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Today, Darcy and I were so bored, we almost burst a gasket. She ran wildly round the yard and I pondered a way of escape—I need a trip, stimulation, fun, a girlfriend to go to a movie with, an adventure.
It wasn’t that I didn’t have a million things to do, plenty of deadlines and duties on my plate. But I had been pushing too hard and not attending to my human needs in other areas of my life.
I am a pretty driven person and have practiced working hard and being responsible for many years. But, sometimes, a girl gets bored with normal life, can’t wash one more dish or fill one more deadline or do one more responsible thing.
I think I will be more spiritual and more loving if I pay attention to myself and let some of the pressure out by shaking it up a bit. Planning for breaks is a very wise mature thing to do, as we are all on a long distance run. We are not just duty bound to work hard, God said he gave us “all good things to enjoy.” He created us with the ability to laugh, to experience pleasure (a massage, perhaps? dark chocolate salted almond bar? A Romantic movie? a new bright lipstick?).
Sarah and I recently sat at about 3 in the afternoon, we had both been caring for babies, up and down the stairs, rocking, singing, doing sticker books, playing with play dough—and both of us thought, “How are we going to make it until dinner time?” and then we giggled.
All of us become bored and weary of duty and work at times. But learning that it is not bad to feel like escaping—just a normal part of a demanding life—can give us permission to take a little break.
A few years ago, Joy had Sarah and me in stitches one afternoon when we picked her up after a morning spent working at our local MOPS group. She had just been assigned to the two-year-olds, a more challenging group than those she'd worked with previously.There were stories about all sorts of body fluids--specifically one little boy whose mom said he was being potty trained and who had been sent with no diapers--only underwear--and eventually cried, sobbed, screamed twice when he had accidents, and soused his clothes again and again, with Joy to clean it up. Joy was wondering if this was what most moms called "potty training." There were other stories about nose junk, bottom junk. sucking junk; kids sneezing on her, hitting each other, hitting her, screaming--and by the time we picked her up, she was exhausted!
"Did you go through all of this with us?" she asked, incredulous. "How did you make it???"
Told her I'm not really sure how I made it, but somehow muddled through. Also advised her just to be sure not to have ten two-year olds at once!
But there are just times in life or parenting or mothering or marriage that seem overwhelming and too depleting to handle. A few years ago, I came up with an idea that seemed to express our need! We decided that some days would call for us to have a Sobr Club and throw caution to the wind and leave all of our duties and responsibilities behind and play. SOBR is pronounced Sober but stands for:
SOBeR-Sick Of Being Responsible
There are times that we all just have to take a break! On our sober club nights, we always do something that we want to do that is just for us--sometimes we even ask friends to join us--go to dinner, a movie, a walk in the mountains, take a drive to see the city lights--music blaring, windows down--just cruising and trying to relax. We do something different--go away from the stress, from the kids. We do not talk about any of the problems or money or stress or ministry. We just relax, have fun, get away and lighten up.
With friends or my girls, SOBeR Club nights can include going to some fun cafe, shopping for just one cute pair of earrings or a lipstick, something little or fun that we would all like. Joy prepared a small package with a Warm Vanilla Sugar candle, lotion and perfume for me as a surprise the last time I needed a sobr club time! Sarah bought me a piece of dark chocolate with almonds and suggested going somewhere for a massage, by stealing a few dollars from our little drawer where we put away dollar bills each month to have on "rainy" days.
The principle is similar to that of the Sabbath. Get away from the responsibilities. Go to a park when your kids are driving you nuts. Stop having school and go do something fun. Take a nap. Watch a movie instead of doing one more chore, buy some flowers when it is snowing for ten days straight--just shake things up a little. Life is still there tomorrow after the SOBeR club meeting, and after we've all blown off a little steam, we can then can face the responsibilities with a little bit fresher outlook.
. Tomorrow I will get back to responsibility--but tonight I am just going To probably eat 2 chocolate chip cookies—not one, have someone else make dinner (fast food? Cafe? Call for servants?meal Have Clay make us some oatmeal :)) go to sleep and snuggle up in my covers.
Maybe you need a SOBeR club meeting of your own. Take care of yourself, you need some color, fun, grace, stimulation, a maid and a whole night of sleep. Wishing you well.
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