a great story behind the scenes and showed His hand in surprising ways.

Much of our dragon-slaying takes place in obscure moments, hidden training to face the battle, times to learn just what the goodness is that is worth giving our lives to—but we are warriors nonetheless.

Praying for you, my sweet friends, that you may have strength, mercy and grace for your life today. Take time to enjoy and breathe in peace—make it a habit—”life is indeed a long obedience in the same direction.”

Freedom! From Bondage to A Life of Joy

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In almost everything that touches our everyday life on earth, God is pleased when we're pleased. He wills that we be as free as birds to soar and sing our maker's praise without anxiety.

- A. W. Tozer

Words have the power to shape our vision for life, to open wide our understanding of God’s nature, to motivate us in our life-long goals. Words have power. I am so excited about this week’s word: Freedom.

Drawing unique designs for my little granddaughter Lilian is what she often wants me to do.

“Draw me something with patterns that I can color in!!”

And so I drew a whole page full of differently sized triangles with borders around them so she could color the outsides in different colors.

“Oh, good job, Queenie. I just love the way you draw.”

I am so happy when my sweet one is happy—it is my delight to please her and see her respond to my own love. It is what Tozer said, God is pleased when we are pleased and wants us to be free as birds!

This week’s word, freedom, is very biblical and soooo wonderfully encouraging—such a profound Biblical word to understand and live by.

Freedom in a biblical sense means: emancipation, the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved

We do not have to be slaves to our shame, our failures, our weakness. We have been emancipated, let out of guilty land, because of His work. Just look at some of these verses:

Romans 8: 2: For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death.

Galatians 5:13 : For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love.

II Cor. 3: 17: Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Jesus opened his ministry with this reading from Isaiah, (Luke 4:18): "The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free,

Great news indeed!

May this week’s podcast encourage you to your toes.


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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

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Launch Day! Giving Your Words!

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WooHoo! Launch Day is here.

Today, Giving Your Words is officially out in the world. Many of you have asked Clay to join me in an interview about our book. So today, we have a special podcast for you together about how Giving Your Words came about—from his perspective. I loved recording this together because some of the keys to our own wisdom in mentoring our children came out in the conversation. I hope it will greatly encourage you. And it might just be the podcast you and your husband could listen to together.

Clay and I will be together on an Insta live today, 10/18, at 7:00 pm London time (1 pm Central, 2pm Eastern, 12pm Mountain, 11am Pacific). I hope you will join us.

Also, be sure to enter into the giveaway of a tea time zoom call with me! We will be giving some books away, too! (For those who have entered on Sallyclarkson.com on the Giving Your Words book page, you are already entered for the graphic posters and Words prompts as well as the giveaway.)

To enter the giveaway through any of my social media platforms, just tag a friend in the comments and you will be entered.

Please get your own copy of Giving Your Words! We hope it will be of great encouragement to you.

Baker Books has already sold out of their stock, but you can other stores are just now able to send out from their warehouses—Amazon, Barnes and Noble, ChristianBook.com, Lifeway, Half-price books, etc.

Our hope is that parents all over the world will become even more skillful at leaving their children a legacy of words and messages giving hope, foundational faith, unconditional love and painting a vision for a lifetime.

Thanks to everyone who has been helping me get this book into the world! Blessings and blessings to all of you, my friends.

See you soon.

Giving Your Words: An Interview with Clay Clarkson

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

Launch week for our newest book, Giving Your Words, is upon us. Many of you have asked Clay to join me in an interview about our book. So today and tomorrow, we have a special podcast for you together about how Giving Your Words came about—from his perspective. I loved recording this together because some of the keys to our own wisdom in mentoring our children came out in the conversation. I hope it will greatly encourage you. And it might just be the podcast you and your husband could listen to together.

Clay and I will be together on an Insta live tomorrow at 7:00 pm London time, Tuesday night, 1 O’clock Central, 2 Eastern, 12 Mountain, 11 Pacific. I hope you will join us.

Also, be sure to enter into the giveaway of a tea time zoom call with me—and include 6 friends with you and a fun tea time package to help your party along. We just might be giving some books away, too! For those who have entered on Sallyclarkson.com on the Giving Your Words book page, you are already entered for the graphic posters and Words prompts as well as the giveaway. If you have not signed up on that page, leave a comment here and tag a friend and you will be entered! Share abroad! And be sure to snag a copy of the book for yourself. Baker Books has already sold out of their stock, but you can other stores are just now able to send out from their warehouses—Amazon, Barnes and Noble, ChristianBook.com, Lifeway, Half-price books, etc. You can connect on my website SallyClarkson.com

Our hope is that parents all over the world will become even more skillful at leaving their children a legacy of words and messages giving hope, foundational faith, unconditional love and painting a vision for a lifetime.

Thanks for everyone who has been helping me get this book into the world! Blessings and blessings to all of you, my friends.

Tea Time Tuesday: Aslan's Sympathy, Delicious Tartes, & Adventure

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

“The return from the walk, and the arrival of tea, should be exactly coincident, and not later than a quarter past four.”


I agree, Lewis! If only my life could be so predictable and if only there was someone ahead of me preparing it for me to serve me at just the right time. I have to admit, there is almost no more thoughtful deed done for me that I appreciate than when someone makes me a very hot, strong cup of tea and serves it to me wherever I am sitting or working,

Look at this amazingly large scoop of clotted cream! I was with a friend and we ordered one simple scone—but the cream was as large as the scone! (Pretty sure my cholesterol went up 25 points that day.) And of course, raspberry jam. I really love a scone with tea on a special occasion when I can take a bit more time to enjoy.

In light of my Lewis week, another favorite tea time quote which is known by many?

“You can’t get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”

I am always a bit sad when a good book is over. I miss the characters who have become my friends. And, when a cup of tea comes to an end, I always wish for more.

This week, I was submerged in Lewis Land. One evening found me with scholars meeting over a French-themed dinner at the Kilns, Lewis’ home. Lots of fun, great food, and bubbling conversation. And so today, I thought I would share with you one of my favorite books of his and my favorite quote from that book. (Please do tell me—leave a comment: What is your favorite Lewis book and why?)

Mine is: The Magician’s Nephew gives a reflective, soul-touching account of creation that I love. I also love Aslan’s gentle treatment of a young boy, Digory, about the illness of his mother—a picture of Aslan’s (and God’s) compassion and sympathy for us when we experience grief.

As you will hear, I have had several days of faulty technology with my computer and mics, so I was unable to publish my podcast on Monday or Tuesday, so today is Tea Time Tuesday on Wednesday.

Today I speak of choral music, tastes of French food, adventures in a flower farm cafe, the best bread, finding light in the darkest clouds of life, Jacqui adventures, and more.

And do you know what Oculi omnium is? Listen to this choral piece online and find out why I asked you about it this week.

My friend, may I assure you that none of you bear grief or sorrow that Christ does not see. Always He feels sorrow with us and wants to hold us as we move through these times. Lewis reminds us through this passage:

“But please, please - won't you - can't you give me something that will cure Mother?' (Digory)
Up till then he had been looking at the Lion's great feet and the huge claws on them; now, in his despair, he looked up at its face. What he saw surprised him as much as anything in his whole life. For the tawny face was bent down near his own and (wonder of wonders) great shining tears stood in the Lion's eyes. They were such big, bright tears compared with Digory's own that for a moment he felt as if the Lion must really be sorrier about his Mother than he was himself.

’My son, my son,' said Aslan. 'I know. Grief is great.’”

(The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis)

Rest yourself for a few minutes, brew your favorite drink and join me for fun, inspiration, interesting moments in my week. What about your week—and what Lewis book is your favorite?

Grace Is the Word (Giving Your Words)

Grace, one of the most profound words. Get it right and your whole life will flourish.

The word grace in Hebrew means favor—to bow oneself in the service of another in order to show kindness, attentive love, favor.

John tells us that Jesus’s grace is over and over again.

John 1:16: For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.

Hebrews 4:16 Therefore let’s approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace for help at the time of our need.

We approach His throne of grace with no fear, no worry of rejection, no shame because we are assured we will receive mercy and grace—help in our time of need.

Grace—undeserved kindness & attention in detail to show us blessing.

As a parent, I find that my heart is for my children, I go to great lengths to help, comfort, pray, provide, encourage them. I would do anything if it would bring them blessing or protection. They have a deep place of belonging in my heart, thoughts and plans.

So it is with God.

He is the ultimate One who is kind and gives His grace to us because we are His beloved children.

Grace is to personally experience the unending forgiveness, love, favor of God because of His nature to be kind, good, loving and compassionate with His children. God is the ultimate source of grace.

His grace as an artist created a world in which we could find deep joy in music, feel the comfort of a warm fire on a cold night, have a sense of pleasure from a child who snuggles against us, a husband who cares for us and gives his love. God’s grace is multidimensional and actually touches all of our senses and the very thoughts of our hearts.

Grace is: patience in the middle of the night when a hormonal teen pours out their heart and we receive them with love and affirmation.

*Bringing flowers to a neighbor who is ill

*Reading a story or book outlaid that gives our imagination hope and peace.

*Patiently rocking & singing to a toddler when they have awakened you, one more time, —giving them what they need with gentleness.

Live in His grace!

Be sure to preorder your copy of Giving Your Words:



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  • Leave an iTunes Review These are so important as they help our podcast reach more women with messages of encouragement.

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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Tea Time Tuesday: A Murder Mystery, Coffee Treat, Music, Dear Wallflower Podcast & More

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

Dare I eat chocolate sweets before I have my breakfast? What do you think? I had never been served such a treat for breakfast before this. Yes, was my decision and it was correct. Listen for the rest of this week’s adventures!

“Come along inside…We’ll see if tea and buns can make the world a better place.”

Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows

Oh, how I love this quote! I think I am soooo very British at heart. Someone recently commented to me, you know, I think to a Brit, tea is the greatest treasure. It will solve all problems and lighten all stress. I love Wind in the Willows and the humorous and delightful animal heroes and all the antics.

Last week’s adventures took me on journeys fun and mysterious:

A real murder mystery, a creepy ghostly jazz musician invading the old church we were in, a rain storm, a hike through shadowy woods with my littles, a sunset for a queen, and a delectable new coffee dessert I had never heard of that tempted me two nights in a row.

*Music and songs to encourage stole my attention.

*Dear Wallflower podcast host, Keelia Clarkson shares her vision for a gentle, warm community of kindred women.

*And so much more to delight.

Join me for another fun podcast of Tea Time Tuesday! And don’t forget to get your copy of my newest book, Giving Your Words.

Grab a cuppa something that is your favorite, sit back and enjoy.

Giving Your Words: Discernment: Wisdom to Navigate Life

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“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” -Rm 12:2

Today's word is discernment: the insight to understand what is true to navigate life in wisdom

Contrary voices fill our world with conflict and confusion. Culture has turned our children's training grounds into a battlefield. With relative morality, confusing voices, compromise of ideals, secular media values and opposing opinions, where will our children find clarity and strong, secure values to embrace?

Where do our children learn to discern what is true? By watching us as we walk with integrity at home, my children received from my life, training for battles that were ahead of them. By walking through the obstacles, curves of our lives, trusting God, living by faith, choosing to endure, our children became familiar with what it looked like to walk with God amidst of their own challenges. By memorizing & pondering scripture.

Children watch us, listen to us when we are talking to others, hear us behind closed doors as we talk to our husband, see us in public. Our lives are the walk that our children will imitate.

When your children are not sure which way to go, how to respond, or what is right or wrong, do they come to you for guidance? Do they know that you are the one to ask for wisdom in difficult moments?

No matter how old your children become, you are the example for them. They will look at you to see integrity, ideals, and how you interact with God. The longer you provide your children with wisdom based on truth, the more they will quickly consider your advice as they walk their own adult journey. Still, on a daily basis, I am walking with my adult children. They learned to trust their "path guide" on the trail of life we walked together, day by day.

We lead the way, set a solid foundation for the paths our children will follow. Teaching our children to walk truly never ends.

Are you walking with discernment today? Does your life show integrity?

For further study and practical devotions to do with your children, get your copy of Giving Your Words.


Books Referenced in this Podcast:



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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!